Tuesday, April 14, 2009

External Hemorrhoid Treatment - A safe and easy way to eliminate external hemorrhoids

By GM Aus23

Diagonising External Hemorrhoids - External hemorrhoids are usually situated on edge of the anal canal and appear like a soft reddish lump about the size of a marble. They can be quite painful, itchy and often bleed. If you have noticed blood around the stool or on the toilet paper it is quite likely you have external hemorrhoids

We all have external hemorrhodial veins. These veins can develop into external hemorrhoids when you strain too much. Straining can occur during constipation, pregnancy and sitting for lengthy periods of time.

Toughening the external hemorrhodial veins, and maintaining a high fibre, healthy diet is crucial in treating external hemorrhoids. Using natural methods and herbal remedies is a great way eliminating your hemorrhoid problem

Using treatments such as pills or surgery may help, but there are real side effects, and a likely chance of the hemorrhoid returning. Many people who have tried these treatments suffer allergies and futher problems.

Herbal remedies are the oldest form of medication. Throughout time, herbal remedies have been used to treat many medical conditions including, eye problems, skin disorders, fevers and hemorrhoids

Some herbal remedies you can use as an external hemorrhoid treatment are - pilewort, marshmallow, olive leaf extract, gotu kola, white lilly, chickweed, cat mint, aloe, centella, canlendula, birch sap and rosehip

These herbs can be used by applying either internally or externally. The benefits of using herbal remedies are that they help to stop bleeding, soothe inflammation, relief pain, strengthen the veins and improve the digestive system

Hemorrhoid miracle is a highly approved system to treat external hemorrhoid, and uses the most effective herbs to target the problem. The system was created by best seller Holly Hayden, who has travelled the world to find to research treatments for hemorrhoids. Several of the top medical and herbal researchers recommend Holly?s system, and thousands that have used the system have benefited from it. - 14130

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