Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is my Headache Contributing to my Weight?

By Christian Goodman

Awhile back, a client who suffered migraines wrote to me. She explained that in addition to the painful headaches, she had also gained a great deal of weight over the past couple of years.

Given the timeframe of the weight gain, it is rather significant. In exploring the connection, I also inquired about any other health issues she was experiencing such as sleeping disorders and of course medicines she was using to help treat the migraines.

She had tried several migraine medicines over that period of time. One would stop working, so a new one would then be prescribed to take it's place. She also continued to gain weight.

Given that gaining weight is a rather popular (or actually unpopular) side effect of most migraine medicines, this was not too surprising. In addition to many other side effects, weight gain tends to accompany a numer of drugs for various conditions such as depression and hypertension.

In addition, many of these drugs also list headaches as a side effect. In fact, the very medications prescribed to treat migraines can cause rebound headaches.

A sedentary lifestyle resulting from suffering from migraines can also result in unwanted weight gain. Many people find the need to avoid light, loud noises etc.

This dilemma also calls into question which problem created the other. Certain medications may contribute to weight gain. However, obesity is also known to contribute to migraines and headaches.

Although I am an advocate of all natural solutions, I do need to reiterate that immediately discontinuing medications can have very serious health consequences. Therefore, I advise against stopping a medication without consulting your health professional.

The results of my Weight Loss Breeze and Migraine and Headache Relief Programs have been phenominal. Both are completely natural and include special breathing and relaxation exercises with fast results.

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