Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hemorrhoids, If Not Treated Early, Could Lead to Colon or Rectum Cancer.

By Omar Rana

Symptoms of hemroids - If spotted early enough and treated, can reduce the chances of developing cancer of the colon. It could also lead to you losing the ability to control your bowel movements. Hemerrhoids symptoms can be many and varied and can even be mistaken for another disease. You may even have hemorrhoids for years without experiencing any symptoms.

Hemorrhoids are engorged veins inside and outside the anal area. Many times they get infected and inflamed, making them even more enlarged, causing itching and other irritating effects. More than half the population of the world will develop hemorrhoids at some point in their life!

Hemorrhoids can cause extreme discomfort, painful bleeding, and itching. Some of the more common symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

- mucus-like discharge from the rectum

- a lump around the anus

- rectum bleeding, usually noticed as red streaks on the toilet paper or blood in the toilet bowl

- rectum bleeding, usually noticed as red streaks on the toilet paper or blood in the toilet bowl

Hemorrhoidal bleeding happens because the hemorrhoids themselves are swollen blood vessels in your rectum. When these blood vessels split it causes bleeding, which will occur if a bowel movement causes these internal hemorrhoids to rupture.

From the most common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids is bleeding as well as itching in the anal area. But, they aren't the only reason for itching in the anal area. Poor anal hygiene, intestinal worms, medication allergies, perianal warts, psoriasis, or even too much coffee can cause itching!

SEVERE WARNING: Hemorrhoids can grow worse over the years, so when you detect them or their symptoms, you should search for medical advice immediately.

What can be done to prevent hemorrhoids?

One of the best ways to steer clear of hemorrhoids is to stop the pressure and straining that come with constipation. These tips can help reduce the effects of hemorrhoids:

- eating a diet high in fibre

- try not sitting in one place for a long period of time

- avoid sitting in one place for a long period of time

- drinking 6 to 8 glasses of fluid (preferably water) each day

- limit how much time you spend on the toilet

- maintaining a healthy body weight

Is There a Hemroids Cure that Works?

There are many treatments you could try but the one I will mention is a 100% natural formula used to treat both external and internal hemorrhoids and is proven to shrink hemorrhoidal tissue and totally get rid of the condition, together with an anti-inflammatory formula used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids. These formulas are used together, to calm acute pain and reduce swelling.

As this Hemorrhoids Treatment is derived from pure essential oils, they have the capability to enter into the cell membranes to give almost instant relief. The treatment process differs from person to person, yet most of the people who have used this treatment experience immediate relief. - 14130

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