Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Get Better Sleep With These Tips

By Terry

While scientists may not have fully uncovered the reasons for why we sleep, one thing for certain is that we need it. It allows the mind and body to rest and repair itself while we drift off in wonderland. So, it is important that one learns how to have a quality sleep. We all know what happens when you go on long enough without sleep. The mind literally starts to wonder off and you just can't focuss and concentrate.

So what tips and tricks are there to get better sleep? Well firstly, you should have regular sleeping hours. What that means is that if you usually go to bed around ten at night, then try to go to bed the same time every night. This will give your body the correct signals to know when to shut down and when to wake up.

If you are taking short naps in the day, try to keep it not longer than 15 minutes. The reason for that is if the bodyy sleeps for more than that time, say half an hour, it might interpret it as the time to shut down it's body for rest. This can confuse your bio clock and cause you to feel tired at that time of the day.

To allow your body to unwind in the evening to prepare for sleep, you should do some physical exercise. This keeps the body pumping with blood and remove toxins, after which the body can rest. But try not to do any exercise about four hours prior to sleep.

Also for the four hours before you sleep, avoid stimulants like coffee or cigarettes. These can keep you awake and cause problems in falling asleep.

About one or two hours before you sleep, try not to do anything that stimulates the mind. Go take a nice bath and lissten to some soothing music. Also keep the lights dim. This will tell your mind that it is time to take a break and prepare for sleep.

Lastly, if you still can't fall asleep after half an hour, don't try to force it. You mind is most likely still active. Get out of bed and move around a little. Once you start to feel sleepy, go back to bed again. You should have no problems falling asleep by then. - 14130

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