Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Panic Attack Cures - The Four Best Tips!

By Riley West

Panic attack cures can be divided into four lifestyle areas and any one of them, or a combination, can be just what you need to stop these horrible, anxiety born, episodes of panic.

I had heightened anxiety and panic attacks for six years! And now I know that I could have gotten rid of these life ruining disorders in the first part of the first year.

If you are reading this article, you either know someone who has these issues, or you have panic attack and anxiety problems yourself.

Let's look at four ways to stop or reduce the severity of panic attacks or, conversely, make them worse. When you compare doing these four things to the suffering they relieve, I think you'll agree that the panic attack cures are actually easy to follow.

First - Exercise is one of the best things for reducing stress and anxiety in general, not to mention all the other great things that come from improving your overall fitness level.

Go for a walk! This is some of the best therapy. Get a pedometer and start measuring your walk. Add ten more steps each day. Think about the good things you see along the way. Concentrate on your walk. Don't think about anything that upsets you or makes you anxious.

Try doing it this way. Say to yourself, while walking, something like this..."I'm on my walk. Walking is good for me. I get better with every walk. I don't have to think about bad things on my walk. I look at the beauty all around me. I don't have panic attacks out here. Walking is good for me. I get better and better every day." Or something similar.

You'll love how much better you'll feel after taking a walk while repeating your little positive mantra over and over again. Believe it. It works for me! More importantly, make certain you do it approximately every other day. Or more if you can.

Second - Your Diet. Quit caffeine entirely or at least reduce it. This is big! Caffeine makes you nervous. Why would you want to increase your anxiety? Eat well rounded meals and get good sleep, too. This second tip very important, but when you combine it with the first tip, a little exercise, it is HUGE! Just do it!

Third - Diversion and distraction. You may have generalized anxiety at higher levels than usual and concentrating on something you are very interested in, or that you are very good at is wonderful for lowering anxiety.

Read a good book, watch a new or favorite movie, listen to books on tape. Books on tape are very useful on walks! Really relaxing.

Fourth - This is the best of the Panic Attack Cures. It's the big one. This is the one that saved me. The other things, the exercise, the diet, the distractions, they were all very good and very helpful. But this is changing how you think! And it's easy!

Yes, I stopped my panic attacks and lowered my overall anxiety by accidentally changing the way I think. It's really just a simple thought process shift, and it works! But it had been a long six years. I could have done this shift in thinking in the first two weeks of my six year odyssey! It was changing my way of thinking that was the panic attack cure for me. The other things helped, too, but this is the "big one".

You can do this, too. You don't have to have panic attacks for years on end. You can get the help you need now! And you can stop panic attacks fast.

I know how awful it feels to suffer from these hyper-anxiety bouts, but I also know the the cure for these things is strong, swift, easy, and permanent.

You can have your life back! And when you get it back it will be the best day of your life! - 14130

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