Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hemorrhoids And What To Do About Them

By George Peterson

When it comes to what to do about hemroids, home treatment is often the most popular. Not that many people are finding it useful to put harsh medications in their body when there are better ways to take care of the problem.

Home cures have pretty much always worked for thousands of years and there's no reason they would stop working. As long as the cures used actually work and done right there shouldn't be too much trouble getting rid of the hemroids.

The first thing to do is to get more fiber into your diet. Foods such as beans, oat bran, fresh fruit, broccoli, and wheat are excellent ways to get the fiber you need. In order to make sure that the increased fiber does not cause bloating and gas, start increasing the intake slowly.

There are a couple of different types of hemroid creams you can get at your local pharmacy which could help. Something else you can do to help with the pain and reduce the swelling would be to place a small pack of ice against the affected area.

To prevent increasing strain and pressure which would make your problems worse, make sure you go to the bathroom as soon as you get the urge rather than waiting around for a better time.

Something else to notice is that everyone's case of hemorrhoids can be very different so even though you may think that you have all the tools and knowledge to take care of it yourself that's not always the case.

Never take no for an answer. If you feel like you've tried it all and those hemorrhoids just won't go away... well, there are probably several other alternatives you haven't yet tried.

Another thing to put on your list to do would be to take a Sitz bath. Fill a tub with a few inches of hot water and sit in it for about 10-20 minutes a few times a day. - 14130

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