Sunday, April 26, 2009

Manifest The Love You Desire

By Jill Luning

You can manifest a thought, realize it, make it real, by taking some action. Create goals with loved ones, and always know that two people can manifest better then one alone. Creating for ourselves is very similar.

Speak with joy about what will come into your life because your words and thoughts about it feeds that creation and brings it to you faster. Speak from your heart pertaining to your love life so you can manifest a deeper love connection. And if you have children, your connection to your kids will be transformed as well through manifestation.

You can manifest anything you desire when you remain open and willing to see the infinite possiblities. This openness is your ticket to finding the feeling of being unstoppable in your life. You can manifest a castle as easy as a button! This is the essense of understanding the law of attraction.

Feel yourself living the life you always wanted. Feel just how good it feels to be living your dream life! Feel that before you know it you won't be visualizing at all as your desires will be your reality.

Feel as though your desires has already happened. While in this mental condition, keep yourself open to all ways and means in which money can flow into your life. Feel free to do this manifesting meditation as many times as you wish, and share the idea with everyone. It's possible for everyone to start living a more empowering life that they love!

An affirmation is simply writing down a positive statement in present tense that includes where you want to be or states qualities of the more wholesome you that you would like to embody. Repeat this statement as often and as much as you can. Affirmations are not limited to simply repeating words. It is an entire process of becoming consciously aware of your thoughts and words everyday while projecting pleasant thoughts, thus producing positive powerful feelings. Affirmations are the beginning of manifestation.

You can manifest with affirmations. An affirmation is simply writing down a positive statement in present tense that includes where you want to be. Repeat the affirmation as often and as much as you can. Affirmations are not only simply repeating words. Affirmations are an entire process of becoming consciously aware of your thoughts and words everyday while projecting pleasant thoughts, thus producing positive powerful feelings. Affirmations are the beginning of manifestation.

Realize that you can transform your life into the life you have always wanted for yourself. Really think about this for a moment, for it's a marvelous and powerful truth. Now you just need to reach for something more exciting and be passionate. - 14130

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