Monday, August 17, 2009

Natural Cholesterol Cures - Steps You Need To Take

By Nicole Beckman

Individuals that have high cholesterol levels of LDL will be much better off with natural cholesterol cures than Statin drugs. Natural cures are focused on important lifestyle changes, very important for lowering cholesterol and personal health.

Some may prefer to use of medication many of these drugs often have serious side effects that can cause other health problems. Turning towards natural cholesterol cures are a much better solution to the problem.

Alternative Medicine

Natural cholesterol cures can take the form of alternative medicine and therapy if the individual is willing to try a natural method of treating high LDL level. There are several herbs and botanicals which promote reduction of bad cholesterol presence in the blood stream as well as help and individual in losing weight to combat the fatty deposits and presence in the body.

Increasing fiber in the diet is a very fast and effective way to reduce LDL levels. The fiber works by binding to the cholesterol and thereby preventing its absorption into the blood. Fiber and cholesterol is then excreted as human waste.

Another possible natural cholesterol option through alternative medicine is garlic. This herb is supposed to aid in effectively lowering the LDL level of an individual.

Exercise and Diet

These two are also a great combination as natural cholesterol cures, diet and exercise work best together. Regulating ones food intake to foods that contain less harmful fats and oil can help to lower the levels of LDL in the body.

Exercise works by using up excess fat for energy. Not only that but it will also improve blood circulation that in turn will help with fatty deposits in the arteries. Diet and exercise are certainly the best natural cholesterol cures.

Limiting or totally stopping smoking and alcohol intake can also be considered as an effective natural cholesterol cures option. These affect the function of the blood and the arteries which can contribute to a malfunction that can contribute to plaque deposits in the arterial walls.

Implementing these lifestyle changes will improve and extend your life. - 14130

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