Friday, July 31, 2009

D. Gary Young - A True Success Story

By Leland Beauregard

To experience a terrible thing along the journey of our lives is reason enough for some people to drown from depression. We all tend to feel helpless and vulnerable and we find everything to blame, including ourselves on why such has happened. This is one reason too why a lot of people are turning to just end their lives by committing suicide, thinking that this would end their troubles.

Few people could take a situation like this and look past the negative to see the real meaning through all the other junk. One individual that did just is the incredible Gary Young. The story of D. Gary Young is an example of how to look on the bright side even when things are bad. He has been an example to so many people who are also having trouble with life.

D. Gary Young began his career in the ranching and logging business. He grew up in Idaho and spent some time in Chicago as well. He could never have known that soon he would experience something very unhappy in his life, since he was fine at the time.

Accidents always creep up on us by surprise, at times in life when we are least expecting them. Young was a logger when he found himself at the end of a dangerous accident that just about terminated his life. It was so bad that he dropped into a coma for a few weeks and then was confined to a wheelchair after that. He was 24 at the time, right in the prime of life.

But because he was just human, D Gary Young succumbed to the calls of depression and desperation all due to the reason that he cannot anymore walk. But after some time, he fought a good fight by not letting this impairment impair the rest of the positive things that are still left in his life. He began to shift his thoughts into something positive and he started working again.

For a period of three years after his accident, he started feeling sensation again in his legs. Having seen this as an ameliorated state for him, he began trying to apply essential oils that would relieve him from pain. With the unceasing application, he was able to improve his condition and was able to join a marathon after about thirteen years. With this, his mission evolved towards helping others who are suffering from the state that he was once in. This gave way to the brainchild of the Young Living Essential Oils.

Young Living Essential Oils has since gained an incredible share of the market with its positive health effects. He then built on this achievement by creating a foundation so he could reach a larger audience to help.

If somebody really is set on making their positive mark in the world, there is really nothing that will prevent them from doing it. D. Gary Young has shown that the power of the human spirit is truly the most insurmountable obstacle. When life threw something at him, he made the best he could of it and look at him now. - 14130

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