Saturday, August 15, 2009

Surgery for Cellulite Treatment

By El Bilson

Are you considering undergoing surgery for cellulite treatment. Youre not alone. Many women turn to surgery as a way to get the perfect body including flawless skin. Is surgery really an option for cellulite removal? Or are plastic surgeons just trying to sell you another cosmetic procedure?

Can you really get rid of your cellulite through surgery? What non surgical treatments for cellulite " are they effective? The following is a look at ways in which cellulite can be resolved:

Liposuction " One of the most common surgical procedures, liposuction involves removing fat from specific areas of the body. Many people think that lipo will help get rid of their cellulite. This is not necessarily true however. A technique called cellulite lysing has been used by some plastic surgeons as a way to effectively get rid of cellulite. This uses a liposuction cannula " a hollow tube powered by gas or electricity that creates a v shape within the fat cells. This area is then injected with fat to fill the space and smooth the skin.

Mesotherapy " This non surgical procedure involves injecting small amounts of amino acids and vitamins beneath the surface of the skin. This helps break down the fat tissue and can lead to improved circulation. Many people have experienced good results through the use of mesotherapy. On the same hand, many women report little to no results at all.

Fat Injections " A technique that has been gaining popularity recently is fat injections. The fat is obtained from sites in the abdomen and flank areas of your body. It is used as a filler for areas that may need to be smoothed out. One of the problems with fat injections is that the results may not always last for a very long time. Because of this, many people may find this technique to be cost prohibitive.

Endermologie " This non surgical procedure involves using a mechanical roller massager to break up cellulite and help you achieve the appearance of smooth skin. While this is a non surgical procedure, it can be costly however and does involve several sessions. A healthy diet and regular exercise are important factors in making sure that the results last.

In conclusion, there are many techniques available today that can help you get rid of cellulite. Surgery for cellulite treatment is also available. However it is not necessary to go under the knife to get rid of cellulite.

Many women report good success at treating their cellulite simply by exercise and eating correctly. A technique called dry brushing can be used to help break up fat deposits and improve the appearance of the skin. Dont forget that surgery for cellulite treatment can be painful and expensive! Make sure to do research and find a surgeon you are comfortable with before you go under the knife! - 14130

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