Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Does A Successful Reiki Master Training Has To Offer?

By Tom Om

If somebody has the strong intend to be involved or to practice Reiki, a proper Reiki Master Training is essential to experience the complete Reiki development.

The ability to do Reiki is not something that can be learned in the normal sense. Rather it is something which is activated or awakened within the individual through a process of Initiation " what we call an Reiki Master Attunement.

This Attunement is the central focus of each Reiki Master Training Degree and involves a special energetic transfer technique whereby the Reiki Teacher (Master) essentially re-patterns or re-calibrates the student's etheric field & subtle chakra system.

Using an Internet Technology analogy, its a like transferring a specific data program, which enables the student to interact and work with the Reiki power. The Reiki master will download a copy of that program into your being, thereby enabling you to also interact and work with the Reiki energy.

Reiki Master Training Essentials - Attunements: How to receive a Reiki Master Attunement?

The preparation for receiving a distance attunement is extremely simple:

Beforehand you will agree with your Reiki Master on specific date to transfer the energies. You set at least 30 minutes set aside where you will be comfortable and free from distractions. It is up to you if you want to receive your attunement before or after reading the Reiki Master Manual. In my opinion you should read the Manual first.

About 5 minutes before the attunement starts, you should sit or lay down in your comfortable area. There is no need to be on the phone or computer during the attunement, as our connection is made possible through Spirit /Source/God/ Goddess/ The Universe/ and finally our Higher Self. After getting comfortable, you should set your intention (affirmation/prayer) to receive the attunement. Then, simply lay back, relax , and enjoy the energy. That's it. Relax and feel easy!

There is nothing else you need, except you want to create a sacred environment. You might use candles and music to create a pleasant atmosphere while receiving the attunements.

Feelings: You may or may not feel anything physically but this does not mean that the attunement didn't work. You have been empowered with a very special gift that you may need to work with for a while before the changes begin to take place. If you have time after the attunement, I suggest taking about 30 minutes to an hour to do a Self - healing.

Cleansing Period: The first 21-30 days after your attunement are what is known as your cleansing period. During this time, you may want to stay away from the following as much as possible: Red meat, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. You should also drink plenty of water each day and give yourself Reiki Healings as often as possible.

The Attunement procedure is the real joy in the Reiki Master Training. Be excited! - 14130

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