Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Look At Natural Treatments for Sjogren's Syndrome

By Troy Stevens

Sjogren's Syndrome, like other autoimmune diseases, is a serious illness which is very difficult to cope with. In autoimmune diseases, the body begins to fight itself, causing serious, even life threatening complications and are characterized by intense pain and inflammation.

The first sign of the disease is generally dry mouth and dry eyes, since the glands most affected are those which produce moisture. There are about four million people worldwide who are afflicted with the disease, women being by far the most common sufferers.

Diagnosis - The symptoms and mechanisms of action in Sjogren's Syndrome are very similar to those of other autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and lupus, both of which it is often misdiagnosed as.

No definitive cause; not a gene, a hormone or an enzyme has been identified, though a hereditary pattern has been seen. Accurate diagnosis can take a lip biopsy, testing the eyes and mouth for dryness, blood tests and an examination of the patient's medical history.

To diagnose the syndrome accurately, testing for dry eyes and mouth, blood tests for relevant antibodies, a lip biopsy and a complete medical history of the patient' symptoms is needed.

Common Medications - Like other autoimmune diseases, there is no cure for Sjogren's Syndrome at this time. The medications given to sufferers are aimed at reducing the pain and inflammation the disease causes. Non-steroidal inflammatory medications like aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen are commonly used. When there is internal organ involvement, immunosuppressive medications and corticosteroids may be prescribed as well.

Natural Treatments - Natural treatments for the disease are directed at the goal of reducing the severity of the syndrome's symptoms. Eye dryness and dry mouth are treated with artificial saliva and tears. Natural remedies used by many patients include rest and light regimens of regular exercise, Patients are also recommended to eat a diet which is rich in nutrients that support healthy immune function.

Natural remedies include balancing rest and exercise. Syndrome sufferers benefit from a balanced diet that supports natural immune health as well. Some patients have benefited from herbal remedies. Herbal supplements specifically designed to support immune health have been reported by patients to provide some symptom relief.

For discomfort and pain, some have found that acupuncture is also helpful. Because the syndrome presents with a variety of symptoms, including joint pain and pain in the extremities, a combination of acupuncture and acupressure may be helpful in relieving discomfort.

Any Sjogren's patient who exhibits redness or irritation in their eyes should see their doctor immediately. Dental hygiene is also an important preventative measure for patients with Sjogren's Syndrome.

Gum and mouth sores can happen easily in people with autoimmune diseases, though using humidifiers, getting adequate fluid intake and using artificial saliva can help to prevent dental infections. - 14130

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