Saturday, November 28, 2009

All Natural Skin Care. What Does It Mean And Why Should You Care?

By Peter Albertonach

As we get older our skin ages, and as we start to notice ageing skin our thoughts turn to skin care. Today I want to examine the problems with mainstream anti aging products, find out what all natural skin care is and why this is important for you to know.

Anti aging products are supposed to be good for us. They are supposed to reverse the effects of skin ageing and to reduce the visible results, namely wrinkles, skin sagging, fine lines, age spots and more. Using skin care products is supposed to be a positive in our life.

But unfortunately for many people this is not the case. The numbers of people who suffer from allergies, skin irritation and skin problems like eczema from the use of mainstream big brand skin care products is huge. I know this because it's happened to a member of my family and because I spend my time researching this.

And there is one simple reason for this, a reason that does not apply to all natural skin care products.

The reason is that many big brand name anti aging products contain chemical ingredients that may risk your health. These include petrochemicals. Many of these ingredients are known to cause cancer and have other implications for your skin and your health.

Just this morning I was reading a study published in the Journal Of Investigative Dermatology that established that moisturizers containing sodium lauryl sulphate and mineral oil may increase the risk of skin cancer in mice by up to 69 percent. And also that moisturisers that do not contain these nasty chemicals do not increase the risk of skin cancer in mice at all.

There are hundreds of studies, perhaps thousands of studies which have concluded that these chemical ingredients that are so common in modern anti aging products can cause health problems and skin problems. Some of these chemicals include parabens, fragrances, petroleum products, sodium lauryl sulphate and much more.

There are excellent natural ingredients available which are known to have properties that help promote optimum skin health and which are also extremely safe to use in skin care products. It is these ingredients that are used in all natural skin care products.

Any skin care company can use any of these natural ingredients but the skin care industry is voracious with billions of dollars at stake and there is serious competition in the industry including price competition. These natural ingredients are effective but expensive whilst the chemical alternatives used in so many products are way cheaper. Cheaper ingredients are used so the skin care companies can compete on price and still allow plenty of budget for television advertising.

However this situation offers an opportunity to new players in the market, and to some older players, to develop products which take advantage of the growing awareness of the problem of chemical ingredients in anti aging products. These niche companies produce excellent all natural anti aging products using ingredients which are known to be safe and which are highly effective, and usually more so than the chemical ingredients used in the big brands.

All natural skin care products work very effectively, and if you choose wisely they are perfectly safe for you to use on your skin, regardless of skin type, and will not cause any skin irritation or allergies or any other health problems.

Note that I said "if you choose wisely". There are many anti aging products advertised as all natural skin care products which contain many of the chemical ingredients used in the big brand names. There is no government regulation determining what can or cannot be used in anti aging products and what can or cannot be said on the label, so cheating is rife.

The best all natural skin care products offer you an opportunity for excellent skin care without risking your health or your skin. They are highly effective and they need to be, because the best ones come with a money back guarantee to ensure that all customers are able to try the products risk free to establish for themselves how well they work.

So if you're becoming concerned about the problems with mainstream anti aging skin care products and you can be confident in the knowledge that, if you choose wisely, you can find excellent all natural skin care products that really do produce optimum skin health without the chemical risks.

To find out more visit my website. - 14130

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