There is a condition prone to puppies called malocclusion, which means that their bit does not fit right. This misalignment of the teeth is common and usually does not affect the dog's ability to eat. However, as the dog grows older, the condition can get worse or could correct itself.
Puppies have very sharp teeth and by the time they are 6 months old, they will have about 28 teeth. Into adulthood, your dog will have 42 teeth. Puppies are notorious for those sharp pointy teeth so it is best to monitor your small child's playtime with the puppy to avoid any accidents.
This condition has minimal risks to your dog but can cause some discomfort and infection if it is a severe case. Usually malocclusion affects the dog's ability to chew or pick up the food. Causes of this disorder are mouth injuries and wear on the teeth.
The most common malocclusions are overbite or underbite. This occurs when the mouth is closed and the teeth do not meet creating a gap. Many breeds have this problem naturally and do not have any issues; however, the flat face family of dogs will not have the scissor bite.
A common malocclusion in most dogs is the scissor bite. However, the Shih Tsuz, Lhasa Apsos and the Boxer breed are born without the scissor bite. Therefore, when looking for a dog like this, you definitely want to make sure they do not have the scissor bite.
It is not uncommon for puppies to be born with gaps in their teeth. These gaps will usually correct themselves as the puppy gets older and his adult teeth come in. If the problem does not correct by around the 10-month mark, it likely will not correct itself.
Your dog's overbite may worsen as the permanent teeth come in because they are larger and can damage the soft parts of the mouth. Teeth extractions are sometimes necessary. Just check with your vet if you are concerned or notice that the dog is not eating.
Severe cases might require intervention as we have said. Typically these conditions do not ever affect the dogs ability to eat and will not require any medical procedure. As of late though, people are opting for doggy braces to correct their dog's alignment issues. What is next, contact lens?
I do certainly feel that we are responsible for making our pet's life a good one. Be diligent in the care of your dog. Regular checkups and vaccinations can increase the life of your dog and keep them healthy and happy. - 14130
Puppies have very sharp teeth and by the time they are 6 months old, they will have about 28 teeth. Into adulthood, your dog will have 42 teeth. Puppies are notorious for those sharp pointy teeth so it is best to monitor your small child's playtime with the puppy to avoid any accidents.
This condition has minimal risks to your dog but can cause some discomfort and infection if it is a severe case. Usually malocclusion affects the dog's ability to chew or pick up the food. Causes of this disorder are mouth injuries and wear on the teeth.
The most common malocclusions are overbite or underbite. This occurs when the mouth is closed and the teeth do not meet creating a gap. Many breeds have this problem naturally and do not have any issues; however, the flat face family of dogs will not have the scissor bite.
A common malocclusion in most dogs is the scissor bite. However, the Shih Tsuz, Lhasa Apsos and the Boxer breed are born without the scissor bite. Therefore, when looking for a dog like this, you definitely want to make sure they do not have the scissor bite.
It is not uncommon for puppies to be born with gaps in their teeth. These gaps will usually correct themselves as the puppy gets older and his adult teeth come in. If the problem does not correct by around the 10-month mark, it likely will not correct itself.
Your dog's overbite may worsen as the permanent teeth come in because they are larger and can damage the soft parts of the mouth. Teeth extractions are sometimes necessary. Just check with your vet if you are concerned or notice that the dog is not eating.
Severe cases might require intervention as we have said. Typically these conditions do not ever affect the dogs ability to eat and will not require any medical procedure. As of late though, people are opting for doggy braces to correct their dog's alignment issues. What is next, contact lens?
I do certainly feel that we are responsible for making our pet's life a good one. Be diligent in the care of your dog. Regular checkups and vaccinations can increase the life of your dog and keep them healthy and happy. - 14130
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