Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just Treating the Symptoms Will Not Cure Candida

By Marie Winn

The symptoms of Candida vary widely. Depending on the person and the severity of his or her Candida overgrowth, the symptoms can look like a disease in and of itself. If you just treat the symptoms, you are just giving yourself a quick fix and you will continue to see the effects of Candida on your health. Fortunately, once you have determined Candida to be the source of your medical problems, you can begin the process of curing yourself permanently.

A common symptom of Candida is recurring yeast infections. There are a number of ways to treat a yeast infection. You can use natural remedies like yogurt and garlic. You also have the option of picking up cream over the counter or getting your doctor to prescribe an anti-fungal pill. All of these remedies will give you temporary relief from yeast infections but will not eliminate them completely until the root cause is taken care of.

Another symptom of Candida is an unhealthy digestive system. Colon cleanses and special diets are ways to treat this type of symptom, and while they do help with Candida these remedies alone will not remove the correct the Candida overgrowth.

Mental illnesses such as depression can also be symptoms of Candida overgrowth. A person can attempt to manage such problems their whole lives without knowing that they are caused by Candida.

Unhealthy eating and alcoholism is another way that Candida shows up. It's easy to say that we all need to just exercise more self control, but the fact is Candida can make it very hard to resist these substances. Because the yeast needs those foods to thrive in your body, they actually cause the cravings.

Candida is a great deceiver, its symptoms show up in ways that make us feel ill but are hard to pinpoint. Some of the trickier symptoms are:

* tiredness and feeling groggy

* trouble concentrating

* mood swings

* acne

With so many possible symptoms, it is important to find out if Candida is the source of your sickness. Once you have this information, you can begin the process of healing and staying cured permanently. - 14130

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