Thursday, July 30, 2009

Varicose Veins - Causes And Treatments

By Erin Mullins

It is not weird to notice distention of portions of the giant veins in the legs as folks age. This is more common to those people whose roles need them to stand at a longer time. This quiescent, upright position produces stagnation of the blood in the legs. Thus pressure and a steady strain on the walls of the venous system at that point results to permanent distention, or ?varicose veins.?

Varicose veins could be stopped and stopped if at an early stage, those people who usually stand long hours at work will change their jobs. But, during middle age when this affliction happens, it may be quite very unlikely to stop or cure it with lotions or other medical remedy.

Surgical operation can cure and relieve the pain. However, apart from being an expensive process, it would cause you your job when you can?t go to work due to healing time. Using an elastic stocking can offer relief but cannot cure.

The first sign of a varicose vein is a dull, aching pain. The vein becomes bigger, knotted and distended. In extraordinary cases a rupture of the wall often follows. This is scant but always possible.

The veins are the vessels that serve to return the blood from the capillaries of the different parts of the body to the heart. The veins are found in nearly each tissue of the body. They are larger and altogether more numerous than the arteries. Thus , the entire capacity of the venous system is much bigger than the arterial. The arteries, which are denser in structure than the veins, are also stronger and more elastic. They also preserve their cylindrical form when empty.

The veins do not have this property, and collapse when not crammed with blood. They have thinner walls than the arteries and are not so well supplied with muscular fiber. Hence they are much more liable to distention at any part where stagnation is liable to happen. All of the bigger veins are given valves. These valves serve to prevent the flowing back of the blood. They are fastened by their convex edges to the walls of the veins. Their concave margins are free and directed in the course of the venous current. They lie in close apposition with the wall of the vein as the current of blood takes its natural course.

If, any stagnation or regurgitation occurs, the valves at that place become distorted, their opposed edges are brought into contract. This then is intercepted, and a distention of the wall of the vein ensues, which distention we know as that really distressing affliction, a varicose vein.

As the primal basis of the difficulty is stagnation of the blood at that point, acceleration of the circulation there would relieve that congestion ; and the sole way this can be possible is by friction. The most effective method for attaining this is with the dry palm of the hand, and the most convenient time? in the early morning. The conditions are then favorable, as the body is relaxed and will readily respond to intelligently directed efforts towards its rejuvenation or improvement.

The trouble will most probably appear upon the interior of the, leg below the knee, running along the calf of the leg, but it may extend several inches above the knee and along the inside of the thigh. With increased years, the congestion of the superficial veins will extend lower down, straight away above and round the ankle. This could become discolored and think a deep bluish hue thanks to the stagnant blood.

Relief is obtained by friction, with the middle of the hand, daily and steadfastly. This exercise will relieve the congestion and will strengthen the minute muscles that support the venous walls. And if endured in systematically and methodically, will ultimately revive the deformed venous valves to their correct position and the difficulty will disappear. It is a straightforward, simple and effective cure for a particularly irritating affliction. I speak from private experience.

The most convenient position is lying on your side. Start with twenty strokes of the hand up and down, following the course of the vein. Increase to one hundred strokes as the skin becomes hardened and accustomed to the friction. In a normal stage, this exercise can guarantee remarkable results. - 14130

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