Monday, November 9, 2009

If You'd Like To Reduce Wrinkles Then Find Out How To Tackle The Cause Of Wrinkles Rather Than The Effects.

By Peter Albertonach

Reducing wrinkles is one of the major concerns of women as they age. As women age they start to notice the signs of skin ageing and they start to notice a the formation of fine lines around the eyes and mouth, skin sagging under the chin and the formation of wrinkles. If this describes you and you're looking to find the best wrinkle reducer cream then you're tackling the effects rather than the cause.

Wrinkles form as a woman ages because the skin is losing some of it's essential skin properties. As you age your skin starts to lose some of it's supplies of collagen and elastin, both of which are 2 essential skin proteins which are very important for maintaining skin elasticity.

And it's the elasticity in your skin that keeps your skin looking good and helps keep wrinkles at bay. As you age and your skin elasticity starts to reduce you start to see wrinkles because the skin is less able to maintain itself and is losing skin health.

The obvious thing to do is to increase the supply of collagen and elastin in the skin and this should reverse the wrinkles. In fact that is the best way of reducing wrinkles however most wrinkle reducer creams do not increase supplies of elastin and collagen in your skin.

If you take a bottle of a popular wrinkle reducing cream and look on the label will probably see collagen and elastin listed there. It would seem that this should be the best approach to wrinkle reduction but it is not in fact successful. It has been known to science for quite a long time that molecules of collagen and elastin are too large to get into your skin and just remain on the surface.

It would seem silly to put them there except for one thing. This allows companies that make wrinkle reducing creams to list collagen and elastin on the label and this helps sell thousands or millions of bottles of wrinkle reducing cremes.

But there is a way to help improve the levels of collagen and elastin skin and there are skin care products that will do this successfully. One range of natural skin care products does this very well. It combines a range of natural ingredients known to improve skin health and increase the skin supply of collagen and elastin. These ingredients are naturally occurring ingredients like essences of sheeps wool and seaweed and also a range of other natural oils such as Shea butter and Babassu oil and others. These products stimulate the skin to produce more elastin and collagen itself, thereby restoring skin health.

This approach perfectly combats the cause of wrinkles. Because the cause of wrinkles is loss of skin elasticity with age due to the loss of elastin and collagen and if you replace the lost elastin and collagen skin health improves and skin elasticity returns. By tackling the cause you reduce the effects, namely skin sagging and wrinkles and your skin will also look healthier.

These products have been available for quite some time but despite that they are not well-known. The reason is that they are manufactured by a very small niche natural skin care company that cannot match the big brands on marketing budget and so cannot afford to advertise on television, the best way to sell skin care products. Despite this they have a growing group of extremely loyal customers who know the power and the value of the products and who spread the word gradually.

The best wrinkle reducer cream does not target wrinkles. It seeks to improve overall skin health and skin elasticity and wrinkle reduction is one of the effects.

To find out which company successfully improves skin elasticity by improving supplies of collagen and elastin in the skin visit my website. - 14130

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