Sunday, July 26, 2009

Massage Chairs Help Athletes

By Stephen B Esquire

Athletes need to keep their muscles performing at their peak. This requires strength training, proper diet, endurance and healing. Regardless of the type of sports you play, your body must perform the required activities to be successful. Massage chairs are being used to help manipulate and rehabilitate the soft tissues of the body including muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Sports require the body to perform in a certain manner. This requires coordination and strength of certain muscles to work in tandem. Your exercise and training regimen will vary depending on the type of sport that you play.

It is important to provide proper stretching and relaxation of the muscles. If your muscles are tired and sore, then you simply will not perform. This is why it is important to restore the muscles and soft tissues after competition or physical exertion.

Massage is being used by many athletes to help restore flexibility, soothe sore muscles and to relax the mind. However, it must be performed on a periodic basis in order to be effective. Getting a massage once a year will have little effect on your performance.

Many athletes are finding that massage chairs are the most practical way to get frequent massage therapy. They provide a range of therapies in addition to massage that can benefit athletes. Many massage chairs have included traction systems to stretch and elongate different muscles in the body.

Competitive sports require that you push your body to the limit. However, your body must be able to physically handle the stress and strain put on it. Besides strength training, it is important to maintain your flexibility. This will help your body perform better and will lower the risk of injury.

Your mental state is very important to performing at your peak. If you are concerned about other things while playing, you simply will not perform well. Relaxation is an integral part of performing at your peak. Massage chairs are equipped with music players to help soothe and relax your mind.

One of the benefits of regular massage therapy is relaxation. Your mind needs to relax in order for your body to relax. As you relax, the tension held over your muscles will be released. This helps to reduce the tension and tightness and your muscles.

Massage therapy is often provided prior to a competitive event. This helps to warm up the muscle tissue, increase the blood flow and relax the body. It is also used to sharpen awareness and concentration.

Massage chairs contained a variety of massage treatments. You can find massage techniques such as shiatsu, deep tissue, sports massage, Swedish, reflexology and acupressure. You can target specific areas or apply full body massage.

Many massage chairs also have lower body stretching systems. These systems actually stretch your legs from the hips to the ankles. You can also find them with built-in heaters to help reduce swelling. Heaters can be individually activated so that he can be targeted where and when you need it.

Athletes are better understanding the importance of receiving massage on a periodic basis. Massage is becoming an integral part of a training regimen. The most practical method to receive frequent massage is with a massage chair. They are tremendously convenient to add into your training program. Many athletes are finding that extra edge they need by receiving periodic massage chair treatment. - 14130

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