Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trace Minerals; Why You Need Them

By Neil Butterfield

As the name implies, trace minerals are minerals required in very small quantities each day. Don't underestimate the importance just because you don't need a lot of them. You cannot continue to be healthy without them.

While you might be taking a trace mineral supplement, if you're taking the compound or even chelated kind, you are getting less than 20% of what the supplement contains. On the other hand, water-soluble liquid trace mineral supplements will give you almost 100% of what they say they will give you.

Lets have a look at the various trace minerals and their importance within the body.

Selenium - grains, fish and some nuts are excellent sources of this mineral. Selenium makes your immune system stronger, controls free radical cell damage and prevents life-threatening blood clots.

Chromium - is found in grape and orange juice, whole grains and broccoli. It's also another miracle mineral that will lower or prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, and hypoglycemia. That's because it helps break down carbohydrates fat, protein and sugars.

Zinc " This trace mineral has become much more awareness especially since weve heard so much about it in the prevention of colds. Studies have seen zinc reduce the duration of a cold by half and many will tell you zinc lozenges at the first sign of a sore throat will stop it dead in its tracks. Zinc helps the body fight infections which is why its so good in wound healing, infectious diarrhea, and infections in the blood. Alcoholics are usually about 50% deficient, and mothers breast feeding need extra zinc. Zinc can be found in oysters, nuts, whole grains, dairy products, and fortified breakfast cereals.

Copper - you wouldn't know it if you looked at a penny, but copper is very important for healthy bone growth, carrying oxygen and nervous system functions, as well as the production of healthy skin color and collagen (good for flawless skin). Sources of Copper are whole grains, cherries, oysters, leafy green vegetables, dark chocolate, nuts, fruits, and poultry.

Boron -You probably know that phosphorus, calcium and magnesium are important for strong bones. However, it is boron that regulates these minerals. It also regulates the hormones of both men and women. In addition to strengthening the brain, memory, cell wall strength, and prevents arthritis. Sources of Boron are tomatoes, pears, prunes, apples, and raisins.

Sulfur " This mineral ensures the oxygen that is necessary for brain function is provided, as well as controlling bacterial infections. Sulfur is necessary for healthy skin, nails, and hair. It is also needed for stable energy levels and it is the building block to amino acids that are very important. Sulfur can be found in fish, eggs, onions, garlic, and cabbage.

That's why to add more healthy years to your life; you need to take trace minerals. The best way to take them? A liquid ionic mineral supplement. Why wait? It's your health, protect it. - 14130

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