Monday, August 31, 2009

Help - I'm So Dizzy The World Keeps Spinning

By Christian Goodman

If you suffer with vertigo, you probably feel as though you're on a merry-go-round that won't stop.

Sufferers explain that the world around them seems to be swaying or moving - not necessarily the person who is experiencing the problem.

Some assume that it is just a temporary dizzy feeling.

Reports by the National Institute of Health state that over 90 million Americans over the age of 17 have experienced a dizziness or balance problem.

According to studies of individuals with vertigo, it seems to strike women more often than men. Episodes tend to increase in frequency as we age.

Chronic dizziness or vertigo is often due to an inner ear infection or problem such as labyrinthitis.

When labyrinthitis occurs, a person can experience nausea, motion sickness and other syptoms. It causes the dizzy feeling as faulty information about position and balance are going to the brain.

The confusing data being sent to the brain cannot be processed properly.

Then the world starts moving, at least that is the perception to the sufferer.

This illness often goes undiagnosed and therefore untreated, but can cause unpleasant, even disturbing episodes for the person suffering with it.

The reason vertigo is so often untreated is because typically the symptoms will vanish on their own within a relatively short period of time, sometimes in just a few days.

Eventually, the problem will present itself again.

More often than not, someone suffering from dizziness will find it easy to dismiss the problem by relating it to something common. A recent head cold seems to be a fair culprit for feeling dizzy for example.

As a result, the condition can go on for quite some time before a pattern of repeated episodes is recognized. The treatment most often prescribed is medication, typically meclizine.

The drugs are usually either promethazine or meclizine. Some brand names are Dramamine, Meni-D, Adgan and others.

Of course with medications come side effects and other potential problems.

A little known fact with vertigo is that there are more causes than ear problems.

Tension can be the culprit as it is with some many other conditions.

Feeling dizzy or experiencing vertigo can be the result of muscle tension around the ears and/or eyes as well as the body line that extends to the pelvic bone.

Thousands of people have found relief from vertigo and dizziness with my natural cure.

It only requires a few easy daily exercises.

I have been amazed myself by both the results people have experienced and by the number of results. You too should start feeling focused in no time.

EL331001 - 14130

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Eczema and Food Allergies

By Linda Robison

Which Foods Cause Eczema? As a health advisor customers would often ask me this question. Many assume that certain foods cause eczema. However, the truth is ....foods don't actually cause eczema, it's more a connection between eczema and food allergies. Food allergies can bring on most common eczema symptoms, but the person already had eczema to begin with.

Which Foods Cause Eczema

Food allergies include sensitivity to casein (milk/dairy) and gluten along with wheat, seafood, nuts, eggs, and soy. In addition to chemical food additives, preservatives and colorings -- all which can cause different reactions in different people.

What makes it so difficult to pin point the offending food is that eczema skin symptoms may not appear until 24-48 hours after eating.

How To Treat Eczema Symptoms

Here are some tips to treat eczema by simply avoiding allergy triggering foods. Pick your most favorite food. Sometimes the food you crave the most, is the one you may have an allergic reaction to. Eliminate that favorite food for a week and note your eczema symptoms.

If so, pick one of your favorites and eliminate it from your diet for a week or two. Then stating eating it again and note if your eczema symptoms got worse a few days afterward.

Over The Counter Eczema Treatment

We all how difficult it is to follow a diet or stop eating your favorite foods. While it is important to reduce your consumption of allergy triggering foods, you can also help your eczema symptoms by using an ultrasensitive wash and lotion to not only reduce eczema symptoms, but to heal damaged skin.

I know how hard it is finding products that really work. As a health advisor, I've been researching skin disorders and their solutions for years. I make every effort to find practical, effective, and affordable solutions for common skin problems. And, I'm very impressed with the healing properties of this Natural Treatment for Eczema.

Is your current eczema treatment working for you? Would you feel safe using your current product on your child? Eczema skin is ultrasensitive and you need to use a product that wont further aggravate it. Please visit Natural Treatments for Eczema for more information. - 14130

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Benefits of Getting Frequent Massage Chair Therapy

By Claudine Balsells

The massage treatment industry has been estimated to have doubled in just the last five years. Many are deciding that this is due to the trend in natural health and also to a general rise in stress levels for people. Still there are people who have never gotten a massage treatment. Most often they decided that they view a masseuse says inconvenient or as expensive. However, technology has now made receiving massage therapy much more inexpensive and convenient.

As with technology in general, massage chairs have advanced rapidly in the computer age. Sophisticated software now drives multiple systems contained in a massage chair. They are able to provide full body massages as well as the ability to target a specific area for relief.

Many people are conscious of their bodies and our timid to get a massage in nothing but a towel. They also may not feel comfortable going to see a masseuse for whatever reasons. It massage chair provides a convenient method to receive the positive benefits of massage treatment with out the embarrassment.

You can receive a number of positive health benefits from having a massage chair. Massage chairs make it viable to receive massage treatments on a frequent basis. Just like diet and exercise, massage treatments must be done on a regular or routine interval to be effective.

Practically everybody I know is now under more stress today than they were just a few years ago. The many changes that are occurring in the world are causing stress to rise. This makes it all the more important to counteract the effects of stress on the body.

It is important to be aware of the impact of stress on the body. Stress first affects the mind. The mind tries to resolve the problem is faced with. If the problem is not resolved quickly, then it will linger which causes the body to be under tension. Prolonged tension causes stiffness which results in pain and discomfort.

What is the best way to counteract stress? Obviously, solving the problem at hand is the best way. Although many times this is not practical. The stress tends to linger which then causes bodily tension. Releasing this tension as it arises is where a massage chair can be an indispensable tool.

Oftentimes we are so busy in our hectic schedules that we don't take enough time for our health and well-being. A massage chair is a constant reminder that we need to take a time out for ourselves. Just a few minutes a day can have an enormous effect on your outlook and health.

Relaxation is a critical part of leading a healthy lifestyle. If we are always on the go and never relax then our body doesn't have sufficient time to heal. Relaxation helps to distract the mind to calm and quiet it. This gives the body time to heal rather than be under stress.

Receiving frequent massage chair therapy is a great way to get the benefits of massage. Massage helps the mind to relax while relieving the soreness in the body. The body is stimulated and invigorated with the movements of different massage techniques. This helps to relax the muscles, improve circulation and to increase awareness and concentration.

Massage chair therapy is a great way to relieve tension and stiffness in the body. Stiffness causes the muscles to become harder which causes discomfort. As the massage penetrates the muscle tissue it helps to restore this flexibility. It is important to keep the soft tissues pliable so that they are flexible rather than stiff.

Massage chairs provide you with a great way to counteract the effects of stress. They are an excellent vehicle to provide relaxation. Massage chairs provide a constant reminder to you to take a few minutes for yourself and to relax. Think how a massage chair can help you counteract the effects of stress building up in your daily life. - 14130

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Is Instant Lucid Dreaming Really Possible?

By Trevor Albitt

Lucid Dreaming or Conscious Dreaming is the art of being aware that one is actually dreaming. In simple words, while in dream, you are aware that all the events are not happening in fact, or 'It's Just A Dream!' kind of situation. There is certain amount of control you can exercise while lucid dreaming, which is not the case in normal dreams.

Having control over your dreams is an incredible experience. Everything which you thought you couldn't keep from holding you back from your goals just falls before you and you have new found mental clarity, even when awake.

Is lucid dreaming as straightforward as all that? Is lucid dreaming something which can be experienced by anyone?

As it happens, lucid dreaming is not all that difficult. If you really want to use this technique to tap into the power of your mind, you can do so. There are proven ways to get you to your goal.

You need to know what you hope to achieve through lucid dreaming. Are you after something specific which can help you with other areas of your life, or do you just want to turn your dreams into a playpen of the imagination? Whatever your reason for wanting to learn lucid dreaming, know your goal and be determined to reach it.

The next step is to learn the techniques of reaching the mental state where lucid dreaming is possible. You'll have to begin learning dream recall, which is simply remembering your dreams. To begin lucid dreaming, you need to first be able to recall every detail of the dreams that you have.

This is not going to be an overnight kind of process. You should keep a dream recall register to begin writing down every single detail you can recall of your dreams every day. You will find your capacity for dream call improving as you do so. Try implementing "reality checks" during your dreams to begin training your mind to be alert as you dream.

Many people have found that hypnosis can drastically reduce the time needed to prepare your subconscious mind to experience lucid dreaming. Often just one of two hypnosis sessions will allow you to consistently remember all of your dreams. Once this occurs your mind is then conditioned for lucid dreaming.

While in a lucid dream, it may happen that suddenly, you are wide-awake. However, with the power that you have attained so far, you'll be easily able to recollect all the important details of the dream. Now, just try to relax and sleep again, while continuing the dream with the desired directions. When you wake up, you'll realize the real power of conscious dreaming you just experienced the night before.

Another great way to have lucid dreams is to go back to sleep for a couple of hours after you wake up in the morning. These dreams are the closest to lucid dreams as they leave you wondering if they were actually dreams or your thoughts manifested in the form of a purported event. You can easily set an alarm to go off a couple of hours before your scheduled wake-up time. And when the alarm sounds, just wake-up, switch it off, and go to sleep in order to enjoy lucid dreams.

When learning lucid dreaming, it helps to be well aware of your sleep patterns so you know when the best times for you to have lucid dreams are.

Lucid dreaming can be a helpful practice for those with sleeping troubles such as insomnia. When you are having a hard time getting to sleep, remind yourself that sleep means lucid dreaming; and your subconscious mind will make sure that you get to sleep quickly.

Up until recently learning the art of lucid dreaming was a time consuming process. However recent advances in sound technologies have made things drastically easier for anyone to experience lucid dreaming.

Many people are finding that the most reliable and certainly quickest way, of having a lucid dream is by listening to binaural beats audios.

These work by playing slightly different frequencies in each ear and have the result of deeply relaxing the listener and bringing their brain waves to the correct frequency for lucid dreaming to occur.

Before this technology, meditation was the technique of choice, which did not work out so well for many people. Binaural audio is much faster and works reliably for the majority of people.

By listening to binaural sound waves, particular when combined with hypnosis to prepare the subconscious mind, it is possible for you to experience lucid dreaming very soon after your first attempt. - 14130

About the Author:

Making Peace In The World

By Liz Thompson

James Twyman, the Peace Troubadour, is called such because of his peacemaking efforts around the world. He unites people of all faiths for the cause of peace through his bestselling books, films, and especially his music.

James music has been enjoyed at the Pentagon, the United Nations, the US Capitol, and at projects like The Cloth of Many Colors. James has also ventured into hostile territories to spread his musical peace. Millions have heard him in Iraq, Ireland, South Africa, Bosnia, and Serbia.

Of his writings, James Twymans three most popular are books Emissary of Light, Emissary of Love, and The Moses Code. He has been working on a film version of The Moses Code, which is set for release soon. His film Indigo has won awards in the past.

James Twyman is president of the Beloved Community. The Beloved Community is an interreligious organization, and it has 400 peace ministers from all over the world. James is also the founder of the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking.

James was raised Catholic. When he was 18, he made the decision to become a Franciscan. A spiritual meeting in Assisi occurred in 1986. Religious leaders from around the world came together to pray for peace. Represented were Catholicism by the Pope, Buddhism by Dalai Lama, and ten others.

The meeting in Assisi was a pivotal point in the life of James Twyman. He saw that people of different backgrounds can come together for a single cause showing their similarities rather than their differences.

In 1994, a friend gave James a copy of the twelve prayers from that day in 1986. The page sat in his drawer for over a week before he finally took it out to read it. After reading the first prayer, James was so overcome with music that he wondered if it was in his head or in the next room.

Within an hour of reading the twelve prayers, James had set all of them to music. James has many talents, but it was on that day that he realized his musical talent was the passion that would be able to reach the most people. Hes been spreading his message of peace ever since! - 14130

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Birch Polypore Used as Parasite Remedy by Stone Age Man

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Birch Polypore, as the name suggests, grows on dead or dying birch trees. It can be found in birch forests around the world.

Birch Polypore's 15 minutes of fame came when it was discovered among the remains of Oetzi the Iceman, whose 5,300 year old mummified body was found 1991 at the border of Austria and Italy in a glacial ice cave.

It is believed that Oetzi used Birch Polypore as a remedy against intestinal parasites, in particular Trichuris trichuria. [190]

The traditional use of Birch Polypore extract does indeed include use as an anti-parasitic agent, as well as to stop bleeding, and as an antimicrobial agent in general. [25]

A finding in 1997 confirmed that certain compounds in Birch Polypore extract help diminish chronic dermal inflammation [191] and being generally anti-inflammatory. [192]

In terms of its antibiotic properties, Birch Polypore extract has been found effective against Bacillus megateterium. [194] One antibiotic compound that has been isolated from Birch Polypore is known as Piptamine. [193] Medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets proposes that Birch Polypore extract be tested for its effectiveness against anthrax Bacillus anthracis. [134]

Another compound that is found in high concentrations in Birch Polypore is known as Betulinic Acid. Produced by the birch trees upon which this mushroom grows, Betulinic Acid gets extracted and concentrated by the Birch Polypore. A 1995 study on melanoma found that Betulinic Acid killed the malignant melanoma cells but did not harm healthy cell tissue. [195] Seven years later, another study showed that Birch Polypore extract inhibited the enzymes that promote tumor cell growth, which may help explain how Betulinic Acid works against cancer. [196]

In 2001, Betulinic Acid derivatives of Birch Polypore extract demonstrated unique antiviral effects against HIV by blocking HIV reproduction. [197]

American medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets filed a patent on his proprietary Birch Polypore extraction methods in 2004 after researchers at the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) reported that his Birch Polypore extract selectively killed the cowpox and vaccinia viruses without harming human cells. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor. - 14130

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Unmatched Pain Relief from Helichrysum Oil

By Samantha Roberts

One of the most sought after therapeutic effects from medicines, natural or synthetic, is pain relief. And it may be the single most important one, in that an effective pain reliever can truly change someone's life. Make it possible to do things that may otherwise not be possible. In America, it's rare that the word 'Aromatherapy' comes to mind when considering effective approaches to pain, but a little known essential oil is quickly growing in popularity for one big reason: safe, effective pain relief.

Pain Relief for Everyone

There are a few simple points a pain reliever needs to meet to be widely used and accepted: First, it needs to work -- and that Helichrysum does. Many folks find relief of joint, neck, muscle or back pain nearly immediate upon application. And it's not just a dulling of the feeling, it really actually goes away. Second, it needs to be safe -- and this essential oil truly is. It's one of the very rare essential oils that is noted by most aromatherapists as safe for use in its undiluted form. It comes with a very short list of contraindications (a doctor should be consulted if using blood thinning medication or by hemophiliacs, and it should not be used on large open wounds); it is noted as non-toxic, non-sensitizing and non-irritating. It has absolutely no potential to be addictive. AND, it should be easy to use. Rubbing a little liquid on painful spots is pretty simple!

A Look at the Chemistry: Why Helichrysum Works

Essential oils are evaluated using a process called Gas Chromatography. This test tells the us what the oil is made of -- and essential oils are really interesting: they're made of all KINDS of different natural chemicals. Within Helichrysum essential oil, one finds chemicals naturally made by the plant's flowers that 1) reduce inflammation and act as chelators (they can remove unwatned toxins), 2) prevent bruising and blood clots, 3) relax tight muscles and connective tissue, and 4) stimulate cellular regeneration. All in one oil! And it's these components that work together to offer pain relief -- in a big way. Aspirin, for example, is a blood thinner and anti-inflammate. Together, these actions produce its pain relief. Helichrysum is a far more complex natural substance, that not just masks pain, but actually addresses the cellular physiology that is causing it.

What Kind of Pain Can it Help?

What sorts of pain can be addressed using this essential oil? Helichrysum is topically applied , and as such works for virtually all pain in the muscular-skeletal system: Muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. All kinds of back pain and neck pain can be helped, as are traumatic injuries such as bruises, sprains and strains. Helichrysum is excellent to have around the house of sports enthusiasts -- one 42 year old hockey player in Boulder, Colorado refers to it as 'the magic oil' for all the beating-up he takes in the rink. Arthritis can be helped too (warming oils like Ginger and Black Pepper can be blended with it, if warming helps the condition). It's safety and efficacy is really remarkable: nearly every form of pain seems to respond positively to Helichrysum essential oil application, whereas the oil has only one commonly-noted warning. As it acts as a blood thinner, those taking blood thinning medication should consult their physician before using, and the oil should never be applied to open wounds as to not interfere with coagulation.

When and How to Use the Oil -- Chronic and Acute Cases

There are essentially two unique conditions which determine the way the essential oil is used: whether the injury or pain is Acute (just occurred) or Chronic (has been present for some time, and is not obviously healing). For acute cases, like one has JUST twisted an ankle, banged a knee, or burned themselves, Helichrysum is applied 'neat', or directly from the bottle at 100% strength. This gets the most amount of oil delivered to the area as quickly as possible. Once an injury is not getting worse, or the condition or pain has been present for some time, Helichrysum is often diluted to about 20% in an oil that acts as a 'massage' base. Helichrysum and this 'carrier' oil (Jojoba is commonly used) are then frequently massaged-in; this method helps conservative the essential oil, and prevents it from evaporating, rather than penetrating through the skin.

It's very simple to mix your own formula once you know the dilution ratios. A ten-percent dilution goes like this: There are 30 milliliters in 1 ounce (carrier oils are often purchased in ounces, where essential oils are found in milliliters). Three milliliters of Helichrysum into one ounce of carrier oil makes a 10% formula. Just double the Helichrysum to 6 milliliters for a 20% mixture. And to make it even easier, remember there are 27 drops of Helichrysum essential oil per milliliter. Got it? Good!

Mixing With Other Essential Oils

Helichrysum essential oil can be blended with other essential oils in your formula to make a 'custom' recipe. Tea tree can be added to provide antiseptic / antibactieral action. Lavender is an excellent choice if you would like to add a little 'anti-stress' effect. To further enhance the anti-inflammation of the essential oil, Blue Chamomile is an excellent choice (which is most effective used at a low dilution of only 1-2% of the total formula). For a warming effect, Ginger or Black Pepper can be used; these oils will increase circulation and are often included in blends for arthritis support. For even more effective pain relief, Wintergreen essential oil can be used cautiously -- it is actually liquid aspirin, with a potential for overdose. The two oils together can synergize for an extra-strength pain formula for occasional use. Finally, Helichrysum is used in wound and scar healing formulas (again, once the wound is sealed) mixed with Sea Buckthorn Berry, in a base of Rosehip Seed oil (there are many versions of this recipe -- a little searching will help you find the right one for you).

Getting The Right Kind of Oil

When using Helichrysum essential oil, it is essential to find a very specific type: Helichrysum 'italicum'. There are other species of this oil available, but this is the one that offers the great pain relief discussed here. It is one of nature's most profound pain relievers, helping a great many people with a wide variety of conditions. It works for a great many symptoms of pain, safely and effectively. (It is, of course, imperative one discusses the use of the oil if being treated for any condition by a doctor to be sure in your individual condition.) Helichrysum essential oil is simple to use and readily available through Internet sources -- it is, as of yet, difficult to find in local health food stores in the United States, though this may be changing soon). So whatever your needs for this type of therapy, Helichrysum essential oil can really be worth investigating. - 14130

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Cat's Claw Extract Supplement: Improve Your Health

By Marvin Graham

Because there are so many kinds of cat's claw supplements, such as: cat's claw leaves, cat's claw bark, and cat's claw twigs, cat's claw is one of the most confusing nutritional supplements currently available in health food stores. Although all cat's claw supplements claim to help the immune system, only the root of Uncaria tomentosa gives the true health benefits by possessing the healing power to treat and prevent diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, degenerative diseases, and also providing anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-microbial benefits.

Rendered into liquid form, however, extracts of cat's claw have been found to have potent adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, and these are therefore used by herbal therapists to tackle a wide variety of common ailments. The anti-inflammatory qualities of the herb indicate potential benefits in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and bursitis; as well as digestive problems and ulcers, whilst as an adaptogen and anti-oxidant cat's claw is believed to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and even help in the fight against cancer.

Serious research into the benefits of cat's claw has been underway in Europe since the 1970s, and although, as noted above, conventional medicine remains reluctant to confirm the herb's therapeutic value, the fact that cat's claw is only available on prescription in certain countries is a clear indication of its biochemical potency. Cat's claw's power as an immune system booster appears to be related to unique properties in the alkaloids derived from it, certain of which appear directly to enhance the ability of the body's white blood cells to destroy potentially harmful foreign matter. These alkaloids also seem to stimulate the production of the vital T4 lymphocyte and leucocyte immune system cells which are crucial in fighting viral infections.

Why they started to move that fast? Because the recent studies about this herb extract shows that its effects are huge. The change of a patient who is taking cat's claw could be notorious.

The many potential benefits of cat's claw make it a hugely exciting prospect for advocates of herbal remedies. But there is an important caveat in that most of the research so far has been conducted in the laboratory rather than on live human subjects. Against that, however, must be set the many centuries of use of the herb amongst older civilisations.

Individual plants are never completely harvested. Only one third of their roots are collected at any time and then no more root is harvested from that plant for the next ten years, allowing re-growth in the remaining root. Because the Ashaninka are a generous people, they see no benefit in hoarding the cat's claw for themselves. As their homelands continue to be destroyed by deforestation, they want to make sure that the plant's healing properties continue on.

But in the case of cat's claw the only contraindications for its use appear to for pregnant women and those suffering from disorders of the immune system. For all others, the herb appears to be completely safe, although very rare cases of minor gastric upsets and headaches have been reported.

In return for harvesting, the Ashaninka are directly paid by the distributors. This arrangement provides the Ashaninka with the ability to make their own decisions as to how to spend this income, allowing them to make improvements in the tribe's water supply and in their living areas. This arrangement also protects the rain forest, which gives us its many nuts, fruits, oil producing, and medicinal plants. Because of all its products, the rain forest hold more economic value than if it was cut down and used for timber or grazing land for cattle. Cats claw can be purchased at any health food store make sure you check the label to ensure you are receiving the Uncaria tomentosa official Cats Claw. - 14130

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Treatment For Fibroid Tumors Do You Know?

By Allison Maer

Over 80% of the women in our society tend to become diagnosed with fibroid tumors as we become older and the sad truth is that most of us do not even know what they are. Most of us tend to find our way to the internet in hopes of being able to find out what fibroid tumors are.

Most likely if you have found this article and have begun reading it then you are among several of the thousands of American women who have been dealing with this condition and now you want to know what types of treatment for fibroid tumors are available. If this is so then you have landed on the right article. We have written this article hoping that we would be able to share some valuable information with our readers and help them discover more information about this growing problem.

You should know that fibroid cysts are not harmful; they are non cancerous tumors that form and grow along the wall of the uterus. While they are known to be harmless they are still known to cause pain and discomfort for the women who are diagnosed with this condition.

In fact this is the very reason that so many of us end up coming to the internet in search of treatment for fibroid tumors because we want to avoid the constant pain. Most of us realize that since the tumors are benign we can search for other types of treatment instead of turning to surgery.

In fact the truth is that many women have opted for other treatments other than using surgery because it enables them to treat this condition naturally. There are so many natural treatments available for almost any condition and the best part is that you do not have to worry about dealing with side effects from drugs or prescriptions.

Most people have realized that using natural methods to treat our bodies will enable us to have better control over it than if we just allow ourselves to go through surgery. Our bodies are meant to fight off diseases and viruses if we just provide it with the nutrients that it requires.

If you want to learn more about treatment for fibroid tumors then be sure to stop by and visit our site below. You will discover an all natural 7 stop plan that has been proven and is guaranteed to help women shrink fibroids naturally. - 14130

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Psychic Ability: 5 Ways To Become More Psychic

By Tana Hoy

5 Things You Can Do to Enhance Your Natural Psychic Ability

Psychic ability is something that you were born with, so all you need to do is to learn how to further develop it. You may have advanced psychic abilities, which simply need a bit of brushing up; or you may feel that there is still a lot of areas to improve on when it comes to your psychic ability. In any case, here are some things you can do to further develop your natural psychic gift!


Begin developing your psychic ability by learning the basics of meditation and visualization. Meditation and visualization will help you maintain focus and channel your attention and energies. Meditation helps you to have more control over your mind, and visualization increases your ability to see with your Third Eye.


Developing your psychic ability can be a fun activity! Find a friend who is willing to participate in your psychic development and practice reading your friend!

Sit down opposite your friend in an undisturbed location. Spend a quiet moment together, during which your friend thinks of a specific person, object, or event, and holds that thought in his or her mind. At the same time, you relax and clear your mind completely. When you are ready, try to sense or pick up what your friend is focusing on in his or her mind. Later on, check with your friend to see if your answers are correct!

It may take a few more tries (and a lot of fun and laughter with your friend) before you are able to pick up things correctly, but that is perfectly okay. With regular practice, you will find yourself being more receptive to the energies of people and things around you, making it easier for you to establish a connection with them.


"Whats next?" is the question you must answer in this activity. Its fun and you can do it by yourself anytime and anywhere you are! What you do is you try to pick up whats coming up next " it could be the type of vehicle that will pass you by next as you look out your window, or the dish you will find at the dinner table. Eventually, you will find yourself having an easier time in identifying whats going to happen next!


Every morning, pick a Tarot card from your deck. Determine what it means on your own, based on your own perception. At the end of the day, refer to the Tarot guide that comes with your cards.

Later on, as you continue to do this, you will see a stronger connection between your own perception of the card and its actual meaning. You will also see this strong correlation reflected in how your day actually turns out, which means that your own perception of things is becoming more accurate.


Having a psychic reading will also help you in developing your psychic ability. Being able to feel a psychics energies can inspire your inner psychic. A good psychic can also identify any blocked or reserved energies within you, and help you release and fully utilize them. A psychic is also a great person to talk to when it comes to the development of your psychic ability, since he or she is someone who has mastered it already.

Enhancing Your Psychic Ability

Psychic Ability is something that we are all born with. You may have had some experiences where you just knew who was calling on the phone, or that a letter would be coming within the day, or maybe even what someone was thinking. During these moments, it was like you just naturally knew what was going to happen.

The level of your psychic ability may differ from others. You may have more advanced abilities than others, or you may feel as though you have yet to discover it. In any case, psychic ability is a natural gift which you already possess; you just need to develop it so you can put it to good use! - 14130

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Have You Ever Considered Using Duct Tape For Warts Treatment?

By Deborah Valley

As more and more people end up searching the internet for warts treatment they usually spend hours online trying to find ways that will enable them to get rid of their warts. Most likely if you have landed on this article then you are one of the thousands of people who are in search of warts treatment because you have been affected by this problem on some part of your body.

Common warts are a very common problem that affects our society and unfortunately most people have absolutely no idea how to get rid of this problem. Chances are you have tried several different types of medication and over the counter medicines that have promised to get rid of this condition.

We all know that there is so much information on the internet and warts treatment information is not any different. What they do not tell you is that everyone is different and chances are you may have to try several different methods until you find one that works for your body.

By now you should be aware that the internet is full of several different types of natural methods that have been proven to work and duct tape is one of the most common types used. You should also know that duct tape is the only type of tape that is strong enough to do the job.

Keep a fresh piece of tape directly on the wart everyday; this means that you never want to keep a dirty piece of tape on it. Begin by replacing the tape every morning and every evening before you go to sleep.

It is vital that you know this is not a quick fix and so do not expect to notice overnight results. Many people before you have removed their warts with duct tape however you should know that it could take several days or even weeks to notice your wart disappearing. The good news is that if you follow our advice and replace the tape everyday then eventually you will begin to notice your wart disappearing.

Stop by our site below to uncover some more natural warts treatment that thousands of people have used before you. We are going to disclose some that have been guaranteed to help you get rid of your warts quicker than you have ever been able to deal with this condition. - 14130

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Hypnotherapy And The Benefits Of Hypnotism

By Mark Allen

Hypnotism and hypnotherapy have long been recognized for the benefits they can bring. In the last one hundred years, it has been studied, tested, and refined. Today it provides benefits for millions of people.

For centuries people have looked for different ways to improve themselves and alleviate suffering. Psychology, and psychiatry, psychology are devoted to trying to understand and improve the human condition.

Over time, there have been many different approaches to "alternative" healing and self-improvement. Hypnotherapy and hypnosis fall into this category.

As far as alternative methods go, there is plenty of good science behind it. The basic idea is to tap a persons subconscious in order to change behaviors. Since our subconscious mind is the key to action, motivation, and resistance, this is often the best way to achieve goals that have eluded us. If we can tap into this resource, we unlock the "secrets" to changing behaviors and alleviating stumbling blocks such as our fears.

The reasons for undergoing hypnotherapy or hypnosis are numerous. They include relief from both physical and emotional disorders, as well as the desire to reach one's potential and improve one's self.

Hypnotism can address physical problems like over-eating and weight loss, as well as emotional issues such as anger and low self-confidence or self-esteem.

Hypnosis is also helpful in remedying addictions and habits and addictions such as cigarette smoking, gambling, even drug and alcohol abuse.

Hypnosis has successfully been used in the treatment for symptoms of severe medical problems like cancer and diabetes. Surgical recovery times are reduced, and there have even been cases of patients undergoing surgery with minimal anesthesia.

Hypnotism and hypnotherapy certainly aren't a "cure-all", or even always the best alternative. However it is becoming increasingly clear that there are real, tangible, and lasting benefits to this type of therapy and self-help. - 14130

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Natural And Effective Means Of Quitting Smoking

By April Kerr

With all the cancer and other health risks that have been linked to smoking, it is no wonder there is such a large group of people worldwide that want to stop smoking. I have great news for you. It is a natural alternative to the expensive stop smoking aids that don't seem to work.

I'm sure many of you have tried hypnosis, acupuncture, zyban and likely many other stop smoking aids. Many of you have probably rushed out to get every new stop smoking aid you've heard of. I've been there. So you've tried everything else, why not try herbs to help you stop smoking.

Herbs can help you stop smoking naturally. That's right herbs, like the ones we commonly use for cooking, spicing up our food, making tea and other things that we already use herbs for. Some of them are common herbs, and some you may not have heard of before, but they can help you stop smoking.

The first herb I will tell you about, I recommend talking to a doctor before using it. It contains a very toxic substance, yet it is extremely efficient at controlling nicotine addiction. The herb is called Lobelia, and the substance that gives it many of the same feel good, relaxing properties of nicotine is called lobeline.

Avena Sativa which can be widely found in wild oat plants is used to treat insomnia, nervousness, and anxiety. Many researchers say it will also aid individuals to stop smoking.

Smoking is reported to decrease the memory of smokers, and decrease the blood flow in the body. Well, Gotu Kola, also known as Centella Asiatica when taken in appropriate amounts helps to improve memory, and also to improve blood circulation throughout the body. Thus it helps to control the damaging effects of smoking.

There is another herb called Garcinia Cambogia, it's hydroxycitric acid content helps burn extra calories and counter the weight gain associated with stop smoking. It also is reported to alleviate the natural desire to smoke.

Korean Ginseng is reported to help people quit smoking, and it's natural stress reducing effects make it a good candidate. There are also other herbs reported to be used for stop smoking aids. Some of them are willow, oak, catnip. That's right I said catnip. Goldenseal is another one that is supposed to help with quitting smoking.

An important aspect in trying to stop smoking, is to cleanse the toxins out of our blood. While drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water a day will help with this, there are also herbs that are ideally suited for this mission. A couple of them are Burdock root and Red clover. - 14130

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Zanax With No Prescription

By John Malcolm

Today, you will find that it is not easy to find a drug that does not require one to have a prescription. If you are dealing with anxiety and stress related issues, then you will find Zanax available with no prescription. How? By turning to the Internet.

The most common uses of Zanax is that it is a benzodiazepine and it is used to treat anxiety as well as all kinds of panic disorder. You can also use it to treat any other conditions as have been determined by your doctor. Simply follow the directions for using Zanax with no prescription as they are provided by your doctor.

But most importantly, always avoid drinking Grapefruit Juice while you are taking this medicine. Also, you need to store Zanax with no prescription always at room temperature, right away from heat as well as light. Now, just in case you have missed a dose of this medicine of this medicine and you are a regular user, just take it as soon as you remember.

Gradually tapering your Zanax dose will greatly help to decrease any possibility of the discontinuation symptoms. Today purchasing medications online has become very easy, and anyone who wants can buy Zanax without prescription. But that does not mean that Zanax is the right drug for every situation and for all types of anxiety.

Zanax is today one of the strongest anti-anxiety medications available in the market. But if you do not have a health insurance make sure to investigate all treatment options before selecting Zanax without prescription as your medication of choice. Rather, it is always best to start with a slightly weaker medication before moving up to a powerful one.

Zanax with no prescription should not be used if you are allergic to benzodiazepines. Also, if you are suffering from a condition, which is called the acute narrow angle glaucoma. Or if you are taking the anti-fungal medications like ketoconazole or even itraconazole.

Seizures are the most dangerous possible withdrawal symptom. They are most likely to occur if Zanax with no prescription is stopped suddenly. But they may also occur if the drug is not stopped slowly enough.

Alprazolam is also available in an extended release form as well, and is then known as Zanax XR. Both these drugs are equally effective at treating anxiety disorders in the brain. Alprazolam happens to be a habit forming drug and its long-term use can and most likely will lead to dependence. If you are noticing any other side effects which are not listed here, contact your doctor, nurse, or your pharmacist at the earliest. Alprazolam is highly addictive and it may lead to serious depression episodes. It is recommended if you are purchasing Zanax with no prescription, only do it for a short period of time. - 14130

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Are You Aware Of Bladder Infection Symptoms?

By Alicia Valentine

Everyone who comes to the internet to try to find out about bladder infections seem to do so when they acquire one. In fact chances are you have one as we speak. Research shows that this is one of the fastest growing problems in our society. Most people do not even know what bladder infection symptoms are and tend to mistake them for something else.

We wanted to write this article to help you recognize the bladder infection symptoms and how you can begin treatment. Remember that even if you have acquired this problem there is absolutely no need to begin panicking.

I have had several bladder infections myself and there is absolutely no reason to panic about this issue. Medical studies have been done and everyone can learn how to treat bladder infections before they begin. Heck even if you do not spot it before it begins; then you an still begin using remedies to get rid of it.

You will discover some bladder infection symptoms that will help you better understand this problem.

1. Sudden Fever: Many people have been known to have their bodies break out in a severe fever.

2. Foul Urine: People who suffer from this condition complain of foul smelling urine; it is so bad that it could make you gag.

3. Urinating Becomes Painful: Bladder infections are known to make your urination process painful. It will be so painful that you do not want to go to the bathroom.

You should never ignore bladder infection symptoms; in fact I highly recommend that you visit our site below right now to find out how to get treatment. - 14130

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Cayenne Pepper Diet - Lose Weight And Cleanse Your Body At The Same Time

By Susan Wells

In case you have not noticed, the cayenne pepper diet has gained a lot of popularity. Today, it is normal to see a celebrity from Hollywood stand up and tell the public that they tried out this diet. If you are interested in going on this type of diet, then we honestly believe you have made a great decision. However, before you make that decision, you should first understand what it is first. As we write this article, we are here to enlighten you on this detoxification diet.

This pepper diet consists of cayenne pepper, maple syrup (or honey) lemon juice and water. It is said that when you go on this diet, you are going to lose weight. You are also going to gain a lot of energy. Why exactly will you be gaining energy? Well, we will tell you that in the next paragraph.

You may not realize this, but no matter what you do each day, unless you lock yourself inside clean bubble for the rest of your life, you will get toxins in your body. Toxins come from the food we eat and the air we breathe. Those toxins that are in your body is slowing you down.

As it is building up, your body is getting sluggish and tired. From time to time, your body could use some help at getting rid of those toxins. When you go on this fast, it will help to extract those toxins out of your diet. Apart from this, what else does this fast do?

This fast will not only help to extract the toxins from your diet, but it is going to help you lose weight. That's right, it is a very good diet when it comes to losing weight.

This fast will also help you to lose weight, which is why it is very popular. Once you are done with it, you will feel a lot healthier. Overall, you are going to feel as if you have a lot of energy. That is because you no longer have those toxins in your body slowing you down.

Thinking about the cayenne pepper diet? If so, then you will be able to turn to the Internet for a lot of great advice. - 14130

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Zanax Medication

By John Malcolm

For people that suffer from severe anxiety issues or other medical problems that require them to have Zanax to help, it can be hard to get a prescription if you do not have a doctor. With the massive number of doctors online, it can seem to be too easy to get Zanax without a prescription by simply filling out a form or chatting online with someone. But, how do know that the person you are talking to is a real doctor and how do you know that they can get you legal Zanax without a prescription, especially for someone without any insurance?

While there are many different ways that people say you can get Zanax without a prescription online, those seeking to get Zanax or a prescription for it needs to be very careful. Since you cannot always be completely sure what is actually in the medication that they are sending your way, or if the medication is actually Zanax or not, you can easily take the wrong dose, or cause a severe reaction with medications that you are already taking.

But, there are many good online doctors that you can talk with, either over the phone or Internet simply by searching them out. These doctors usually will call in a prescription for Zanax for you or will have one shipped to your home after a consultation with you. Now, those people that have severe anxiety problems which might keep them from going to the doctor or even leaving their homes may have to opt for this way of finding a doctor. The problem is that you have to make sure that the doctor you choose is a real doctor, and not just someone shipping pills out saying that they are Zanax without a prescription to pull you in.

Once you start searching out a doctor online, you want to make sure that they are a real doctor and not just someone sitting at a computer. You can check out the person that you choose through different measures, including the BBB (Better Business Bureau). All these places will help ensure that you are getting to speak with a real doctor and not just someone that says they can get you Zanax without a prescription to get your information.

When you do have a doctor that can prescribe Zanax for you, it's alright to finish up your virtual appointment or consultation with them. It's just easier overall to find a real doctor instead of just a site that will get you Zanax without a prescription. This way, you know that when you get your prescription or medication in the mail, its real medication and not just something found in a pill bottle - especially if you take other medications.

The truth is that there is no real safe way to get Zanax without a prescription online. While so many different sites say that you can get it, you can never be sure that you're getting Zanax or something completely different that was just thrown in a pill bottle. Without knowing what you are really taking, it's easy to have a bad reaction to a medication that you are already on or have an allergic reaction to something that might be in the generic Zanax that they sent to you.

Simply stated, it's easiest to find and contact a doctor that can help you. If you do suffer from anxiety and it is extreme to the point that you cannot leave your home, you can easily visit the sites that are listed here or check with your insurance or local doctor to find a medical professional that can help you. Some will even come to your home if you like, or they can talk with you online or over the phone.

But, keep in mind that Zanax is a controlled substance and if you have it on yourself without a prescription, you can go to jail and face some serious charges. So make sure that you have it legally and safely so that you do not run into any unforeseen problems. - 14130

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Natural Remedies For Eczema - 3 Tips On How To Cure Eczema

By Angela Owen

Learning how to cure eczema can prove to be beneficial as this is a common skin condition which inflicts millions around the world. Common symptoms that characterize this condition include itchiness, dry skin and redness which can often be irritating. Here are 3 natural remedies for eczema that will help you reduce and eliminate this condition for good.

1. use ointments containing herbal ingredients

Be sure to keep your skin moisturized by regularly applying lotions throughout the day so you do not get dry skin which can make things worse. Creams or ointments that contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera and vitamin E will help soothe the irritation and reduce swelling. Studies have shown that creams containing herbal ingredients significantly reduce redness and itching compared to regular creams.

2. Stay away from external irritants and allergens

Every individual is different but common triggers of eczema include allergens or irritants such as dairy products, shampoo and soap. Avoiding those things that cause allergic reactions is important so you need to be able to identify it. Another helpful tip is to wash your clothes and bed sheets on a regular basis to reduce itching and to wear clothes that are made of 100% cotton.

3. Eat meals that are healthy and lower stress levels

Lifestyle changes that you will need to implement include eating healthy meals while doing away with anything that is processed or unnatural. Boosting your immune system by consuming foods rich in essential vitamins and nutrients will also help to control eczema. High levels of stress have also been shown to play a contributing factor to this skin condition so avoid these situations when you can.

For those individuals who want to know how to cure eczema, all you need to do is apply lotion regularly so your skin is moisturized. It's also important to avoid those irritants or allergens which may triggering outbreaks and to meals that are healthy for your body. - 14130

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Choosing the Right Natural Health Treatment For You

By Allan Jones

Natural remedies can be used to efficiently treat a vast range of ailments through regular and correct usage. Do you need to lose weight, quit smoking, lower or raise blood sugar levels, improve a heart condition, lower cholesterol, strengthen bones, or decrease skin rashes? If you search, you'll find a natural health supplement targeting each of those.

Your first step is to find a natural health program you can stick with. Mild side-effects may last for several days, but you'll feel refreshed and more energized once this phase has passed. I have no qualms in recommending you learn more about this, but it is important to discuss it with your doctor as well. Exercise works naturally to burn excess fats and sugars.

Natural products do not have any harmful side effects. There are many web sites which are selling herbal supplements but you should look for a reputed online store. Many common physical complaints have an herb available that proves helpful in eliminating or reducing symptoms.

Not everyone believes in the effectiveness of herbal supplements. Natural health supplements are all about incorporating them into your lifestyle. For example, antioxidants can help improve the digestive system. It is therefore worth your time to learn what health products would be beneficial for you.

With these products, you'll be able to get in good shape safely and naturally. These treatments come in many varieties from shakes to herbal pills to food supplements. These vitamins and anti oxidants do not require a prescription and can reverse the harmful effects of aging.

With a natural weight loss supplement such as Hoodia, you can lose weight without having to pay high costs for prescription diet pills. Today in the market you can find natural vitamins and anti oxidants that work just as well. Although we rarely pay attention to these until something goes wrong, they do play an important role in overall health and deserve our attention even before undesirable symptoms arrive. - 14130

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Catuaba Bark Extract: Improve Your Health

By Nick Garcon

Shilajit is considered as one of the powerful ant aging herb and rejuvenator. It is also popularly known as 'conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weaknesses'. It helps you to feel the power of growing young.

Many men who suffer temporary or sudden loss of libido may be able to improve it by simple lifestyle changes. In this article you will know the major causes of low libido and some useful guidelines and tips that can change your biggest panic in a great joy. Why does libido decline?

It has been extensively used for general physical strengthening, anti-aging, blood sugar stabilization, boosting libido, injury healing, immune system strengthening, urinary tract rejuvenation, enhanced brain functioning potency, bone healing, kidney rejuvenation, arthritis, hypertension, obesity and many other application for numerous conditions.

When a man has sexual feelings, the brain communicates these thoughts through the nerves, and these are transmitted to the genitals. The nerves relax the muscle cells by the release of nitric oxide in the walls of the blood vessels entering the penis. This allows an increase in blood to flow into the penis and an erection is the end result. If insufficient nitric oxide is produced then you will have a poor erection.

Avena Sativa: avena sativa works to increase testosterone levels and helps the body to relax which enhances sensitivity in the sex organs. Schisandra: schisandra is frequently used to treat menopausal symptoms and balance hormone levels; in terms of sexual health, it increases blood flow to the pelvic region. Recent research has also shown that the herb works as a phytoestrogen.

Selenium - Modern farming methods decreases selenium levels in foods so its deficiency is common. Almost half of the selenium in a man is in the testes and seminal ducts and men lose selenium in their semen. Getting enough selenium is therefore important for peak sexual performance.

It helps in accelerating the processes of protein and nuclei acid metabolism and stimulates energy providing reactions. It also increases the core energy responsible for your sexual and spiritual power. It is also extensively used in the treatment of diabetes and regulates the blood sugar level. It promotes the movement of minerals, especially calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium into muscle tissue and bone

Magnesium - It is vital for the production of sex hormones, such as androgen and estrogen and the neurotransmitters that modulate the libido such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Amino acid - If you want to increase nitric oxide levels simply take L Argentine a non-essential amino acid. It boosts sex drive and makes your love life exciting. - 14130

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Can Light Bring Pain Relief?

By Kavi Saphala

The treatment of chronic pain is a big business. Living with chronic pain is more than just living with the pain itself. Chronic pain affects our sleep, creating another layer of symptoms and issues that add up to a disturbingly low quality of life.

The most common form of treatment for chronic pain is to medicate. This treatment does not actually cure or even assist in curing chronic pain. While masking the symptoms can help us in performing our day to day life activities to some degree, there is still concern about the side effects and long term effects of any chemical based treatment.

There are alternatives when treating chronic pain. Giving more attention to diet can make a big difference. Certain food additives which have somehow been approved as for our foods, such as MSG, can have adverse effects on our pain levels and overall health.

There are activity related treatments for chronic pain as well. These include exercise programs such as yoga. Acupuncture is also a popular form of treatment that dates back thousands of years. Massage can help alleviate pain and increase circulation.

There are new FDA approved treatments available such as deep penetrating light or DPL therapy. Treatment is easy to perform, and has been found effective in stimulating growth which can lead to faster healing. This LED light therapy also reduces pain, and is currently being studied for use in treating the pain associated with bone marrow transplants.

Of course we cannot say there is one definitive treatment for all chronic pain. The causes of chronic pain are broad, and treatments can vary. But when we look at the overall impact that chronic pain has in our lives it is good to know that there are safe and effective treatments available today. - 14130

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Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms - Finally an Answer

By Jane Hannah

Depending on the severity of your yeast infection, you could be experiencing mild to severe vaginal yeast infection symptoms. You could be feeling run down with mild itching and discomfort, or you could be experiencing the cottage cheese like discharge and be feeling very uncomfortable. As a yeast infection is an infection you will also be experiencing feeling very tired and run down, this is the bodies way of trying to fight off the vaginal yeast infection symptoms.

Stress, poor diet, low immunity, imbalanced hormones are just some of the thousands of triggers that could be setting off your yeast infections. Dormant spores lie in your system waiting for the perfect time to crop up and trigger vaginal yeast infection symptoms. These vaginal yeast infection symptoms can be anything from mild to severe. Burning, itching and discomfort are just some of the mild vaginal yeast infection symptoms, when you are leading into severe symptoms you will start getting a cottage cheese like discharge and the itching and burning becomes worse.

Vaginal yeast infection symptoms can really set you back. They are really great at making you feel pretty horrible really fast. Here are some of my favourite tricks to getting some relief fast. Natural unsweetened yogurt, its great for providing you with a cooling and soothing relief from your vaginal yeast infection symptoms. It can be used internally and externally, however once you have been provided with relief then you need to wipe it off, otherwise it will have a reverse effects.

Boosting your immunity is one of many ways to stop vaginal yeast infection symptoms from coming back to haunt you when you get a little run down. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet is a key factor in stopping those vaginal yeast infection symptoms from coming back to haunt you. There are many things that will help keep those yeast infections away for good.

Investing in knowledge to know how to find the root cause of your yeast infection is key, making sure that you know the reason why you are getting them and stop them from coming back. There are many natural ways to cure your vaginal yeast infection symptoms out there, and what works for one person will not work for another. Natural products will not harm your body any more, and they are strong enough to cure your yeast infection permanently. - 14130

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Buy Muira Puama Herb: Improve Your Health

By Tyjuan Giordano

The subject of natural herbs for depression/herbs for depression is one that sparks heated debate in certain medical circles. Herbal treatments for depression are considered alternative. The label alternative is defined as when the treatment in question is not widely accepted as effective by conventional mental health experts and medical professionals or the treatment is not the first choice of most doctors in cases of depression.

So we can comfortably conclude that natural herbs for depression fall into the alternative medicine category. Just because herbs for depression are labeled alternative does not mean they aren't effective. This is especially true in cases of mild depression.

There are many different herbs used in natural health formulas. Some of the names often seen are St. John's wort, Kava, Ginkgo biloba, Basil, Black Hellebore, Ginger, Clove, Oat straw, Rosemary, Sage, and Thyme. In this informational article titled "Natural Herbs for Depression" we will briefly explore St. Johns wort, Kava, and Ginkgo biloba.

However, before you take either of these herbs or any other supplements, be sure to discuss this with your doctor to make sure they would not cause problems with any other medications you may be taking. The first of these is St. John's Wort. Anxiety sufferers who have used this Herb have reported that in low doses it actually works within days, but that high doses can cause restlessness.

The second popular herbal remedy for panic attacks is Kava Kava. This herb, which comes from the South Pacific islands, has proved to be good for both stress and anxiety, as well as social anxiety. However, Kava should not be used more than three times weekly. It is also recommended that you take a full week off after every two weeks of use. Also, Kava is not recommended for children or teenagers, but only for those adults who do not have liver problems.

There exists a significant problem in taking herbs for anxiety and depression, and other ailments, and that is that unlike other medications government and international drug regulation agencies are not required to test and approve their use. This can mean that drugs could become available that have unforeseen side effects.

Depression is a complicated condition that is thought to be a product of the way serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine interact with chemicals in the brain. Due to this complex interaction it is not likely that all natural herbs for depression will work for everyone. Nevertheless, there seems to be enough compelling evidence to support at least some of the enthusiasm surrounding herbs for depression.

Additionally, the main advantage for choosing an herbal depression remedy is not so much in the clinical advantages as it is in the area of safety. While not all herbal remedies for depression are safe for everyone, they do have substantially less side effects than current antidepressant medications such as Zoloft; for this reason alone they are an option worth considering. - 14130

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Stretch Mark Relief Tips That Can Stop The Stretching

By Maia Pells

Stretch marks can be found on many parts of the body. Some of them appear on the torso areas, on the limbs, buttocks, and even on the upper arms. Pregnant women can also develop stretch marks on their breasts. Finding stretch mark relief is not an exclusive female complaint because men have to deal with it too.

Losing and Gaining Weight - Most men who are obese or grow muscles too fast have to face this type of problems. If you are one of those people who have just lost weight, you will also find these marks cropping up on the different areas of your body. These scars develop when the elastic tissues in the skin is stretched to its limit and are consequently damaged.

Most people are already quite familiar with how stretch marks look. You will usually find these stretch marks looking like shiny designs on your skin that are sometimes swollen. They do not look appealing at all even if they come in the colors of red, purple, or silver. Some people believe that getting a tan will cover these unsightly marks and it does work for some time. However, when the tan fades, these start to show again and stretch mark relief has only been temporarily achieved. Furthermore, as these grow older, the scar will turn silver or white and certain solutions will no longer be effective.

If you want to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks, then you might want to try some of these helpful tips.

Loofah Scrub - While you shower, you can use a loofah or skin brush to massage the affected area in a circular motion. A loofah is actually a type of dried sponge made from gourds like cucumbers. This procedure will help increase blood flow and will also brush off the dead skin cells.

All-Natural - There are substances from nature that can help with reducing stretch marks. Cocoa butter and vitamin E oil are just some of the many examples. You can simply massage this into the affected areas. Other plant oils like squalene and olive can also help renew the skin and heal the tissues that have been broken because of rapid stretching. If you prefer to apply prescription creams like tretinoin that has synthetic and effective substances in it, then it would be best for you to consult your dermatologist first.

Diet - Eating foods that are rich in vitamins A, E, and C will also help make your skin healthier. Foods like beets, bell peppers, and soybeans are rich in silica. Silica will actually help form collagen which can strengthen the skin tissues. You can also choose to take supplements but pregnant women are advised to consult your doctor before taking anything.

Of course, you have other options. There are other instant stretch mark relief treatments like laser removal method or plastic surgery. Although they are effective options, you still have to make sure that you understand all of the risks and costs involved in these procedures. And finally, remember to exercise when following these tips because not only will it give you better skin, it will make you feel healthier as well. - 14130

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Buy Pau D'arco Bark: Natural Treatments

By Eric Dawson

We can be grateful to American Indians for a multitude of herbal and natural medicines. Pau d'arco has a been used as a medicine by the indigenous people of the rainforest.

The Pau d'arco tree is a broad-leaf evergreen that grows to a height of 125 feet and produces violet colored flowers which accounts for it's often being called the "trumpet tree". It grows well in Peru and Argentina high in the Andes. It can be found growing in the low-lying areas of Paraguay and Brazil.

There are many uses of Pau darco. Research has been done in the 1960's and the 1970's on pau darco to verify the medicinal claims of this herb. Research, particularly that carried out by the U.S. National Cancer Institute proved that if not preventing or delaying cancer, Pau darco, actually treats cancer in very astounding ways. However, oral doses of the herb have to reach useful levels in the blood, therefore causing some side effects. That's why dosages were stopped in some patients.

This natural herb contains properties that are beneficial in relieving inflammation and pain related to bowel problems, ulcers, arthritis and rheumatism. Without spending much money, you;ll get a healthy way of prevent those diseases.

Pau d' arco has crystalline oxygen infused in it's inner bark, which is rich in iron, calcium, selenium, vitamins A, B-complex and C., magnesium potassium and sodium. These pau d'arco nutrients make give it antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal action which stimulates the immune system and fights disease.

The benefits of using it are: strengthens the immune system, supports the blood, helps the body replenish vital elements. Also, pau d'arco improves appetite, fortifies the body against viruses and germs, assists the detoxification process.

Externally, pau d'arco may be used to treat of a variety of inflammatory skin problems and infections, including fungal infections, hemorrhoids, eczema and wounds.

What does this mean? Testimonies that seem to confirm the effectiveness of a herb should also be taken together with the knowledge on how it will work in the body. For best results, always consult your doctor. - 14130

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Vitamin C" The Wonder Supplement

By Anju Mathur, M.D.

Wonder Cure

Did you know the vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, anti-viral, antitoxic and immune booster? The medical literature is overflowing with evidence that vitamin C is the single most essential nutrient for achieving optimal health and also the premier agent for curing or effectively treating a large number of infectious diseases. Vitamin C is very arguably the most important treatment that any infected patient should receive, even if the final diagnosis is being made or other medications have been started.

Vitamin C joins directly with toxins or viruses and thus makes them ineffective. This happens very quickly.

The amount of Vitamin C depends upon the severity of the disease but also on the efficiency of the victim's immune system. Most of us would not get serious life threatening illnesses if we took enough vitamin C daily. At the height of the Polio epidemic in 1949, Dr. Frederick. R Klenner, MD, published that he had successfully cured 60 out of 60 polio patients who had presented to his office. Furthermore he presented that none of them had any residual damage. He clearly demonstrated that vitamin C is optimal choice to neutralize and often help eliminate nearly any toxic chemical or substance capable of poisoning the body, including the toxins associated with several of the infectious agents. Vitamin C is undoubtedly the ideal agent for treating virtually any viral infection.

Rats and guinea pigs have an enzyme called gulonolactone oxidase which occurs naturally in their systems. This enzyme converts glucose into vitamin C. However, humans do not have this enzyme, so have to get vitamin C elsewhere.

The Process of Using Vitamin C

Vitamin C can be administered in several ways to deactivate toxins, viruses and histamine. When permitted to drip intravenously, vitamin C oxidizes many pathological situations. When it drips quickly it becomes a flash oxidizer and can handle the non-optimum situation in minutes. Vitamin C can also act as an anti-clotting agent and anti-histamine and works quickly to fight infection. Dr. Klenner said that failures of vitamin C result from insufficient quantities being administered for inadequate time period.

Vitamin C has to be administered after the cure is apparent. The reason is because of the way it works. Vitamin C joins with a toxin or virus, then more vitamin C oxidizes this new compound, so that both the toxin or virus and the vitamin C are destroyed. So the vitamin C must be replenished.

Uses of vitamin C

Large doses of vitamin C intravenously have been seen to cure or prevent the following infectious and non-infectious diseases:

Chronic fatigue syndrome - a viral disease of the immune system, usually characterized by debilitating fatigue and flu-like symptoms.

Viral hepatitis - inflammation of the liver, caused by a virus or a toxin and characterized by jaundice, liver enlargement, and fever.

Viral encephalitis

Chickenpox - characterized by mild headache and fever, malaise, and eruption of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes

Herpes infection - marked by the development of blisterlike sores on the skin or mucous membranes of the body.

Viral Pneumonia - characterized by fever, a cough with blood-tinged phlegm, and difficult breathing

Influenza - characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and exhaustion


AIDS - caused by a retrovirus and transmitted chiefly through blood or blood products that enter the body's bloodstream

The common Cold - characterized by sneezing, sore throat, coughing, etc., caused by an allergic reaction or by a viral, bacterial, or mixed infection

Streptococcal infections

Amoebic dysentery - characterized by severe diarrhea, nausea, and inflammation of the intestines

Staphylococcal infections - the toxins are a common cause of food poisoning, as it can grow in improperly-stored food

Barbiturates, CO or pesticides or alcohol poisoning

Any toxic poisoning e.g. mercury, lead, arsenic, nickel, Aluminum

Radiation Toxicity

High doses of Vitamin C are pretty safe by record. Some terminal cancer patients were given high doses of intravenous vitamin C for up to 8 weeks. The blood count and chemistry revealed no side effects from this administration. In Australia some physicians have given up to 300,000 mg with spectacular results, the only side effect is chronic good health.

The only question raised concerning side effects by conformist doctors is a fear that vitamin C could cause kidney stones. Their reasoning was that metabolism of vitamin C results in oxalate, and nearly all kidney stones are calcium oxalate. Although this objection still remains in dispute, some medical literature reports that vitamin C in fact helps break up kidney stones. - 14130

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Buy Pau D'arco Bark: We have the answers.

By Kelvin Hall

A thousand years ago, the Incas of Peru found the inner bark of the pink-flowered lapacho tree indispensable for treating fever, sore throat, dysentery, snakebite, bladder and yeast infections, and even cancer. They also used its wood to make bows for hunting.

The herb suddenly rose to fame! A decade later however, the National Cancer Institute determined that the quantity needed of the cancer curing drug in pau d'arco would have too many dangerous side effects. As a result, the "miracle drug" lost its place of prestige.

In the 1950s, Brazilian researchers confirmed that this ancient medicine is indeed anti-bacterial. Among more recent investigations:

First, the research isolated the chemical lapachol in pau d'arco that they felt cured the cancer. Since then Researchers have isolated over 20 active chemicals in pau d'arco. Some feel it is a combination of several or all these together that makes it effective. Second, it has been shown that the use of the whole herb does not create the side effects that extracted lapachol causes.

Most of the chemical research on pau d'arco has been done on the wood and not the inner bark. Pau d'arco contains chemical compounds called naphthoquinones such as lapachol that may have antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties, as well as significant amounts of the antioxidant quercetin.

Pau d'arco is available in health food stores in capsules, tinctures, and as dried bark. The recommended dosage is one to two capsules or one to two droppers of tincture taken one to four times per day, depending on the condition and patient.

Early reports declared pau d'arco to be useful in treating leukemia and other cancers, but the National Cancer Institute's research into lapachol (the constituent with the most anti-tumor activity) was halted due to mild side effects. More recent lab tests in Korea determined that another constituent, beta-lapachone, kills cancer cells of the lung, colon, and prostate. Pau d'arco is some time away from being used to treat cancer, but the Incas may have been on the right track.

The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, can trigger side effects and can interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a health care practitioner. Talk to your doctor to determine the proper dose of pau d'arco, because too much can be dangerous. Pregnant and nursing women should not take pau d'arco. - 14130

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The Shoulder

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

The shoulder is a very special joint. It allows a very great degree of movement to occur at the important junction between the torso and the arm. Notionally a ball and socket joint, the shoulder has been modified so this structure is much less clear than in the hip. The top of the arm bone or humerus is expanded into a large rounded knuckle which is like a ball but the socket is different. Unlike the deep hip socket which holds the head of the femur, the shoulder socket is very small in comparison to the head and very shallow.

The shoulder blade (scapula) is a large, flattened bone which overlies the posterior ribs on both sides of the upper thoracic spine, the outer end of which has been expanded to form the glenoid cavity or socket of the shoulder. All synovial joints have a fibrous bag or capsule surrounding and supporting them, but in the shoulder the capsule is slack and roomy, giving less support but allowing greater degrees of movement. The scapula holds the origin of the rotator cuff muscles on its flat surfaces and they travel outwards to insert just past the ball of the shoulder itself.

Above the shoulder joint is an arch of bone made up of two parts, the end of the clavicle or collar bone and part of the scapula known as the acromion process. The junction between these two structures is known as the acromioclavicular joint, a stable, non-moving joint which acts like a stabilising suspension strut in a car, keeping your shoulder out to the side when you are doing something. The acromioclavicular joint is injured moderately often by a direct fall on the hand, elbow or shoulder which can rupture the stabilising ligaments. This is a difficult injury to treat and very painful at the time.

The stabilising muscles and the joint capsule join the arm bone to the scapula but we must recognise that the scapula itself is not fixed to the thorax but lies over the ribs with only a muscular attachment to the trunk. The shoulder is more precisely called the glenohumeral joint and the movements which the shoulder blade is able to perform add to the already considerable movements of the glenohumeral joint. This permits us to place our arms and thereby our hands, the tools we use to manipulate objects, in a huge range of positions. The arm is a long lever and develops significant forces in use and its muscles do not seem particularly large.

There are several functions which the rotator cuff performs in the shoulder girdle. Firstly the cuff centres the large ball on the small socket by compression while the bigger shoulder muscles exert the power to move the arm. Secondly the cuff holds the ball up and stops it sagging down towards the edge of the small socket. Thirdly the cuff performs a degree of lifting of the arm and rotates it when required. Shoulder pathology may be related to stiffness and pain, usually with poor scapular control, or to increased mobility and pain with similar problems with scapular control. Pain and loss of movement is the commonest presentation.

If the rotator cuff is of sufficient strength it will help reduce the chance of suffering from a couple of shoulder problems. Lifting the arm above the head pulls the ball of the arm bone upwards towards the acromion and can cause impingement, which is prevented by the cuff muscles pulling the ball down and keeping it centred on the small socket. Subluxation of the joint, a part dislocation where one surface slips off the other to a degree, is also guarded against by the rotator cuff. Trauma is always necessary for full dislocation unless the person has abnormal collagen and so abnormal joint mobility.

The scapula is mobile around the ribs and back of the thorax, adding some considerable range of movement to the shoulder before we even consider the large movement capabilities of the glenohumeral joint itself. Shoulder problems develop as the joint loses some of its mobility and the scapula is less well stabilised, allowing a biomechanical imbalance to develop. - 14130

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