The Biomat is a medical device that is designed as a healing and preventative tool which can be used in helping people improve their overall health by improving the body's immune system, improving circulation and cardiovascular health, relieving pain, burning calories and thus assisting in weight control, easing joint pain and stiffness, reducing stress and fatigue, improving skin health, and assisting in the body's detoxification process. It utilizes both far infrared light and negative ion technology with the healing power of amethyst crystals.
How does the Biomat perform these functions? Light energy in the form of far infrared rays (FIR) are invisible to human eyes, but can be felt as heat on the body, and are a natural part of the sun's light (all living things produce some FIR). More and more medical professionals and those involved in alternative healing therapies are beginning to use FIR in their practices. These FIRs are sized between 9 and-- microns, which is the size of light that resonates most closely with the cells in the body. In the body there is a feeling of warmth when it comes into contact with FIR, and the metabolism is also increased.
The FIR are created in the Biomat when pulses of energy are put through a carbon ceramic material (known as Japanese Kurera Super Fiber). The generated FIR then pass through the layer of amethyst crystals in the Biomat which emits a long wavelength light which penetrates between 5 and 7 inches into the body.
Negative ions are created in the Biomat, and these have been proven to be beneficial to the body's health. In nature, negative ions are very commonly found in great abundance in rainforests, near waterfalls, and also near the ocean. Negative ions affect the brain by allowing it to receive more oxygen, which increases alertness and improves the attention span. Most people spend their time in areas where there are few negative ions, so the Biomat helps by increasing the negative ions a person is exposed to. DC current is passed through the Kurera fiber, which produce these negative ions. When the negative ions are discharged into the air, the body is able to take them in and positive ions in the bloodstream are then converted into negative ions. More calcium and sodium minerals are created in the bloodstream, which makes the bloodstream more alkaline, which is a healthy state for the body.
Amethyst crystal, as well as being known for its natural healing properties, is also a superconductor, which amplifies FIR in the Biomat enabling them to penetrate deeper into the body.
While the Biomat can be used to sleep on, it can also be used for brief periods of time during the day (or in clinical practice). There are many insurance companies which have now approved the Biomat, given it's ability to treat pain and problems of the musculo-skeletal system. While other FIR products, such as FIR saunas use AC current, the Biomat converts AC to DC which is known to be much healthier for the body.
The Biomat is useful in the home and also in professional practice. All sorts of alternative practitioners, including Reiki practitioners, masseurs, chiropractors, and acupuncturists have found Biomats incredibly useful in their practices, given the Biomat's ability to assist healing and also promote relaxation. - 14130
How does the Biomat perform these functions? Light energy in the form of far infrared rays (FIR) are invisible to human eyes, but can be felt as heat on the body, and are a natural part of the sun's light (all living things produce some FIR). More and more medical professionals and those involved in alternative healing therapies are beginning to use FIR in their practices. These FIRs are sized between 9 and-- microns, which is the size of light that resonates most closely with the cells in the body. In the body there is a feeling of warmth when it comes into contact with FIR, and the metabolism is also increased.
The FIR are created in the Biomat when pulses of energy are put through a carbon ceramic material (known as Japanese Kurera Super Fiber). The generated FIR then pass through the layer of amethyst crystals in the Biomat which emits a long wavelength light which penetrates between 5 and 7 inches into the body.
Negative ions are created in the Biomat, and these have been proven to be beneficial to the body's health. In nature, negative ions are very commonly found in great abundance in rainforests, near waterfalls, and also near the ocean. Negative ions affect the brain by allowing it to receive more oxygen, which increases alertness and improves the attention span. Most people spend their time in areas where there are few negative ions, so the Biomat helps by increasing the negative ions a person is exposed to. DC current is passed through the Kurera fiber, which produce these negative ions. When the negative ions are discharged into the air, the body is able to take them in and positive ions in the bloodstream are then converted into negative ions. More calcium and sodium minerals are created in the bloodstream, which makes the bloodstream more alkaline, which is a healthy state for the body.
Amethyst crystal, as well as being known for its natural healing properties, is also a superconductor, which amplifies FIR in the Biomat enabling them to penetrate deeper into the body.
While the Biomat can be used to sleep on, it can also be used for brief periods of time during the day (or in clinical practice). There are many insurance companies which have now approved the Biomat, given it's ability to treat pain and problems of the musculo-skeletal system. While other FIR products, such as FIR saunas use AC current, the Biomat converts AC to DC which is known to be much healthier for the body.
The Biomat is useful in the home and also in professional practice. All sorts of alternative practitioners, including Reiki practitioners, masseurs, chiropractors, and acupuncturists have found Biomats incredibly useful in their practices, given the Biomat's ability to assist healing and also promote relaxation. - 14130
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