Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Hemorrhoidectomy Exposed

By Heather-Jane Hunter

There are more than 240 million people in the world today who suffers from hemorrhoids everyday. Many are too embarrassed to seek help and try to live with the horrible pain and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. One of the most common ways to treat a hemorrhoid is through a hemorrhoidectomy. This article will explain what a hemorrhoidectomy is and how it works.

There are basically two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are on the inside of the rectum, and external hemorrhoids can be found on the outside of the anus. Both can be painful and can itch, bleed, and cause other symptoms and forms of discomfort. There are several different ways to treat hemorrhoids. The best way to treat hemorrhoids is to act as soon as you notice the flare up. By sitting in a sitz bath 2-3 times a day or by applying ointments to the affected area you can avoid the more serious treatments required for advanced stages. When hemorrhoids reach an advanced stage or become severe, a hemorrhoidectomy may be required to affectively treat them.

This surgical procedure typically involves incisions into the affected tissue surrounding the hemorrhoid. The objective is to cut into the swollen vein and tie it off so that bleeding is cut to the hemorrhoid, which is then removed. The wound is then sewn shut (or left open and bandaged). A patient undergoing a hemorrhoidectomy can be in and out of a center within a day, since it is generally an outpatient procedure.

A hemorrhoidectomy is very painful and will take 2-3 weeks to fully recover from, however most of the surgeons will give you pain medicine. Since this is so painful and takes some time to recover most people who have the procedure done has a stapled hemorrhoidectomy. This is done by using a circular device that staples the hemorrhoid into the tissue. This is less painful and doesn't take as much time to recover as your traditional hemorrhoidectomy.

There are other treatments and options available for hemorrhoid treatment (natural cures such as Venapro work well), but in severe cases of pain and discomfort, the hemorrhoids may not respond. If this happens, a hemorrhoidectomy may be the best option. Anyone contemplating advanced surgical hemorrhoid treatment should consult their doctor about hemorhoidectomy to see if it's suitable for them.

If you want to avoid a hemorrhoidectomy then you should treat your hemorrhoids right a way. If you treat the smallest of symptoms you won't have to go with a surgical procedure. You can reduce your swelling and irritation by using OTC creams and ointments along with a sitz bath. By practicing these home treatment options you'll be able to keep the swelling down and lessen your chances of having to have a hemorrhoidectomy. If you exercise and watch what you eat you can also reduce the chances of having to have a painful procedure in the future. Remember to treat your health problems as soon as they occur and you'll never have to worry about treating painful hemorrhoids. - 14130

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