Saturday, April 18, 2009

Anxiety Attack Symptoms - Why Do We Suffer With Them

By Kerris Samson

All of us at some time will have experienced anxiety attack symptoms to some degree or other during our lives. In a large number of cases one starts to have these symptoms when they are required to speak publicly. Do you remember how you felt when you had to carry out a presentation or speak to others. Even now you are finding just thinking about that time is starting to make you a little worried and anxious.

You can remember exactly how you felt. You felt sick to your stomach, your knees began to feel weak and you began to sweat. You suddenly forgot what your entire presentation was about and all you wanted to do is run. That was what is classed as an average everyday anxiety attack.

But for some people the symptoms they suffer from can be somewhat extremely especially when they are faced with something they specifically dislike. For some it may be when they are required to speak in public, for others it can be seeing a spider, whilst for others it may be because they are required to climb a ladder. For these people their particular attack will have been triggered by something specific.

Some people who suffer from these symptoms find that they can be extremely intense and for others the attacks begin to occur more frequently. Although we all feel some form of anxiety at some stage during our lives these people will show more outward signs, rather than just feeling worried. They may find that they begin to shake uncontrollably as well as start to cry for no apparent reason.

In some cases, these people will even begin to experience the same kinds of symptoms when they see a picture of a spider in a book or magazine, on television or in a movie. These symptoms can even occur when they hear someone else talk about seeing a spider.

There are some people who because they cannot control their anxiety attacks will find that this in turn results in their levels of anxiety increasing. What ever is causing their anxiety to be triggered if they cannot control the situation this can lead to other things causing the attacks to be triggered in the future. Because of this these people find it not only difficult to cope with their work but also generally dealing with others in a more social aspect and generally end up trying to avoid contact with others at all costs. This can then lead to their anxiety attacks taking even more control in their lives and leads to a downward spiral when the problems become much worse.

However, for these people there is hope as their doctor or a reputable counselor can help them. Remember anxiety attack symptoms are not a new problem and there is plenty of help available so you do not have to cope with them alone. - 14130

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