Sunday, August 30, 2009

Psychic Ability: 5 Ways To Become More Psychic

By Tana Hoy

5 Things You Can Do to Enhance Your Natural Psychic Ability

Psychic ability is something that you were born with, so all you need to do is to learn how to further develop it. You may have advanced psychic abilities, which simply need a bit of brushing up; or you may feel that there is still a lot of areas to improve on when it comes to your psychic ability. In any case, here are some things you can do to further develop your natural psychic gift!


Begin developing your psychic ability by learning the basics of meditation and visualization. Meditation and visualization will help you maintain focus and channel your attention and energies. Meditation helps you to have more control over your mind, and visualization increases your ability to see with your Third Eye.


Developing your psychic ability can be a fun activity! Find a friend who is willing to participate in your psychic development and practice reading your friend!

Sit down opposite your friend in an undisturbed location. Spend a quiet moment together, during which your friend thinks of a specific person, object, or event, and holds that thought in his or her mind. At the same time, you relax and clear your mind completely. When you are ready, try to sense or pick up what your friend is focusing on in his or her mind. Later on, check with your friend to see if your answers are correct!

It may take a few more tries (and a lot of fun and laughter with your friend) before you are able to pick up things correctly, but that is perfectly okay. With regular practice, you will find yourself being more receptive to the energies of people and things around you, making it easier for you to establish a connection with them.


"Whats next?" is the question you must answer in this activity. Its fun and you can do it by yourself anytime and anywhere you are! What you do is you try to pick up whats coming up next " it could be the type of vehicle that will pass you by next as you look out your window, or the dish you will find at the dinner table. Eventually, you will find yourself having an easier time in identifying whats going to happen next!


Every morning, pick a Tarot card from your deck. Determine what it means on your own, based on your own perception. At the end of the day, refer to the Tarot guide that comes with your cards.

Later on, as you continue to do this, you will see a stronger connection between your own perception of the card and its actual meaning. You will also see this strong correlation reflected in how your day actually turns out, which means that your own perception of things is becoming more accurate.


Having a psychic reading will also help you in developing your psychic ability. Being able to feel a psychics energies can inspire your inner psychic. A good psychic can also identify any blocked or reserved energies within you, and help you release and fully utilize them. A psychic is also a great person to talk to when it comes to the development of your psychic ability, since he or she is someone who has mastered it already.

Enhancing Your Psychic Ability

Psychic Ability is something that we are all born with. You may have had some experiences where you just knew who was calling on the phone, or that a letter would be coming within the day, or maybe even what someone was thinking. During these moments, it was like you just naturally knew what was going to happen.

The level of your psychic ability may differ from others. You may have more advanced abilities than others, or you may feel as though you have yet to discover it. In any case, psychic ability is a natural gift which you already possess; you just need to develop it so you can put it to good use! - 14130

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