Saturday, August 22, 2009

Important Facts About Your Stretch Mark Solution

By Maia Pells

Selecting an effective stretch mark solution can take a lot of time and even then, it doesn't guarantee us 100% effectiveness. This is because skins vary and differ from person to person. The stretch mark solution for you may not necessarily be the stretch mark solution for me. However, we can look into several stretch mark solution facts that are based on skin components common in all skin types in order for us to choose the best stretch mark solution.

Fact #1: Different people can give you different stretch mark solution advice.

It is not surprising to get different stretch mark solution advice from different people. You dermatologist may advise you that the best stretch mark solution would be a dermabrasion session while your surgeon may advise you to go for surgery. The truth is that every stretch mark solution option has its own pros and cons.

Dermabrasion may be a less invasive solution than surgery but it does not directly remove the stretch mark scars. It only drastically exfoliates the top layer of the skin, getting rid of dead skin cells in order to make room for new ones. But since stretch marks develop from the inner layers of the skin, dermabrasion may not yield very lasting effects if you want your stretch marks removed.

Compared to dermabrasion, surgery is a more effective stretch mark solution. However, it is also more risky, more invasive, more costly. Furthermore, surgery for stretch mark may not work for some parts of the body. Currently, only abdominal stretch marks can be resolved with a tummy tuck but this can also give you weeks of pain and discomfort, not to mention the risk of infection as well as a larger, more visible scar.

Fact #2: Leave your stretch marks alone.

Others suggest that you simply refrain from doing anything or applying anything on the scars since time may eventually result in naturally faded scars. This wait and see stretch mark solution however would mean that you have to spend the best years of your life not wearing a bikini, tank tops and mini shorts. Time is also not a guarantee that stretch marks will disappear because you can increase in weight through time, which can make stretch marks worse.

You can also simply wear one piece suits to the beach. That would however, most likely remove part of the fun of being at the beach. In the beach, you'd want to naturally show off a bit or just be yourself without feeling conscious about other people staring at you.

Fact # 3: Practical and natural stretch mark solutions do not always remove stretch marks permanently but they are the most pro-active and the safest way to get rid of stretch marks.

Instead of splurging your fortune over invasive medical and cosmetic procedures that may be more dangerous and risky than they are worth, try the natural way of diminishing or preventing stretch marks: watching your weight. More than aesthetic purposes, losing weight or maintaining it not only keep stretch marks from snaking its way across your body, it also offer other health benefits.

Aerobic and cardio exercises are also other natural stretch mark solutions that will help improve your blood circulation and aid in the proper distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. This will keep your skin elastic, diminishing the chances of getting stretch marks. However, not all exercises work. Muscle building can only result to more stretch mark since your muscle and skin are likely to expand.

For added results, accompany your natural stretch marks solution with supplements to provide your body with more nutrients that are good for you skin. - 14130

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