Thursday, November 19, 2009

Science Based Natural Sleep Remedies

By Mike Jones

There are many snake oils and other natural sleep remedies out there and their effect are not based on science at all but still seem to work. The reason for this is something called the 'placebo effect'. This is the effect of believing yourself to be better or even cured because you believed in the effects of a substance you just ingested or some other therapeutic treatment. Much research has shown just how powerful this effect really is, no matter how far fetched it seems.

Now how does this make you feel in terms of any treatments you have received for a sleep disorder? The problem here that a 'sleep disorder' in itself is only a symptom of another, more problematic condition. When looking for a more long term and lasting treatment to a sleep disorder one should always take this into account.

Work stress, family stress which lead to nervous or hyper tension as well as chronic conditions like a bi-polar condition and chemical depression could all carry with them a problem getting sleep as just one of their symptoms. So, with regards to any particular condition always consult the doctor you trust before trying something new like a natural remedy.

When searching for for an explanation or answer to a problem, just keep in mind that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, so something as having a bad, highly stressful period at work is most likely why you are having trouble sleeping. It will thus require a simple solution.

A proved and highly effective method to eliminate stress is good old fashion exercise. Done on a regular basis will help get rid of all the stress hormones such as cortisol that build up in your blood and offer other side benefits besides a good night sleep. Exercise methodology can range from the more standard cardiovascular, strength, flexibility building to more unusual types like Yoga. These methods all work very well.

A healthy diet can also do wonders for your sleep cycle. Cutting out the simple sugars which cause uneven blood sugar level fluctuations and eating more complex carbohydrates which that balance out your blood sugar will help. Complex carbohydrates also contain an amino acid called Tryptophan which stimulates the release of seratonin. This is a neurotransmitter that precursors the release of another neurotransmitter, melatonin which is linked to your sleep cycle and helps you fall asleep.

Melatonin is a neurotransmitter that tells your body to go to sleep. It is also very good for as a supplement when a person's sleep cycle has been disturbed in a situation when one's work shift has been changed or when one has jet lag.

There are herbal supplements reputed to help, but as pointed out earlier, if they do have an effect, it most likely due, up to 80 percent to the 'placebo effect'. Better to concentrate on building good habits, which are better and most likely, cheaper in the long run. - 14130

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