Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why osteopaths recommend acupuncture

By Andrew Mitchell

With the recent surge of interest in Eastern healing solutions to illnesses, it often seems like the east and western medicinal practices are at odds with each other. This is not always the case. Now more and more osteopaths are recommending that clients do both: a combination of Western osteopathy and Eastern acupuncture.

Acupuncture is holistic approach to health that has evolved, developed, and refined for over 2000 years in the Far East of Asia. The philosophy behind it is that our health is dependent on the free flow of our bodys energy " known as Qi " through a network of pathways that lie beneath our skin. All these channels are connected to all the vital organs, so if the flow of Qi is disrupted, whether by emotional disturbances or physical injury, the bodys health and harmony is disturbed.

Acupuncture works by placing a number of miniscule needles into specific pressure points in our body that run along the energy pathways under our skin. Not only does this stimulate energy flow and disperse pent-up tensions, but it taps into the bodys own healing response, which is capable of restoring its natural balance.

But what does acupuncture have to do with osteopathy? Acupuncture and osteopathy have very similar philosophies, both view the body and mind as interconnected entities. They both believe a condition can only be cured if you eliminate the root of the problem, rather than merely treating its symptoms, and this is why osteopaths advise patients to do acupuncture in addition to osteopathic treatments.

While acupuncture can be seen as merely a means of relieving pain, it helps heal specific problems and diseases. Below are some of the problems and conditions that acupuncture can help with:

- High blood pressure and problems with circulation

- Cranial problems, including headaches and migraines

- Respiratory problems, including asthma, breathlessness, and various others.

- Musculo-skeletal complaints, helping alleviate pain in the muscles and joints. Deals with many osteopathic problems such as sciatica, frozen shoulder, arthritis, and stiffness in the knees and neck.

- Allergies

- Insomnia or those with trouble relaxing

Many patients also say that acupuncture has given them gives an overall sense of wellbeing improving their energy levels, vitality, and general health.

People are often apprehensive about acupuncture because needles are involved. Therapists reassure their clients by explaining that the needles used for acupuncture are not the same as those they use at the doctors office for injections. They are a lot finer and do penetrate the body very different ways. While everyone responds to pain differently, many do not find the experience painful at all.

Not everyone is convinced that practices such as acupuncture work better than painkillers or sleeping pills. Others are adamant that natural healing processes are the only option. There does not always need to be a choice. If you have suffered from chronic pain or feel constantly overwhelmed by stress, combining East and West may be your best option to feeling healthier, refreshed, and more energetic. - 14130

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