Monday, April 27, 2009

10 Reasons Why Weight Loss Diets Fail

By Joshua Seth

How many times have you tried a new diet program with hopes of lose weight fast only to end up in frustration and failure? Did you know that over 90% of people actually gain weight within 6 months of dieting! Here are the top 10 reasons why:

1. Diets focus all your attention on food and eating, which is what you actually want to minimize in your mind. What you focus on expands so focusing on food is bad when you want to lose weight.

2. Diets create stress and stress creates the need to eat.

3. Diets fail to address the real problems: your self-esteem and your reliance on food to control your emotions.

4. Dieting can result in mood swings and depression which make it harder to lose weight. Depression actually leads to weight gain.

5. Diets put you in starvation mode. When you severely restrict your food intake it signals your body that food is scarce. Your body is designed to protect you against the possibility starvation by storing fat when whenever food becomes unavailable.

6. Diets lower your metabolism. When you suddenly limit your caloric intake, your metabolism slows down and burns less calories. Dieting actually makes your body efficient at conserving calories and storing them up as fat .

7. Diets judge their success by the number of pounds lost rather than by the true objectives: increased energy, feeling good about yourself, and looking good with your clothes again.

8. Diets are temporary. When you reach your goal weight on a diet you stop and return your your normal eating habits and the weight eventually comes back.

9. Diet sodas increase your appetite. They contain phosphoric acid which makes your appetite bigger and leaches calcium from your bones. They may also contain aspartame which drains your energy, your strength, and your stamina.

10. Diets change your short term eating habits without changing your long term mindset about food. Your thoughts create your actions, so if you still have the same thoughts and feelings about food eventually you will return to the same eating behaviors. To create long term, permanent changes in your body you must start with changes in your mind and feelings about the food. - 14130

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