Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stress Management: Relieve Your Stress with Massage Treatments

By Mike Mikeson

Stress management is perhaps more importantly now than at any other time. More people seem to be experiencing higher levels of stress. The ability to successfully cope with stress is paramount to your long term health and well-being. A great way to manage your stress is with a massage chair.

Our modern times have playing does with modern types of problems. Stress today is much different than just a few generations ago. Most stress encountered these days is psychological as opposed to physical danger.

Will be stress stemming from our modern age is much different today. Most of our stress is coming from how we view the world. We may be stressed about our jobs, meeting a due date or even paying the rent.

Our bodies react to this psychological stress as is we were about to experience physical danger. In fact, this reaction is hardwired into our bodies as a fight or flight reaction. When we come under stress, our bodies are reacting as if we face immediate and certain danger.

Stress causes the body to be prepared to take immediate action. Your body goes on high alert which increases the heart rate, and perhaps the muscles for action. Blood is diverted from the major organs in response to an immediate physical threat.

One of the problems of psychological stress is that the mind tends to focus on a particular issue. It is unable to resolve the issue immediately and it tends to linger. This lingering can be very devastating to the body as it tries to keep up its level of intensity to deal with its perceived threat.

Massage chairs work on two different levels to help you successfully manage stress. They help your mind to relax and not focus on its problems which remain unsolved. Secondly, they help to relieve the tension in your body by massage in stiff muscles.

Massage chairs help your mind to relax by incorporating MP3 music players with headphones. Music is commonly used to help distract the mind from its problems. As the mind becomes calm and quiet then the body can begin to relax.

Have you ever noticed that when your mind relaxes that your body also relaxes? This is one of the important keys to successful relaxation. Your mind needs to relax and then the body will follow.

One of the major problems with stress is that it causes tension in the body. This tension eventually fatigues your muscles. When the muscles become fatigued they also become stiff and sore leading to aches and pains.

One of the great things of today's massage chairs is that they provide a full body capability. This enables you to target whatever part of your body that aches the most. By simply selecting different options on your remote control, you can target the massage for thorough and invigorating relief.

Most people complain that when they are under stress that the stiffness tends to concentrate in a given area. Massage chairs are perfectly to target specific areas for relief. Manual controls enable you to precisely locate where you would like the massage applied.

One of the most successful ways to combat stress is to relieve it has it begins. Massage chairs give you the ability to get frequent massage therapy when you need it most. As you feel tension building in your body, use your massage chair to counteract the negative effects.

Massage chairs enable you to proactively manage your stress. They are great for relaxing both your body and mind. There are many different models and manufacturers offering you the ability to manage your stress at the touch of a button. See how the convenience of a massage chair can put you in charge of your stress management. - 14130

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