Wednesday, July 15, 2009


By James Stanley

There are children who just cant stay at a certain place. They always go around and round. There are also some who have very short attention on almost anything.

It may look normal because they are just kids, they often do that. It is not true. These children might be showing a condition called the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is also called ADHD.

This is shown by what is mentioned above namely, low attention and hyper activity. Not all children have ADHD. You dont want this condition to be there, it is a psychological disorder.

Though this disorder mainly affects children, some carry the condition until adulthood. And throughout the opening of year 2000, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of such cases in the United States.

ADHD can affect the areas of our brain that is in charge for planning, solving problems, understanding and attention. This can only last for certain number of months, yes in other words, this condition can be treated.

But if you are taking it for granted, it will also manifest until the child becomes adult and for sure it will be another burden. Though this condition is common to children, not all children who manifest the symptoms have ADHD. If the child shows the behaviors in a certain place, it may be due to his reaction to school activities or friends, not from the actual disorder.

ADHD is confirmed when something happens to a child like death, divorce in the family or other changes, seizures, hearing problems caused by ear infections, school problems or depression.

There are many types of management that can be done to cure this disorder. One is through drugs which can control the childs hyperactivity. Another is Psychological therapy which includes behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy and family therapy. Others include diet modifications and the trend called biofeedback which cures attention, impulsive and hyperactivity.

ADHD can be cured, thats the good news about it. But we have to watch our children carefully, and if they show some change behavior, we must have them see a doctor. If not, it may lead to more serious condition. - 14130

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