Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Safe and Natural Labor Induction Methods

By Molly Black

"When will I go into labor?" That seems to be the most common question on an expectant mom's mind. No one can tell you when you will go into labor or what causes labor to begin. Nature seems to have the upper-hand when it comes to labor and childbirth. What we do know and what medical science can prove is that your body has to be "ready" for labor to begin. To get ready, doctors insist that moms be patient and not stress over when labor will begin. However, if your due date is rapidly approaching or has already passed you can help nature along by using at-home methods of labor induction. There are several things moms can do at home to de-stress and help induce labor. Expectant moms are encouraged to pamper themselves daily with warm baths surrounded by candles and soft music, relaxing pre-natal or belly massages, and even meditation. Visualization techniques can also help you relax and get in touch with your unborn baby, as you envision yourself bringing him into the world.

These techniques will help get your body ready, physically and mentally, to try other techniques of inducing labor at home. Your physician will strongly suggest you practice caution with at-home methods of inducing labor and to only attempt these techniques if you have reached at least 37 weeks in your pregnancy.

Physical Stimulation Sexual intercourse is a very common method of inducing labor at home. While many women do not feel comfortable having sex so late in pregnancy, others welcome the idea because of its likelihood to induce labor. A male's semen contains hormones called prostaglandins, which aid in the onset of labor by helping the cervix thin and soften when the two come in contact. This will help the cervix dilate and become ready for active labor. Another advantage to sex is the high possibility of uterine contractions if the woman has an orgasm.

Nipple stimulation is a type of physical stimulation a lot of women are embarrassed to try. This technique can cause the release of the hormone oxytocin, which will prompt contractions. Nipple stimulation requires you to rub the nipple between your fingers for an average of 15 minutes several times a day. If you are uncomfortable with this technique, you can try placing a hot towel on your breasts to help trigger the release of oxytocin. Doctors will suggest that you only use nipple stimulation if you are at or passed your due date because of the risk of the strong, painful contractions that may result.

Walking is probably the easiest and most recommended method of inducing labor at home. Low impact exercise like walking does not over-work your body but allows for just enough pressure on the cervix. Walking also helps rock the pelvis and allows the baby to reposition and get ready to enter the birth canal.

Diet Changes, Herbs, and Oils Some women claim that eating spicy food has helped in inducing labor at home. Eating spicy food naturally stimulates the bowels which helps stimulate the uterus, causing it to contract.

Evening primrose oil and castor oil are natural oils that can also be used to naturally and safely induce labor. Medical studies have yet to prove the actual effectiveness of these oils but many women can attest to their results. Mixing a dose of castor oil with another liquid or food makes it easier to drink and digest. This oil is said to help stimulate the bowels and uterus. Primrose oil is found in gel caps that can be taken orally or inserted vaginally for greater effect on cervix softening and thinning.

An herbal specialist or midwife can provide you with plant roots called cohash. Those that have tried this method claim that blue and black cohash aid in inducing labor at home, though there are few medical studies that prove their effectiveness. - 14130

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