Monday, August 24, 2009

Yoga Music For Meditation Series - The Word OM

By Mariah Claiere


Everything in the universe originates from a primal vibration, in Christianity called the WORD. In Hinduism this concept is called OM. OM and the WORD are an expression of a universal principle, a vibration, a primordial sound which is the source of everything that exists.

This idea is touched upon by Pythagoras in his famous idea about the "Music of the Spheres". In this idea physical sound is but a mere reflection of the cosmic sound or LOGOS (as it is called in Greek).

Christianity And The Word

The Christian tradition speaks of the power of the word. God speaks words and creates universes. "God said: Let there be light. And light came" (book of Moses). God utters words and the universe is created.

This is symbolically a form of sound emanation from a higher reality, which we in our physical reality call a word. The symbolism is clear, and is the same in different spiritual and religious traditions; reality is created by sound or vibration.

OM And The Atom

Modern physics and the upanishads from India may at first glance seem very different but both support the idea of the universe consisting of vibration and that there exists a kind of primordial vibration.

When we dive into the atom we discover that all matter is in a state of vibration. That vibrations come close to our perception of sound in its poetical quality of music, is expressed by the physicist Dr. Donald Hatch, who states that the universe is not made of matter, but music gives a modern equivalent to the idea of OM as the sound of creation.

Sound And Matter

We know that the solidity of matter is an illusion and that all matter consists of atoms, separated in enormous distances compared to their size. And that the atoms themselves are not at all solid, but consist of energy in movement.

The scientist Donald Andrews describes the universe as consisting of atoms which send out a main tone, which then combine in groups forming molecules which he poetically sees as being cosmic chords. All matter and forms can be seen as living entities comprised of chords with each their own complex sound.

OM In Everyday Life

The creation myths might in fact also be describing the process of creation which continually happens within us. All our thoughts, feelings and emotions create their own chords which crystallize in the complex chords of our personalities and being. Our main aim would then be to make this a harmonious chord which sounds beautifully and harmonically with the chord of the universe. Only then can we be truly happy when we are in true "harmony" with the universe.

Matter comes out of vibration. Matter is vibration. Matter is OM which crystallizes into our physical reality. The universe exists only through the continual emanation of the WORD. Without the WORD there would be but pure empty space which the ancient yogis of India term as "ANANDA". This is the original state of the universe before it came into creation.

OM As A Spiritual Practice

Advanced practitioners of Yoga have always felt OM as real as the air that they breath. Christian mystics have long know of power of the WORD in themselves and the outside universe. They feel at a deep level the continual emanating of the word OM in the continual creation processes taking place.

Seen in this way we are all co-creators of the manifestation in each and every minute, by sending out the Word in the form of thoughts, wishes, emotions and speech. We make our own symphony and we are responsible to make this symphony harmonize with the cosmic symphony!

So be ever mindful of all your thoughts, emotions and actions because the universe hears you and responds! - 14130

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