Saturday, August 1, 2009

Number One Varicose Veins Prevention Tips For Pregnant Women

By Erin Mullins

Many girls first notice varicose veins and spider veins appearing during their first pregnancy. These unpleasant veins often appear on the lower legs and can be accompanied by painful, swelling and itching. Understanding how to stop this condition can greatly reduce any discomfort in your legs and help you regain your leg energy and attractiveness.

There are several reasons for leg vein problems

- the growth of the uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava ( the giant vein on the right side of your body), putting added stress on leg veins.

- the increased quantity of blood in your body adds pressure.

- your progesterone levels rise when you're with child, which causes the walls of the blood vessels to chill, weakening them.

- carrying twins or higher multiples adds more weight and pressure on legs.

- if other family have have leg vein problems you might be more susceptible to getting them

There is a positive side to this - if you probably did not have varicose veins before becoming pregnant, then the condition will most likely lessen after you give birth - especially if you follow the prevention tips below.

How to stop and get rid of existing vein problems:

-- Exercise daily by taking brisk walks to boost your circulation and to brace leg muscles and veins. Duck sitting or standing for long periods. Shift your weight from one foot to the other when standing to increase circulation.

-- Eat a high-fiber diet to prevent constipation (the pushing can cause vein problems and hemorrhoids) and try to keep your weight within the advised range at every stage of your pregnancy. Include oats, barley, beans, peas, lentils, baked potato with the skin, brown rice, whole grain, and masses of veggies and fruits in your diet.

-- Elevate your legs particularly when reading or watching Television . When lying down place your feet on a folded pillow to raise them higher than your heart. Some ladies even sleep this way.

-- Don't cross your legs at the knees, cross them at the ankles instead.

-- Sleep on your left side to reduce the weight of the uterus on the inferior vena cava ( which is on your right side ). Put a pillow behind your back and one under your feet to help you stay on your left side and to decrease pressure on legs and feet.

-- Wear elastic support hose if your legs or ankles are distended. Put them on first thing in the morning to keep blood from pooling in the lower leg veins. Medical supply stores and drugstores carry these stockings. They should be tighter at the ankle and get looser as they are going up the leg so blood can easily flow back up towards your heart.

-- Try using natural varicose vein cream and lotions that are safe for pregnant women to help heal and reduce the dimensions of varicose veins and forestall swelling, itching and burning. The herbal ingredient Calendula is a soothing and tough circulation enhancer renowned for its anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. It has a dazzling capacity to shrink varicose veins and scale back the appearance of spider veins too.

Weak, distended veins are preventable. Doing these top Dallas varicose veins prevention pointers is important with each successive pregnancy to maintain leg vein health. These tips can help your body to fix itself while they give you improved circulation and increased vitality and energy - something each mum desires in order to get the best out of life and to enjoy a healthy, ecstatic and comfortable pregnancy. - 14130

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