The Biomat is a medical device that is designed as a healing and preventative tool which can be used in helping people improve their overall health by improving the body's immune system, improving circulation and cardiovascular health, relieving pain, burning calories and thus assisting in weight control, easing joint pain and stiffness, reducing stress and fatigue, improving skin health, and assisting in the body's detoxification process. It utilizes both far infrared light and negative ion technology with the healing power of amethyst crystals.
How does the Biomat actually work? Firstly, the far infrared rays (FIR) are a form of light energy which is invisible to human vision, and are a natural part of the light frequency of sunlight (living things also emit a certain amount of FIR). Healing using FIR is becoming more and more commonly used by both alternative practitioners and other medical professionals. FIR have a size of between 9 and-- microns, and it has been shown that light waves of this size resonate strongly with the body's cell tissues. When FIR light touches the body it produces warmth and also stimulates the metabolism.
There is a substance known as Japanese Kurera Super Fiber in the Biomat, which is a layer of carbon ceramic material, which produces FIR when energy is pulsed through it. The amethyst crystals act as an amplifier for the FIR when they are passed through it, which creates a long wavelength light which can penetrate deeply into the body.
Negative ions are produced in the Biomat, and these are wonderful for increasing health in the body. While negative ions are present everywhere, they are most abundant in nature, especially near the ocean, in rainforests, and by waterfalls. The brain responds well to negative ions, as it receives more oxygen, thus increasing alertness and reducing sleepiness, as well as improving the concentration. Unfortunately, most people spend their lives in areas of low negative ion concentration, and thus the Biomat is a great way of fixing this. The negative ions are produced by the Biomat when the Kurera fiber interacts with the DC current. These negative ions are then released into the air and taken into the body, where they can convert positive ions to negative ions in the body. This allows the creation of more calcium and sodium minerals in the blood, thus increasing blood alkalinity and improving health.
Amethyst crystals have the ability to act as a super conductor in the Biomat, and this means that FIRs passed through it are actually amplified, and as a result provide greater penetration into body tissues.
A person can use the Biomat by sleeping on it, and it can also be used for shorter periods (commonly done in clinical usage). Several insurance companies have approved the Biomat for use, given its ability to decrease pain and relieve musculo-skeletal issues. Some FIR products (including FIR saunas) use AC current, which is damaging to the body, while the Biomat converts AC into DC current, which is healthier for the body.
The Biomat is extremely beneficial for both home and professional use. Professional chiropractors, masseurs, acupuncturists, Reiki practitioners, and others have found Biomats very useful, because not only are they healing on their own, but they also help relax clients and complement their treatment. - 14130
How does the Biomat actually work? Firstly, the far infrared rays (FIR) are a form of light energy which is invisible to human vision, and are a natural part of the light frequency of sunlight (living things also emit a certain amount of FIR). Healing using FIR is becoming more and more commonly used by both alternative practitioners and other medical professionals. FIR have a size of between 9 and-- microns, and it has been shown that light waves of this size resonate strongly with the body's cell tissues. When FIR light touches the body it produces warmth and also stimulates the metabolism.
There is a substance known as Japanese Kurera Super Fiber in the Biomat, which is a layer of carbon ceramic material, which produces FIR when energy is pulsed through it. The amethyst crystals act as an amplifier for the FIR when they are passed through it, which creates a long wavelength light which can penetrate deeply into the body.
Negative ions are produced in the Biomat, and these are wonderful for increasing health in the body. While negative ions are present everywhere, they are most abundant in nature, especially near the ocean, in rainforests, and by waterfalls. The brain responds well to negative ions, as it receives more oxygen, thus increasing alertness and reducing sleepiness, as well as improving the concentration. Unfortunately, most people spend their lives in areas of low negative ion concentration, and thus the Biomat is a great way of fixing this. The negative ions are produced by the Biomat when the Kurera fiber interacts with the DC current. These negative ions are then released into the air and taken into the body, where they can convert positive ions to negative ions in the body. This allows the creation of more calcium and sodium minerals in the blood, thus increasing blood alkalinity and improving health.
Amethyst crystals have the ability to act as a super conductor in the Biomat, and this means that FIRs passed through it are actually amplified, and as a result provide greater penetration into body tissues.
A person can use the Biomat by sleeping on it, and it can also be used for shorter periods (commonly done in clinical usage). Several insurance companies have approved the Biomat for use, given its ability to decrease pain and relieve musculo-skeletal issues. Some FIR products (including FIR saunas) use AC current, which is damaging to the body, while the Biomat converts AC into DC current, which is healthier for the body.
The Biomat is extremely beneficial for both home and professional use. Professional chiropractors, masseurs, acupuncturists, Reiki practitioners, and others have found Biomats very useful, because not only are they healing on their own, but they also help relax clients and complement their treatment. - 14130
About the Author:
Cynthia Ryan first tried the Biomat at her chiropractor's office just over a year ago, and even in that short time she experienced great relief from her crippling back pain. She purchased her own, and has never looked back.
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