Saturday, November 28, 2009

How A Dallas Chiropractor Alleviates Headaches Naturally With Chiropractic Care

By Lonnie Erby

Persons that suffer from headache pain are usually willing to do almost anything to find relief. A Dallas chiropractor can alleviate your pain naturally using absolutely no drugs.

Headaches are often complained of in persons. Some 30 to 40 million persons report suffering from migraine headaches, but three fourths of all headache sufferers actually have tension headaches. Less common than either of these are those who suffer from cluster headaches.

Migraine pain can put people in bed. Migraine headaches are localized on one side of the head, but tension headaches are usually a dull ache that is felt all over the head. In comparison, migraine headaches are a throbbing pain the is in sync with the heartbeat. Chronic tension headaches may occur daily; however, migraines are less often but have a greater intensity.

Cluster headaches are less common than the other two types of headaches and are more common in men than women. The pain can start quickly and reaches its highest intensity within two to fifteen minutes. It includes a stabbing pain that is felt in the area of the eyes.

It is estimated that ninety five percent of all headaches are related to the cervical spine. If this problem is alleviated, the headaches will go away. The process to relieve the problem can be easily done by a Dallas chiropractor in his office. It does not involve any drugs and is extremely safe. There are no side effects to this procedure.

Chiropractic care has been shown to give headache relief to all kinds of sufferers of headaches. In particular, migraine headache sufferers report a better result using chiropractic care than that found with many of the drugs commonly prescribed for these conditions.

If you suffer from headaches, whether they are tension, migraine or cluster headaches, then why not see a Dallas chiropractor. He or she can work to alleviate your headaches so that you can face the world with less pain and no side effects. - 14130

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