Friday, July 31, 2009

Five Natural Varicose Veins Prevention

By Erin Mullins

Do you have varicose veins, those abnormally swollen or enlarged bluish veins on the legs, sticking out from the skin of the skin? Do you experience leg pain or swelling in varying degrees?

You can cure varicose veins in a safe, natural way, without invasive surgery.

Alternative herbal treatments for varicose veins are becoming more well-liked and, in a number of cases, are a wiser choice because they rejuvenate veins, reduce agony and provide a more permanent solution than surgery. Truthful surgeons endorse using alternative strategies like natural creams before resorting to surgery.

If you are among the many folks are looking for natural therapies to relieve the pain and pressure of varicose veins look no further. Intrusive surgical procedures are no longer a well-liked solution in most cases.

Five Natural ways that you can prevent varicose veins:

- increase blood circulation in the legs - exercise like walking, cycling and running moves blood up the legs by fortifying leg muscles. These types of exercise not only keep the condition from worsening but they improve blood flow which decreases your pain and also prevents you from getting more varicose veins.

- reduce weight bearing - start by shedding excess weight, handling less heavy articles and reducing activities that put unnecessary strain on your legs.

- wear compression support hose - supports the veins with a steady pressure that helps stop your legs from aching and swelling because they increase leg circulation and energy. Stockings can help whilst wearing them but are not a permanent treatment for varicose veins. When they come off, the varicose veins will still be there.

- eat a diet rich in fibre - include fruits, berries, fresh plants and whole grains in your diet. Their fibre strengthens leg vein walls, reduces pressure on veins and prevents constipation. Reducing fat rich animal protein in your diet as well as heavy, starchy foods and drinking lots water will help stop more varicose veins from forming.

- use circulation enhancers - check for therapeutic grade oils and natural herbs in leg veins products. The herbal extract Calendula is known to compensate for circulation inadequacies. Gingko biloba and Pony chestnut are used to reduce discomfort and varicose vein size.

It is preferred to use these herbs externally in a cream or lotion instead of internally to get fast and devoted results. According to the Mayo Hospital , "using these powerful herbs can seriously reduce agony and vein size and may actually be as effective care as compression stockings."

By following these five natural ways to prevent varicose veins, you can stop varicose veins from worsening and reduce or eliminate them completely without surgery. You can also prevent new ones from forming in the future. - 14130

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The Change from Acute to Chronic Back Pain

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

Chronic back pain is a very important and costly condition in advanced industrial societies which is the chief cause of limitation of physical function in younger people under 45. The definition of chronic is variable and can be taken to be a pain persisting beyond the expected healing time of the tissues which may have been damaged in the acute back pain event. This is often taken to be beyond twelve weeks as much of the soft tissue healing will have occurred at that point. Acute pain serves a biological purpose to warn us to stop doing the aggravating activity and to take care of the injured part, however chronic pain appears to have no useful function.

Back pain is a very widespread condition in the population and up to twenty percent may suffer from recurring or long term problems which are not greatly disabling. A smaller number of those people who get back pain, around five to seven percent, develop a long term pain problem which interferes with work and activity. Surgical procedures are moderately common for these problems and due to the poor blood supply of the inter-vertebral discs this may contribute to the slow resolution.

Most back pain appears to be caused by traumatic events to the back or is secondary to degenerative changes which occur in the spinal discs and joints. The connection between the spinal pathology and the pain with which a patient is suffering is not completely clear as many disc prolapses and protrusions seen on MRI scanning are not symptomatic. There may be neurological and inflammatory reasons for back pain but these factors are not clear and so the pathology of low back pain overall is not well understood.

If imaging and other diagnostic studies do not reveal a plausible pathological reason for a person's back pain then it is very easy to question whether psychological factors are responsible. Although psychological factors combine in a complex way in the progress from acute back pain towards a disabling condition there is no good evidence that psychological factors can produce pain. The cause of the pain may just not be amenable to the forms of investigation now prevalent. Once the condition is present or developing however, and arguably even in the acute stage, it is vital to identify and deal with all the non-physical factors to attain the best outcome.

The highest levels of low back pain claims occur in construction, heavy equipment operators and lorry drivers being high risk groups. In heavy workers such as in the construction of roads the levels of back pain and sciatica throughout their working lives appears to be very high. True sciatica occurs in only five percent of back pain cases and is a common reason for surgical intervention with L4/5 being the most commonly affected level, followed closely by L5/S1. Surgery for sciatica is rarely performed in the United Kingdom, with much elevated rates in other countries as in the US.

It is in western industrialised countries that the levels of disability from chronic low back pain have become very high with typical social and economic consequences. No genetic factors have been distinguished between different races to explain the variation in causative mechanisms. The split between male and female sufferers is about equal and people report low back pain mostly in middle age when the large majority have evidence of spinal degenerative changes. Sciatica, closely related to disc changes, occurs mostly in the 30s and 40s with age 42 being the average age for lumbar discectomy.

The lumbar spine is the last part of the flexible spinal column and is meant to support the upper body weight as it is passed through to the legs in gait. Compared to its size the lumbar spine is able to cope with heavy loads which are passed via the sacroiliac joints to the pelvis and to the hips. The lumbar bones are relatively mobile whilst still managing to transmit significant loads by means of their internal bony architecture where the cancellous strut formations align in strengthened areas to fit the applied forces. The lumbar vertebrae have to transmit greater and greater forces as they go down and for this purpose the vertebral bodies become larger the lower they are. - 14130

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How Acute Back Pain Becomes Chronic " Part Three

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

In some cases of back or leg pain corticosteroid injections may provide some relief and the mechanism may be that the steroid reduces any inflammatory process present in the tissues. Steroids inhibits inflammatory chemicals some of which have been found in elevated levels in operatively removed disc material from humans. Such inflammatory mediators may promote disc degeneration and make the fibres of the annulus more sensitive to stresses. Other chemicals may add to disc related pain problems by making pain nerves more sensitised, reducing synthesis of the water holding proteoglycan chemicals in discs and by increasing the degrading effects on the disc matrix.

The motion segments of the lumbar spine contain nerve structures which can become over-sensitive and over-reactive, leading to painful sensations resulting from what were previously painless mechanical inputs. Radicular pain or nerve root pain is leg pain which may be the result of compression, inflammation or irritation of one of the nerve roots emerging from the spinal cord. The underlying pathology of nerve root pain is not clear, with suggestions being biochemical activators, inflammation, compromised blood supply and dysfunction of the axons secondary to compression. Compression injuries and internal swelling may be more likely to occur in spinal nerve roots due to their structure.

Compression of the nerve root may allow increased inflow of fluids to the nerve, resulting in oedema of the nerve which gives a higher internal fluid pressure. This can compromise the flow through local capillaries and cause the nerve to become fibrosed. Since around sixty percent of the nutrition of the spinal nerve roots is provided by the cerebrospinal fluid, any fibrosis of the nerves can reduce this and make them more liable to suffer symptoms of compression due to their increased sensitivity. Pain could be generated by the nerve alterations caused by slowing or interruption of the blood throughput, rather than the sensory and motor loss following peripheral nerve compression.

If the nerve and its vascular supply are compromised quickly then nerve root symptoms are more likely than with a slow onset, perhaps giving a clue to why older people do not suffer such symptoms despite compromise of the nerve exits. Disc material has been experimentally placed in the epidural space of dogs and found to generate a significant inflammatory reaction and may cause damage to nerves when in contact with them. If TNF (tumour necrosis factor) is injected into a nerve it causes similar changes to those which ensue after nerve root compromise. An auto-immune reaction to the internal disc material, which is not normally accessible, has also been proposed but it is likely that many aspects are relevant.

The spinal facet joints are formed from a joint process of a vertebra above and one below and are synovial joints like many other bodily joints. These joints respond to damage and injury like the rest of our joints and exhibit stiffness, pain, movement loss, muscle spasm and finally degenerative changes. The facet joints develop degenerative changes secondary to the changes which occur in the disc segments themselves. The facet joint capsules, well innervated fibrous bags, have been shown experimentally by injection to be able to refer pain into the legs, thoracic spine and arms, depending on their location. Established sources of pain, facet joints are known to be involved in large proportions of neck, lumbar and thoracic pain.

The sacro-iliac joint between the pelvis and the sacrum is a large synovial joint known to refer painful and other symptoms to the groin, the leg, low back and buttock. In patients with chronic low back pain, experimental testing has shown involvement of the sacroiliac joint in their pain problems in from two to thirty percent of cases. Pain receptors exist in muscular tissue also and respond to stretching and pressure as well as other inputs. If muscles are overburdened either repetitively or in a strain at one point they will respond by shortening, increasing their tension and being painful.

Myofascial pain sydrome has been described in injured or posturally abnormally used muscles, whereby muscles have an increased degree of contraction and so-called trigger points. Trigger points are firm, tender nodules felt on palpation in the muscle tissue and such palpation causes pain to radiate into local well defined areas. - 14130

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D. Gary Young - A True Success Story

By Leland Beauregard

To experience a terrible thing along the journey of our lives is reason enough for some people to drown from depression. We all tend to feel helpless and vulnerable and we find everything to blame, including ourselves on why such has happened. This is one reason too why a lot of people are turning to just end their lives by committing suicide, thinking that this would end their troubles.

Few people could take a situation like this and look past the negative to see the real meaning through all the other junk. One individual that did just is the incredible Gary Young. The story of D. Gary Young is an example of how to look on the bright side even when things are bad. He has been an example to so many people who are also having trouble with life.

D. Gary Young began his career in the ranching and logging business. He grew up in Idaho and spent some time in Chicago as well. He could never have known that soon he would experience something very unhappy in his life, since he was fine at the time.

Accidents always creep up on us by surprise, at times in life when we are least expecting them. Young was a logger when he found himself at the end of a dangerous accident that just about terminated his life. It was so bad that he dropped into a coma for a few weeks and then was confined to a wheelchair after that. He was 24 at the time, right in the prime of life.

But because he was just human, D Gary Young succumbed to the calls of depression and desperation all due to the reason that he cannot anymore walk. But after some time, he fought a good fight by not letting this impairment impair the rest of the positive things that are still left in his life. He began to shift his thoughts into something positive and he started working again.

For a period of three years after his accident, he started feeling sensation again in his legs. Having seen this as an ameliorated state for him, he began trying to apply essential oils that would relieve him from pain. With the unceasing application, he was able to improve his condition and was able to join a marathon after about thirteen years. With this, his mission evolved towards helping others who are suffering from the state that he was once in. This gave way to the brainchild of the Young Living Essential Oils.

Young Living Essential Oils has since gained an incredible share of the market with its positive health effects. He then built on this achievement by creating a foundation so he could reach a larger audience to help.

If somebody really is set on making their positive mark in the world, there is really nothing that will prevent them from doing it. D. Gary Young has shown that the power of the human spirit is truly the most insurmountable obstacle. When life threw something at him, he made the best he could of it and look at him now. - 14130

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How to Create Positive Energy to Relax

By Bruce Azizi

We have all at some point in our lives been told to relax. Unfortunately, nobody takes the time to tell us how! Leading a life with little stress is essential, to help lessen the harm to your body and mind that has accumulated from the daily trials of life. One must learn to relax and loosen up, not only when a health problem has developed, but in preventing them from occurring as well. Symptoms of stress you should take notice of are:

Rapid heart rate and breathing, Much stress and reoccurring pain, Anger management issues, Problems focusing, Lack of confidence and High blood pressure

In the interest of maintaining good health and alleviating such undesirable symptoms, it would be very good to train yourself to relax. Some methods of relaxation include:

Autogenic: This means in this relaxation technique you use both body awareness and visual imagery in reducing stress. To do this you repeat certain suggestions or words in your mind. You may also a peaceful place and while doing so take deep controlled breathes and focus on relaxing muscles.

Progressive Muscle: This method involves focusing on unhurriedly tensing and relaxing each muscle group. This is so you begin to know the distinctness between the sensations of tense or relaxed muscles. You begin from your toes and carry on upwards. Try tensing your muscles for duration of five seconds and then relax them for thirty seconds and repeat.

The method of visualization is done by imagining a visual journey to a tranquil place. This can involve all of your senses like smell, touch, taste, sight and sound.

Play some calming music for meditation and sit in a comfy position, shut your eyes and handle your emotions. Alternatively, if you favor to focus on not thinking as well. You will see that your breathing will gradually deepen, become more even, and as that occurs your muscles will loosen.

Now Tai Chi is a type of moving meditation. This kind of martial art is viewed as a way to resolve inner conflicts and contradictions in the hope to obtain peace in the mind and soul. Tai Chi allows the stagnant energy in your body to be free so that you are more refreshed to continue with your effort in dealing with your life. This also helps "stir up emotions" that have been just sitting there not being dealt with. A good example is, have you ever notice that when you are emotionally upset and you try to work it out by doing something physical and mentally demanding say like doing a in depth house cleaning that suddenly you cry.

This happens because by knowing, you are upset and doing something like housework, you have without thinking about it, suddenly dealt with your emotions. Tai Chi will condition you to tell the difference between what is real, and not real. When handling these kinds of issues it is vital to remember the fundamental principle of Tai Chi. If you use the simple strength of will, it will not work in the long term, because you do not have a real understanding of the issue. Do not attempt to fight the conflict inside you, or even think about it. You must find a method that works for you to balance them. Tai Chi masters often advise that during practice to visually use several postures against an opponent. This is a positive way to use your qi. - 14130

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Poppy Pod Teas Anyone?

By Rose Hillton

It may not be found in your grandmothers breakfast menu. The common impression is that poppy pod tea should not even be considered a beverage. Anomalous or not, many still drink regularly it though for its desired results. Some would preach it is deadly like all other narcotics. However, a number also swear that, if taken moderately, is just like your milk, safe and healthy.

Because it comes from the infamous opium poppy, the poppy pod tea invites debate naturally. Its promoters assert that drinking it is generally good for the body. Its detractors, on the other hand, find danger in its addictiveness and lethalness when drank in large doses. Unfortunately, the poppy pod tea is also oftentimes a victime of prejudice being a derivative of opium. This leads probable health-oriented drinkers to cross-out the poppy pod tea from their diet.

The poppy pod tea is a natural narcotic analgesic tea brewed from dried poppy pods. Its earliest drinkers did not have it for leisure. Its medicinal worth was enough to encourage even scientists, writers, and political leaders to take it in a daily basis especially during the 19th century. Aside from being an herbal painkiller, it is also being taken for its psychoactive effects. In world where doctors are regularly prescribing medical drugs made of synthetic chemicals from toxic origins, the poppy pod tea may be an alternative relief.

Other poppies have psychoactive alkaloids. The opium poppy, however, has the most of this in a single pod, making it the top choice for tea brewing. Dried poppy seeds possess a significant amount of the alkaloids morphine, papaverine, thebein, and codeine, which cause euphoric sensations, as well as drowsiness, when drank by humans. This makes opium poppies or the poppy pod tea advantageous for persons with manic depression and similar ailments.s. These have been proven to aid them overcome lack of appetite and sleeplessness. This explains why a number of famous people have drank poppy pod teas to beat stress related to their jobs.

Brewing a poppy pod teas is a cinch if you have access to dried poppy pods. It is as easy as brewing your morning mug of coffee. First, bore a hole into the poppy pod to remove the seeds, which not contain much alkaloid. If you are a newbie, grind only a little of the poppy seeds just to make sure it is safe for you. When done grinding, pour the poppy pod bits to your boiling water. Leave it boiling for another five minutes. Afterwards, pour your brew into a cup through a filter using a cut-off t-shirt cloth..

Like other narcotics, poppy pod tea is addictive. In addition, people who have taken it heavily run the risk of a cardiac arrest or death. Therefore, you should practice self-restraint in drinking it. Excessive amounts drank may lead you only to your ultimate regret. - 14130

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Realistic Expectations From A Nail Fungus Treatment

By Rashel Dan

Nail fungus is a common problem. As such, more and more people are looking for a nail fungus treatment. Nail fungus is an infection which is the result of numerous microorganisms that basically feed on the keratin incorporated in the nails. An infected nail is usually noticed by a progressive discoloration of the root nail and later a brownish or yellowish tone. The nails could become very unpleasant in odor and in appearance and could be troublesome to live with.

At its onset, nail fungus infection does not initially cause pain on the individual. However, when left untreated for months, it can develop into a worse degree that makes it painful for the individual to move and walk around. In any case, it is important to know that the problem will not fade away on its own.

The treatment of the infection should be based on the degree of severity. For a mild infection, the course of treatment will usually be short. Realistically though, you still need to wait for the new healthy nail to grow after successfully treating the nail fungus. For a quite severe infection, the course of treatment may be longer and may take anywhere between 3 to 6 months. In some cases, treatment will only be successful within one year. Other factors that play a role in the effectiveness of any particular treatment is your age, health conditions, perseverance and consistency in application.

Remember that conditions on the fingernail typically improve faster compared to conditions on the toenails. If you have a fingernail infection, you may have to continue treatment for just 6 weeks. If you are considering taking prescription medication, think twice. Prescription drugs can at times damage the liver and your doctor may need to evaluate if your liver is healthy prior to treatment. You can expect harsher side effects if you have to take oral or prescription medication for your nail fungus. If the infection is severe or keeps coming back, your healthcare provider may suggest eliminating a portion of or all of your nail.

There are natural treatments that are effective on nail fungus. Results highly depend on the suitability of the selected course of treatment and the consistency and carefulness in employing the treatment. The basic types of treatment for nail fungus are essential oils, herbal vitamins, and common kitchen ingredients.

Using Essential Oils - For decades, essential oils have been proven effective in handling various health conditions. Their antifungal and antiseptic constituents make them ideal in treating fungal infections and other skin conditions. Essential oils that may help clear nail fungus include oregano oil and tea tree oil.

Herbal Remedies - There are also many herbal vitamins that aim at treating or boosting immunity against fungal infections. These vitamins may consist of tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract, vitamin A and probiotics. Numerous individuals believe in common kitchen ingredients as effective nail fungus remedies. These may be lemon, raw garlic and natural cider vinegar.

Good Hygiene - Regardless of what type of nail fungus treatment you use, it is important to observe good hygiene throughout and even after the course of treatment. Making sure your hands and feet stay clean, for instance, will prevent fungal growth and re-infection. - 14130

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Is It Possible To Treat Fibroid Tumors Naturally?

By Allison Maer

Millions of women have discovered that they have fibroid tumors; in fact research shows that at least 1 in every 4 women will suffer from this condition. These are noncancerous tumors that will stay benign almost all of the time.

It seems as though every women who has discovered they have this condition will find themselves turning to the internet. This is because most women will attempt to find ways to get rid of their fibroid tumors. They understand that this problem can cause them a lot of pain and discomfort.

They tend to be extremely painful and can cause a lot of painful side effects. Whether you are experiencing a lot of painful side effects or not; the truth is that it may be beneficial for you to find out what you can begin doing to get rid of this problem.

Surgery is one of the most common methods that women tend to turn to get rid of this condition; that is one of the reasons that we wanted to share with you some of the most common methods that are known to get rid of them. We will also be sharing some other natural methods that you can be using as well.

Myomectomy Surgery: This surgery is the process of removing the womans uterus. This is the only known procedure that will guarantee the growth of new tumors. However there are some side effects from this procedure; you should talk to your doctor about them.

Fibroid Embolization Procedure: This is a procedure that they prevent the growth of new tumors; by simply cutting off the flow of blood to the fibroid tumor.

If you are trying to find some alternative methods that will help you get rid of this problem without undergoing the knife; then be sure to visit our site below. We have taken the time to provide you with some valuable resources that will help you get rid of the tumors easily without any type of medical procedures. - 14130

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How To Make Use Of A Helpful Blackhead Treatment In 8 Techniques

By Jason Cartwright

Since you may find it hard knowing which blackhead treatment to use, you could be touching your skin more than you need to. Most of us usually squeeze them, sometimes without even realizing it. But against what many experts say, gently getting rid of blackheads can help clear up your skin and protect it from further damage.

But, the significant query here is what blackhead cure is effectively the best? Here are a few of the techniques and courses to cure blackheads with ease:

1 - Topical retinoids:

Retinoid creams like Retin-A can be used effectively to not only remove blackheads, but also to prevent them from reforming. Retin-A decreases the secretion of oil and opens the pores through helping the skin cells work properly. The only drawback with this blackhead treatment is that is takes time.

2 - Making use of products for exfoliating:

To get rid of dead skin cells, an exfoliating product such as diluted benzoyl peroxide can be used. It is very helpful in getting rid of the worst blackheads, without harming the skin. Another blackhead remover is microdermabrasion.

3 - Squeezing lightly:

The gunk collected in a blackhead can also be lightly squeezed out. This can actually benefit your skin, so it a good blackhead treatment. Yes, if you squeeze too hard, it can bruise and scar the skin, so always be gentle in your approach. Also never try to over-squeeze any stubborn blackhead.

4 - Chemical Peels:

Another way to rapidly clear your skin from dead cells, is to use chemical peels containing glycolic acid or even some skin care products with salicylic acid. But if you have already used a retinoid cream, this could be a risky blackhead cure to try.

5 - Diet/Food:

Another way is to improve you nutrition and diet. Blackheads thrive in oily and dry skin, so you need to somehow lower that oil secretion, while keeping the skin moisturized to combat acne. The solution is as simple as drinking a lot more water, and avoiding fatty foods. Nutritious, raw fruit and vegetable also help. For this natural blackhead treatment to work, you need to avoid heated or processed carbohydrates and oils, and use more fresh unsaturated oils, like olive oil in your meals.

6 - Blackhead strips:

These strips of tape are placed over your nose or blackhead area and then ripped off, to effectively get rid of surface blackheads. Though this is a short-term solution it is easy to cure blackheads quickly. Just remember to follow directions properly.

7 - Using a metallic extractor:

A modern blackhead treatment is the metallic extractor. This device has a small, rounded end, that is placed over the blackhead to plug it out. This method should done carefully to avoid scarring.

8 - Makeup:

This is a cosmetic pointer but main for individuals who do not clean it off their skin. You need beauty products that don't congest your pores. That is, the non-comedogenic make-up! Follow these tips - do not keep your cosmetics on when sweating. Use make-up cleanser and carefully cleanse the beauty products off your skin. Moreover, keep your brushes and sponges clean, so that you will under no circumstances call for a blackhead remover.

There is no doubt that using a number of these techniques will help cure your blackheads. But for a permanent blackhead treatment, you should incorporate some of these methods into your daily life. - 14130

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Varicose Veins Laser Removal

By Erin Mullins

Varicose veins are common and regularly rather annoying. They can be due to many things, everything from pregnancy to additional weight gain and even heredity. They often appear as red or purple colored veins heavy in the ankle, thigh and calf regions. Women who wear high heels quite frequently will spot them as well due to the strain caused by the shoes. In most cases varicose veins are not not look very nice and many folks would choose to eliminate them if given the option. Over time these veins can become worse and can also lead to pains like cramping.

The medical term for varicose veins is telangiectasias which is not at all the same as varicose veins. Many folks have a tendency to confuse the 2 as being the same though there's reasonably a difference. Varicose veins pose less risk to personal health whereas varicose veins can end up in much more dangerous vascular issues. A well reputed, licensed doctor must always be consulted per laser treatment for varicose vein removal. Deliberating your options is smart as well as getting a professional opinion per your precise desires. By employing a laser, light energy is sent into the vein which is soaked up by the blood vessels. The vein closes down after the blood has successfully coagulated, often in the initial few treatments.

Laser varicose vein removal is safe and effective for all skin and shades. The pain level is marginal for the majority of patients. A slight burning or needle poke sensation is the worst of the experience. Hazards are insignificant but they should be considered seriously thanks to the fact that blood clots may become a factor. Some bruising or swelling is to be expected after the process though it shouldn't last long. One thing that patients need to remember is the laser removal is intended to extinguish current varicose veins. There's no assured way to stop the frequency of new ones in the future.

The most clear benefit of removing varicose veins is the improvement in the look of the skin. The number 1 reason folk hunt down laser removal is due to the highly noticeable purple and blue webs of color. It can make even the boldest woman decide against wearing that cute little skirt. A more healthy and younger appearance can actually make a world of difference in how good you feel. Try speaking with other people who have had the surgery. This will give a newcomer to the treatment a personal opinion from someone they can relate to.

When it comes to cost, the bar can truly change. Regularly one visit will cost a few hundred dollars. More than one visit is kind of always required so add this in. Because of the cosmetic nature of the laser treatment, insurance corporations often don't provide coverage but financing options are available thru many clinics. Considering cosmetic treatments of any sort should involve great and careful planning as well as consultation with a qualified surgeon. Training yourself before a medical process is vital to your personal well being. - 14130

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Kicking Up Muscle Mass Over 40

By Steven P Esquire

As we get older we face different issues to add muscle mass then when younger. This is due to a slowing metabolism as we age. Diet, exercise and massage are activities that can increase the metabolism of those over 40 years old. Obviously, if we want to add mass, we need to plan our diet. To build up the muscle mass, we need to work those muscles out. Massage therapy is important to restore and revitalize the muscles and other parts of the body.

As we get older our body starts to change. Our metabolism begins to slow down over 40 compared to our younger years. We also tend to lose the muscle mass that was built up in our younger years. In some cases this can lead to fat being deposited in our bodies leading to flab and us carrying around a spare tire around our waist.

Getting older causes our bodies to slow down the metabolic rate through time. This can lead to the build up of more fat and the loss of muscle mass. There are ways to increase your metabolism which can help to reduce fat and to increase muscle mass.

As you get older, you will need to work harder and put more effort into increasing your metabolic rate. This has to be a conscious effort. By working out and pushing your muscles when exercising, you can increase your metabolism. Keep in mind that your muscles will burn more calories than fat. By burning calories, you will increase your metabolism.

Diet is one of the important areas to start with to increase your metabolism. A nutritionist is a great place to start since they can help you get a balanced diet that suits your goals. This way you have a much greater chance of success by selecting and eating the right foods for your body.

Exercise is an important driver of metabolism. If you don't exercise, your metabolism will stay low, but if you do exercise, then your metabolism will be increased. The types of exercise needs to line up with your goals of building muscle mass. Start your routine and keep at. The toughest time is always in the beginning, but stick with it and it will get easier and easier.

Discover the benefits of massage therapy. Massage treatments help to improve your flexibility, flush out toxins and improve awareness. Massage chairs are a great asset to help relieve tired muscles after hard work outs or an excellent way to warm up before heading to the gym.

Some men and especially women are hesitant to build muscle mass. They fear that they are adding bulk. Some think this may make them more man-ly. Interestingly, this is not possible because women lack the needed testosterone at high levels. A woman will more than likely just gain some curves, which hardly makes them more masculine. So ladies do not fear having muscles!

Establishing and maintaining your routine is important. Stick with the basics: diet, exercise and massage. Work on each of these and keep them in balance. Stressing and relieving muscles helps to build up mass in a healthy way. Use a massage chair to keep the routine and add convenience to your routine. Massage chairs provide reliable, consistent massage when you need it.

Getting over the hill is the easy part. Now to increase your muscle mass, you are going to have to work hard at it. You won't achieve instant results. Expect to see significant results in the first 2 to 3 months that you put in a serious effort. Keep to the basics and watch your diet, balance your exercise and relax with soothing massage chair treatments. You will be happy you did and you will feel better than you have in recent memory. - 14130

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Varicose Veins - Causes And Treatments

By Erin Mullins

It is not weird to notice distention of portions of the giant veins in the legs as folks age. This is more common to those people whose roles need them to stand at a longer time. This quiescent, upright position produces stagnation of the blood in the legs. Thus pressure and a steady strain on the walls of the venous system at that point results to permanent distention, or ?varicose veins.?

Varicose veins could be stopped and stopped if at an early stage, those people who usually stand long hours at work will change their jobs. But, during middle age when this affliction happens, it may be quite very unlikely to stop or cure it with lotions or other medical remedy.

Surgical operation can cure and relieve the pain. However, apart from being an expensive process, it would cause you your job when you can?t go to work due to healing time. Using an elastic stocking can offer relief but cannot cure.

The first sign of a varicose vein is a dull, aching pain. The vein becomes bigger, knotted and distended. In extraordinary cases a rupture of the wall often follows. This is scant but always possible.

The veins are the vessels that serve to return the blood from the capillaries of the different parts of the body to the heart. The veins are found in nearly each tissue of the body. They are larger and altogether more numerous than the arteries. Thus , the entire capacity of the venous system is much bigger than the arterial. The arteries, which are denser in structure than the veins, are also stronger and more elastic. They also preserve their cylindrical form when empty.

The veins do not have this property, and collapse when not crammed with blood. They have thinner walls than the arteries and are not so well supplied with muscular fiber. Hence they are much more liable to distention at any part where stagnation is liable to happen. All of the bigger veins are given valves. These valves serve to prevent the flowing back of the blood. They are fastened by their convex edges to the walls of the veins. Their concave margins are free and directed in the course of the venous current. They lie in close apposition with the wall of the vein as the current of blood takes its natural course.

If, any stagnation or regurgitation occurs, the valves at that place become distorted, their opposed edges are brought into contract. This then is intercepted, and a distention of the wall of the vein ensues, which distention we know as that really distressing affliction, a varicose vein.

As the primal basis of the difficulty is stagnation of the blood at that point, acceleration of the circulation there would relieve that congestion ; and the sole way this can be possible is by friction. The most effective method for attaining this is with the dry palm of the hand, and the most convenient time? in the early morning. The conditions are then favorable, as the body is relaxed and will readily respond to intelligently directed efforts towards its rejuvenation or improvement.

The trouble will most probably appear upon the interior of the, leg below the knee, running along the calf of the leg, but it may extend several inches above the knee and along the inside of the thigh. With increased years, the congestion of the superficial veins will extend lower down, straight away above and round the ankle. This could become discolored and think a deep bluish hue thanks to the stagnant blood.

Relief is obtained by friction, with the middle of the hand, daily and steadfastly. This exercise will relieve the congestion and will strengthen the minute muscles that support the venous walls. And if endured in systematically and methodically, will ultimately revive the deformed venous valves to their correct position and the difficulty will disappear. It is a straightforward, simple and effective cure for a particularly irritating affliction. I speak from private experience.

The most convenient position is lying on your side. Start with twenty strokes of the hand up and down, following the course of the vein. Increase to one hundred strokes as the skin becomes hardened and accustomed to the friction. In a normal stage, this exercise can guarantee remarkable results. - 14130

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Understanding Lung Cancer Pictures

By Anne Durrell

Lung cancer pictures serve a very important rule when used by doctors, but they also often used as a deterrent in anti smoking campaign in society.

By looking at pictures of lung cancer, a doctor is able to recognize more about the cancer as well classify the cancer stage.

Lung Cancer Pictures can serve a very important role in the treatment of lung cancer.

Causes of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is caused by many factors, so not every case can be linked back to a definite cause.

By understanding some risk factors can help a person to avoid getting the lung cancer. Below are some risk factors that often linked to causing lung cancer:

* Smoking too many cigarettes.

* Second hand smoke exposure.

* Exposure from radiation

* Exposure to radon, chromium, asbestos, soot or tar and arsenic

* Exposure to constant levels or high level of air pollution.

These things can lead to a higher risk of developing lung cancer.

However, it is important to understand that the exact cause of lung cancer is not known, so someone not exposed to any of these risk factors could still get the disease, as nobody is immune.


The diagnosis of lung cancer is usually through lung cancer pictures. Most often signs of the disease are found in x-rays.

Another type of picture taken is a CT or CAT scan. This gives a detailed picture of inside the body and can show even the smallest areas of cancer.

Another type of lung cancer pictures that usually be used by doctors for diagnosis is a PET scan which uses scanner and radioactive sugar to get the picture.

Use of Pictures

Lung cancer pictures are usually backed up by further test such as biopsy, they are then used to diagnose and figure the course of lung cancer treatment.

The pictures and other tests can both paint a good picture of how advanced the disease is and how it can be treated.

By getting a good picture, figuratively and literally, the doctor can easily decide how aggressive to be in the treatment. - 14130

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Lung Cancer Prognosis Tips & Guide

By Anne Durrell

Lung cancer can be very terrifying for everyone. Many people who have lung cancer want to find out their lung cancer prognosis. Understanding the prognosis can help people to understand their therapy, and how they can deal with their diagnosis.

About Prognosis

A lung cancer prognosis is an opinion backed by medical evidence as to what is likely to happen now that you have been diagnosed with lung cancer. The prognosis for each patient will be very individualized and can vary. The prognosis can vary due to:

* Cancer type

* Cancer spot

* Cancer stage

* The possibility of cancer spreading

* Patient's age

* Patient's general health

* How the patient act in response to treatment

A lung cancer prognosis is simply an opinion, though. It is not an accurate prediction of what will exactly happen. It can take a little time for the doctor to create a good prognosis because it will be researched to ensure it is as accurate as possible.

Prognosis Assistance

A lung cancer prognosis can help you to plan the course of treatment, understand what you need to change in your life and make decisions about where to go from here. Your doctor will work with you to help you understand what stage your disease is at and how that will affect your treatment and your life.

Discovering your Prognosis

You can use medical sites, and do searches to recognize information that will let you know your diagnosis.

It is essential, though, to keep an eye on misleading information on lung cancer. A crucial thing to remember is that people can make a web site about lung cancer prognosis and then publish the information, even if the prognosis is not accurate.

Keep in mind that not everyone will have the same occurrence with lung cancer. The lung cancer may run its course in a different way with different people. - 14130

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The Change From Acute To Chronic Back Pain " Part Three

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

Corticosteroid injections by epidural or root blocks are commonly used to treat leg and back pain and may indicate that in some cases there may be an inflammatory contribution to the pain. In disc material removed from humans during operation has been found heightened levels of inflammatory chemicals which could be affected by steroid use. These inflammatory chemicals may increase degeneration of discs and sensitise the fibres of the outer disc walls. Some chemicals may also sensitise the discs by elevating reactivity of sensory nerves, inhibit the creation of new proteoglycans which hold water in the discs and may contribute to disc degeneration.

The lumbar spinal motion segments have nerve structures supplying them which can be come hypersensitised to incoming stimuli, creating pain from what would have formerly been normal sensations. Sciatic leg pain is known as nerve root or radicular pain and can be caused by irritation, inflammation or compression of the spinal nerves as they exit the spinal cord. Why nerve root pain occurs has not been established but candidates are an impoverishment of blood supply, inflammatory reactions, axon dysfunction from compression and biochemical agents. The compression that occurs may have greater effects on spinal nerve roots than other nerves and result in more significant internal nerve swelling.

The nerve may suffer from excessive inflow of fluid secondary to compression, which results in internal nerve swelling from the increased pressure. This can slow the flow through capillaries and allow fibrosis to develop in the nerve. Nutrition to the spinal nerve roots comes via the cerebrospinal fluid to the tune of about 60% and nerve fibrosis interferes with this, making the nerve more responsive and perhaps more likely to suffer compression symptoms due to the increased reactivity of the nerves. Blocking or reducing the blood supply can cause pain in these nerves, unlike the more usual loss of motor and sensory functions in compression of peripheral nerves.

Development of nerve roots signs and symptoms is more likely if the nerve suffers compression which comes on quickly rather than slowly which may indicate why many older people, who have compromised nerve exits, do not complain of symptoms. In experimental research work significant inflammation has been noted when disc material is placed in the epidural space of dogs and nerves may suffer damage in contact with disc material. Injection of TNF, tumour necrosis factor, into a nerve mimics the changes which occur in nerve root syndromes. Another contributory cause which has been proposed is an inflammatory reaction of an auto-immune cause but this idea has yet to be substantiated.

The spinal facet joints are formed from a joint process of a vertebra above and one below and are synovial joints like many other bodily joints. These joints respond to damage and injury like the rest of our joints and exhibit stiffness, pain, movement loss, muscle spasm and finally degenerative changes. The facet joints develop degenerative changes secondary to the changes which occur in the disc segments themselves. The facet joint capsules, well innervated fibrous bags, have been shown experimentally by injection to be able to refer pain into the legs, thoracic spine and arms, depending on their location. Established sources of pain, facet joints are known to be involved in large proportions of neck, lumbar and thoracic pain.

The sacro-iliac joint between the pelvis and the sacrum is a large synovial joint known to refer painful and other symptoms to the groin, the leg, low back and buttock. In patients with chronic low back pain, experimental testing has shown involvement of the sacroiliac joint in their pain problems in from two to thirty percent of cases. Pain receptors exist in muscular tissue also and respond to stretching and pressure as well as other inputs. If muscles are overburdened either repetitively or in a strain at one point they will respond by shortening, increasing their tension and being painful.

In posturally abnormal or injured muscles a pain syndrome (myofascial pain syndrome) can occur whereby the muscle becomes tight, painful and exhibits trigger points. Palpation of muscle tissue can identify trigger points as firm and tender nodular areas which refer pain out into nearby defined regions. - 14130

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The Development of Chronic Back Pain

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

In industrialised countries back pain problems limit physical abilities in people under forty-five years more than any other pathology. Chronic covers a problem persisting beyond three months, which is a typical healing time for bodily soft tissues which may be affected by the injury. There is a biological purpose to acute pain syndromes, to prevent us from continuing with an activity which is causing tissue damage and to force us to take care of the injury until it heals. Chronic pain syndromes have none of this useful biological function and appear to be without use.

Low back pain is a common occurrence and up to 20% of a nation's population may be affected by longer term or recurring bouts of pain without significant disability. Of the overall number with back pain problems around five to seven percent may fall into the severe category, exhibiting significant disability and inability to work. For this problem it is moderately frequent to employ surgical means and some of the delayed resolution of pain problems may be related to poor blood supply in spinal tissues.

Most back pain appears to be caused by traumatic events to the back or is secondary to degenerative changes which occur in the spinal discs and joints. The connection between the spinal pathology and the pain with which a patient is suffering is not completely clear as many disc prolapses and protrusions seen on MRI scanning are not symptomatic. There may be neurological and inflammatory reasons for back pain but these factors are not clear and so the pathology of low back pain overall is not well understood.

If imaging and other diagnostic studies do not reveal a plausible pathological reason for a person's back pain then it is very easy to question whether psychological factors are responsible. Although psychological factors combine in a complex way in the progress from acute back pain towards a disabling condition there is no good evidence that psychological factors can produce pain. The cause of the pain may just not be amenable to the forms of investigation now prevalent. Once the condition is present or developing however, and arguably even in the acute stage, it is vital to identify and deal with all the non-physical factors to attain the best outcome.

Claims for low back pain are highest in those occupations which involve repetitive heavy work such as operating heavy machinery, driving lorries and working on construction sites. The occurrence of back pain and sciatic leg pain appears to be high over the lifetimes of workers in work such as road construction. Sciatica only occurs in about 5% of low back pain cases but is one of the most frequent reasons for surgical management, with the L4/5 level being operated on most, followed closely by the L5/S1 level. In the United Kingdom surgery for sciatica is relatively low, but in the United States and other countries the numbers of such surgeries may be much higher.

It is in western industrialised countries that the levels of disability from chronic low back pain have become very high with typical social and economic consequences. No genetic factors have been distinguished between different races to explain the variation in causative mechanisms. The split between male and female sufferers is about equal and people report low back pain mostly in middle age when the large majority have evidence of spinal degenerative changes. Sciatica, closely related to disc changes, occurs mostly in the 30s and 40s with age 42 being the average age for lumbar discectomy.

The lumbar spine is the final flexible part of the spinal column whose function is to support the upper body and abdomen over the legs as we stand. The lumbar spine is designed to manage heavy loads compared to its size and transmits the weight via the sacroiliac joints to the sacrum and so on to the legs. The lumbar vertebrae have significant mobility and are designed to transmit load along the spine. The internal bone struts of cancellous bone form strengthened areas along the lines of typical stresses and the vertebral bodies get bigger as they go down due to the increased loads above. - 14130

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Healthy For Eyes - Healthy For You!

By Evgania Mehler

Imagine being in the geriatric set and having people tell you that you have "charming eyes". This can happen to you if you know how to keep your eyes healthy for life. There is a way to do this and you're going to learn how. So if you want sexy eyes until your last days, then read on for info on how you can do this.

There's a diet out there today for every problem you could ever have. The nail strengthening diet, the great hair diet, the clean your colon diet, the get rid of belly fat diet, etc. The great news is, there is one diet that will accomplish all of this and has an added benefit.It's a diet that is healthy for eyes. It keeps your eyes healthy as well as the rest of your body. I know you want to ditch all those other diets and try this one, right?

If you do not realize how much eyes and vision mean to you, then you're like most people. Very often we don't appreciate our eyes at all. But if put a blindfold on and try to write a few words, assuming you can find paper and pencil without being able to see, you won't succeed. If you don't like the way this feels, then start taking better care of your eyes and stop taking them for granted.

If you can't see in the dark, you didn't do what your mom told you, did you? She said, eat your carrots and she was right, at least this time. Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash and mangoes all contain beta-carotene which is transformed into Vitamin A in our bodies and it helps our eyes adjust to light changes such as, seeing in the dark. So, the next time your mom tells you to eat your carrots, do it, it's healthy for eyes.

If you can't make yourself eat green leafy vegetables, then tomatoes, carrots, red peppers, and squash are also high in the nutrient lutein. Now, there has to be something in that list that you like. I can make the whole list sound delicious by telling you that green algae can also be used to treat degenerative sight problems. Makes spinach and kale sound good, doesn't it.

Do you hate vegetables, whether they're leafy green or anything else? Well, you're not alone. Many people just won't eat vegetables. Leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, red peppers and squash are high in lutein which helps prevent degenerative sight problems. Still don't want to eat them? Then try a plate of green algae which is also high in lutein. Maybe they don't sound so bad anymore, do they?

Read this article to find out more about how to keep your eyes attractive and what is healthy for eyes. - 14130

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Do You Suffer From Skin Warts On Your Body?

By Deborah Valley

Regardless of who you are; we all know that no one ever wants to suffer from skin warts on their body. Yet over 85% of our society seems to find themselves asking "where did this skin wart come from?" Unless you take the time to educate yourself on this problem; chances are you will be waking up to more on your body.

HPV is the known virus that enters your body and causes these ugly warts and is also the same virus that is responsible for cervical cancer. While no one really knows what causes the virus to enter our bodies; the good thing is that you can begin taking the necessary steps to prevent it from spreading to other parts of your body.

In fact anyone who has ever woke up with warts on any part of their body such as their; hands, feet, genitals or any other part tend to flock to the internet for information on getting rid of them. We all know that we were not born with this condition; and we want to find out how to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

Yet so many people who begin treating this problem discover that it can take several weeks or even months to get rid of their skin warts. Unfortunately many people who do not know what to do; end up spending hundreds of dollars just trying to get rid of their problem.

If you are tired of trying to learn how to get rid of your skin warts; then be sure to stop by our site below. We have taken the time to disclose what you can begin doing at home to get rid of the virus from your body.

You do not have to continue living with this problem and trying to hide them from the public. Imagine learning how to get rid of them just by using natural methods that will kill the root of the problem; so they will not come back anymore. - 14130

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Computer Eye Strain - Your Eyes Are At Risk!

By Evgania Mehler

I know that for most of us, staring at a computer monitor all day is part of our job. Unless we want to change jobs and most of us do not, then we need a way to protect our eyes from the computer glare. There is a way to protect your eyes from computer eye strain and just a few more minutes of reading will tell you how.

The computer is a vision robber. For those people who have to sit in front of one every day at their jobs, it can really damage the eyes. There is a way to protect your vision from the glare of the computer screen. Just keep reading to find out how.

The position of the monitor screen is important. You should be looking at it straight on with your eyes cast slightly downward. The distance from you should be 1.5 to 2 feet.

If you lay your work beside the computer on the desk, you probably need a document holder. Having your eyes go back and forth between the paperwork and the screen puts a strain on your poor eyes. There are free standing document holders or the ones that attach to either side of the monitor that can be purchased for a modest price.

The damage to your eyes by using the computer too much can be lessened. Stare at something else for a few minutes every so often. Get up and take a break at least for a little while every hour or so to release the computer eye strain. Focusing your eyes on something else, even for short breaks helps keep the computer damage to your eyes to a minimum.

If you're at the office, just take notice of what's going on around you for a few minutes. Not only will you be helping soothe your eyes, but you won't miss out on anything either. People get so focused on their work at the computer that they are oblivious to the world around them. Closing your eyes for a minute or two every so often, will refresh tired eyes.

Read this article to find out more about releasing computer eye strain naturally. - 14130

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Natural Choices- Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks

By Sapphire Rylee

You may have heard of cocoa butter for stretch marks? This is one of the several ingredients being looked into as a great skin care solution and natural treatment for stretch marks. Cocoa butter has been around for ages and a lot of people are now beginning to realize its true benefits.

Cocoa as Moisturizer

As a moisturizer, cocoa butter which comes from the cocoa bean and is generally considered a form of vegetable fat, penetrates the two levels of skin, providing additional moisture that promotes skin elasticity. This quality in our skin is essential in trying to prevent the development of more stretch marks. The more inelastic the skin, the more likely it is to tear and to develop stretch marks. The more elastic the skin, the less chances of acquiring stretch marks.

Expert Analysis

There are people who argue that stretch marks need more than skin moisturizers to control - cell regeneration is also essential for healthy, stretch mark-free skin. With cocoa butter, some believe that it does nothing more than moisturize the skin. Those who continually believe in cocoa maintain that it does contain other health and beauty benefits promote the repair of damaged skin. It still remains to be seen however whether cocoa really is effective at damage control.

Studies have been conducted on the subject. Like with any other scientific studies, there have been conflicting results as some point out that cocoa does seem to have beneficial effects on the skin while other results have taken an opposite stance. Regardless of these studies, believers many users of cocoa butter for stretch marks swear that the substance works for them.

Some researchers getting the negative results even point out that cocoa butter may not be at fault. It may be possible that this ingredient has been used incorrectly thus it gave no positive results as far as stretch marks are concerned. While use it right after a bath to ensure better skin penetration, others may also use it more than once a day to better benefit from it. If you want to get. Moreover, the extract should be used regularly and consistently if you want to see results.

Product Use

Since its controversy and popularity and perhaps due to some testimonials and reviews which are really convinced of the ingredients effectiveness, it has become an ingredient in some products. When inside a package, it is easier to use and some users may prefer products over using raw extracts. Aside from being manufactured under standards of quality, manufacturers of the product provide advice on the frequency and mode of application that would give the user the best possible result.

When buying cocoa butter for stretch marks online, one will have to be cautious, though. Not every product may be genuine. Some of them may be scams. Before you buy one with cocoa butter, make sure you take the time to research and investigate.

Other than cocoa butter, nature has also other natural ingredients up her sleeves to fight stretch marks. These include products with vitamin E, vitamin A, squalene oil and vitamin D.

One of the major advantage of natural ingredients like cocoa butter for stretch marks is that even if they lack conclusive studies proving their effectiveness, they are already guaranteed safe to use. At the very least, you will stand to benefit from the natural nutrients offered by nature. - 14130

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Top Natural Remedy For Acid Reflux Found In Kitchen

By Richal Peyton

Acid reflux is a common condition but it is highly treatable. Your natural remedy for acid reflux will depend greatly on your specific needs relieving symptoms, preventing the condition from recurring, or both. However, medicines cannot be used all the time for maintenance, and changing what you eat can only do so much. To eliminate acid reflux for good, you need to be proactive. A good idea would be to use your our kitchen items to effectively treat acid reflux.

What Are Kitchen Remedies?

Your very own kitchen hold a vast reservoir of natural cures for acid reflux. Kitchen remedies can be common herbs and spices like turmeric and sage. They may be the yogurt in your fridge or honey sitting on your breakfast table. To find a natural remedy for acid reflux, it's all in the matter of using the right kitchen items.

Why Use Kitchen Remedies?

The good thing about using kitchen remedies is that it doesn't cost you a single cent. Medications can be used, but what about in the long run? If there are simpler and more affordable ways to maintain health, it's not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars on short-term conventional treatments. Moreover, kitchen remedies are often easy on the body and therefore does not cause side effects.

What Kitchen Items Can Be Used?

Some people will find it both soothing and effective in treating acid reflux to drink herbal teas. Herbal teas have been found to reduce acidity in the stomach and so relieve symptoms. Common herbal teas used for acid reflux are those containing lavender, peppermint, chicory root and aniseed.

Other special concoctions derive from liquorice, Indian long pepper and Indian gooseberry. Research has indicated that liquorice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit the development of ulcers (search for powdered liquorice to make tea). Indian long pepper is also known to prevent ulcers and can be added to food for flavor, while Indian gooseberry is a fruit that can naturally treat peptic ulcers and ingestion problems when consumed.

What If Ingredients Are Missing?

If these above ingredients are not available in your kitchen, there are also more common ingredients that can relieve symptoms. Black pepper is available in almost every household, and can be used as a natural aid for gastric circulation and digestion-simply add to your dishes. You may also use the natural antimicrobial and analgesic, ginger, to your dishes as well. Here are other common kitchen herbs and spices that aid in digestion:

- Alfalfa - Basil - Bay leaf - Chamomile - Cloves - Cumin seeds - Rosemary - Spearmint - Thyme - Turmeric

You can prepare these ingredients ahead, ready for consumption. For herbs and spices like turmeric and pepper, simply crush or powder them (if they are whole) and sprinkle over food while cooking. When making tea, you may add honey to make treatment taste better. Honey is also has great antibacterial properties that naturally treat acid reflux, so you may use honey instead of your usual sweetener.

Simply stop by your kitchen the next time you feel pangs of pain from acid reflux. Taking natural remedies will make you feel much better in the long run. See a doctor if symptoms persist. The content in this article is not intended to replace medical advice from a healthcare professional. - 14130

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Is Stress Causing Your Panic Attacks?

By Deborah Shevaun

Many people have absolutely no idea that they are allowing stress and worry cause their panic attacks. If you are one of the many of people who are suffering from this problem; then you have come to the right place. We wanted to provide you with some tips that you can begin using to help you stop stress ruining your life.

As a societ we allow stress and worry to ruin our lives. If you watch the news then you are well aware that all they talk about is how bad the economy is doing; there is never any positive stuff on it. We are all affected by the economy but we can begin taking responsibility for our feelings and emotions.

It seems that finances seems to be the number one reason for stress in our daily lives. It is not hard to avoid this problem; after all stress will not make your bank account bigger.

1. Quiet Meditation: It is important that we all take at least a half hour of our morning and spend in meditation; it will help us deal with the stresses of the day. Research shows that meditation is more helpful when it is done early in the morning upon waking up.

2. Visualization Techniques: This method is taught in self help books and does work if applied. We all have the ability to change what is going on in our lives; you just have to take the time to visualize what you want to experience. You can begin creating the life that you want to live. You will not be able to change you life after visualizing just once it is going to take some practice.

3. Certain Music: There is certain music that you can listen to that will help you relieve the stress from your everyday life.

You definitely have to learn how to get rid of this problem because if you continue letting your everyday life worries take control of your actions; then you may experience anxiety and panic attacks.

Be sure to visit our site below and get some more tips and advice that will help you treat this problem. You do not have to continue living with panic; we have taken the time to provide you with some great resources that you will help you get rid of this problem. - 14130

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The Berries Are Not Just Show Pieces

By Anastacia Sampson

The predictability of ubiquitous raisins can be replaced by cranberries in cakes or muffins. It is well known that fresh strawberries are high in Vitamin C. Besides this there are various other berry types! Numerous types are edible, from blue-staining blueberries (that are blue-purple in colour) to raspberries, cranberries, mulberries and other juicy sweet berries.

Not all berries are sweet, some are harmful and fatal. Whenever anyone is in the wild and comes across wild berries, mushrooms and other unknown varieties it is worth not even trying them for taste. The knowledge of what is poisonous is helpful before taking a wild trial and trying out the foods we assume are safe. Generally mushrooms look appealing, they are a fungus and can be dangerous.

Mushrooms are of high moisture content, while shitake mushrooms are known to be very health supporting. Nutritious berries supply various levels of protective antioxidants. To reduce our rate of ageing and help ward away the development of disease we have blueberries. Therapeutically for urinary tract infections we have cranberries. Susceptibility to kidney stones is alleviated by taking cranberry juice. Medications for urinary and bladder problems incorporate cranberries.

Medical studies display the potency of cranberry juice to protect against some forms of kidney stones. Blueberries have also been shown to effectively protect and treat urinary tract infections. It is these blueberries and cranberries that prevent the harmful bacteria from latching onto the urinary walls. The harmful bacteria are unsupported to grow and therefore cause ill health. It happens that in different countries certain berries tend to grow and are more popular and available. Although access to fresh berries at our nearby grocery stores is not general we do have access to frozen and canned berries. As they are fragile, berries are not suitable for mass transport and storage in fresh form.

The mulberry tree provides the mulberry fruit, the mulberries not only feed us but the leaves of that tree feed silk worms. Using berries to make juice is an age old practice and we can always find berry flavoured juices or concentrated berry juices.

Then we may have often known of bakery products of pies and tarts that often include berry ingredients. Many a time we have the cherries on ice-cream or cakes. Nothing tops it off like any other decorative piece for colourful appeal! Red cherries are usually preserved and available in packages in grocery stores. For valuable iron levels we have loganberries, blackberries, black currents and raspberries. Do not forsake the gooseberries that may be more common and have a yellow tinge. For highly regarded Vitamin E levels we can present the blackberries!

All in all berries are high in fibre, minerals and vitamins relative to various other fruits. Although berries may be minor juicy fragile ball-like fruits, they do pack a punch for nutritional health. - 14130

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Hypnotherapy Training Is Simple To Sign Up For And Could Help You Start A New Career!

By Maya D Andrews

Sometimes hypnotherapy is used for entertainment but it is also used to help people deal with fears and problems in their life. If you want to be trained as a hypnotherapist, then you'll need to take hypnotherapy training and this can open doors to new opportunities for you.

After you have completed your hypnotherapy training you'll have access to lots of organisations and events which will help you in your new career. This sort of training isn't a simple one day course. You'll probably have to train for a few weeks before you are certified to perform.

Hypnotherapy training can be expensive so make sure you consider your finances before you agree to any courses. Bear in mind that you'll probably have to spend about 2000 GBP on training so you won't be able to work until this is done.

If you learn about hypnosis you'll enter a world where the pay is a lot better than you might be used to. From one stop smoking session with a client you could be earning thousands of pounds. The money is so good in hypnosis that a lot of people don't need to work full time - they just work part time.

There are many different kinds of courses but with a training course you will usually cover all the basics. A lot of courses are pretty intense so make sure you are ready and prepared for whatever happens.

Most hypnotherapy courses are certainly worth the money because you will be able to help others as well as yourself. A new skill can be something that is very daunting but you'll find that most courses are very rewarding and the people are very friendly.

One of the good things about hypnotherapy is that you can practice your skill within a clinic or you can work for yourself from home if you prefer. It will probably take more than one course before you're comfortable enough to open your own practice but you'll certainly feel like you earned it once you can.

Training for hypnotherapy doesn't require you to have any experience. You can start hypnosis training whenever you like. You'll certainly have a good time because most of the people on the courses will be just like you - ready to learn and eager. You will have so many options available to you once you finish your training.

It's a wonderful skill to learn and is certainly worth it. It's also a very rewarding career. As well as helping you be successful, you'll be able to help people once you have finished your training.

If you like to help people and have an interest in alternative medicine then you should definitely consider hypnotherapy training. They will allow you to help people who want to lose weight, stop smoking, deal with stress and sleeping problems, among many other common things.

You will have to spend about 2000 GBP in order to sign up for hypnotherapy training but it will mean that you'll have the ability to earn a lot more. Training is very fun and exciting and although it can be daunting taking on something new, you'll certainly enjoy yourself.

Hypnotherapy training is great fun and you shouldn't have a problem learning this new skill. Most of the courses are slow-paced and understandable. If you are the kind of person who likes to help people then you should definitely book hypnotherapy courses today to begin your new life, helping people. - 14130

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Lasic Eye Surgery - Warning, Read This Article First?

By Evgania Mehler

If you can't read what's in front of your face, or you can't see anything more than a foot away from you, you might be considering Lasic Eye Surgery to correct the problem. That would be a mistake. Don't fumble around looking for your glasses. Read this article to find our how to improve your eyesight without surgery.

A procedure that permanently changes the clear covering of the front of the eye, called the cornea, is Lasik surgery. Medical term is Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. This popular surgery promises miracles, like having 20/20 vision afterward. If this sounds too good to be true, it's because it is. 95% of people are satisfied with the surgery. That is according to the industry, not the patients.

After Lasic Eye Surgery you may find that you have poorer night vision, double vision, halos or glare. Also you may find that you no longer can see all the lines on a vision chart and neither glasses, contacts or additional surgery can correct it. Some people find they need additional surgery and it's not possible. They still may need glasses or contacts. These risks are listed on the F.D.A.'s website.

Lasic Eye Surgery is still relatively new and it's safety and effectiveness is not known yet. After surgery you can develop dry eye syndrome which is uncomfortable, can reduce visual quality and may be permanent. Farsighted people may see an improvement at first, but that may diminish with age. And the results for people with large refractive errors is not so good.

The following was reported in the New York Times, March, 2008. Some people have found that if they wear contacts for general vision and eyeglasses for reading, that they lose that option after surgery. It's like reading through contact lenses and you can't take them out because they're not there.

Lasic eye Surgery can overcorrect or undercorrect your visual problem. This leaves 5 to 10% of patients who need to have their vision fine-tuned after surgery. The F.D.A. received 140 negative reports relating to Lasic between 1998 and 2006. They suspected many more were not reported. They put together a task force in 2006 to design a clinical trial to explore it after deciding that too few well designed studies had been done.

Lasic Eye Surgery, is the must read article to find out more about the contradictions. - 14130

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Tea Tree Oil in Your Shampoo And a Blend of Essential Oils in Your Bath is a Treat You Won't Forget

By Carolyn Scents

You can feel pampered and cared for even if you feel you're the only one doing the caring right now, by soaking in a ritually prepared tub.

Add pure essential oils to 1/4 cup of pure honey or 1/4 to 1/3rd. cup of dried milk powder. Essential oils are little packets of energy and information, some of which can help to ease the mental and emotional issues that go along with weight problems or help on a physiological basis. Choose the oils that best suit your needs. Essential oils are your potent allies to help you regain personal power.

With the tub water not too hot and leaving enough room to top up if necessary, make into a paste and then add this spoonful by spoonful to your tub just as it is finished running. Splash your concoction around in the water until it dissolves. It will make the water cloudy but then who's taking pictures?

Hang a 'do not disturb' sign on the bathroom door. Turn the telephone off. Pop on some of your favorite tunes, whatever soothes your personally fevered brow, as the spirit strikes you.

Place a few candles around the tub, taking care not to set anything alight.

Place a nice soft towel behind your head and settle in with a good book or just contemplate your navel for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Don't let yourself fall asleep, especially if you are small and your tub is large.

Finish with a tea tree oil shampoo and you're good to go.

Tea Tree Oil Shampoo is a natural, rich natural formula containing tea tree oil combined with gentle, tearless, frequent use shampoo. And, with tea tree oil shampoo your hair gets an added lift from the synergistic action of tea tree oil along with other oils and herbs, all working together to provide maximum benefits to your hair, skin and scalp.

Apply shampoo liberally to hair, lather and gently massage scalp with fingertips for at least a minute or two, or more.The shampoo removes unwanted build-up from hair left by other shampoos. This unique hair repair complex will let you see your hair shine with restored health and beauty. And organic oils help to remove excess oil and build-up so that hair is clean and manageable.

Carry out this ritual at least twice per week and you'll never look at your tub in the same way ever again. - 14130

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Cure Myopia Easily - The Caveman Wasn't Shortsighted

By Evgania Mehler

Myopia is another name for shortsightedness. If the caveman had myopia, he would have been eaten by predators. The Roman gladiators and the western cowboys couldn't have had myopia or they wouldn't have survived. Why today do we have to find out how to cure myopia and they didn't? Find out in this article.

How do you suppose our ancestors lived without supermarkets? Prehistoric people couldn't go to McDonalds. We have both and we eat a horrible diet. Our ancestors killed their own meat, grew their own vegetables and baked their own bread. We probably can't do all of that today, but we certainly could eat a healthier diet. Maybe we could start by not going to fast food restaurants.

The other factor which our ancestors did not have was TV and computers. The kids didn't spend all day in front of the boob tube or playing computer games. They were out working and getting exercise.

Myopia is becoming a worldwide condition and glasses don't cure myopia. No one race seems more susceptible than another. For many years it was thought that myopia was caused by reading, because the myopia rate was lower in the population with no formal education and didn't read books. So, wearing glasses was a sign of intelligence.

The myopia rate was lower in the group that ate the diet they grew and hunted. The formal education group ate highly processed foods and the myopia rate was higher. People didn't realize that the two groups ate the different diets.

Find more information in this article about how to cure myopia naturally. - 14130

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Avoid These Mistakes For Hemorrhoid Relief

By Sam Adkins

You might be surprised to find that over 40% of all adults at some point will experience hemorrhoids. It's a truly embarrassing but very painful condition, which comes from the inflammation of the veins in the rectal area. Usually accompanied by itching, painful constipation, and even some bleeding, this is a very irritating condition to have to live with, as any hemorrhoid sufferer knows.

Most often, there are factors in our lifestyle that causes hemorrhoids: your weight, diet, or age can all be factors, as well as pregnancy, as a result of the extra weight a woman carries. At times when the condition is most severe, hemorrhoids can pop out externally along the rectal area, which means they are even more painful to live with.

The truth is that this condition can often be remedied through simple, natural lifestyle changes. Here are the top three mistakes to avoid to help get some relief from hemorrhoid relief for even difficult cases.

Mistake number one to consider is eating too much processed or packaged foods. Today's diet is full of processed food, which lack fiber and needed nutrients, plus excess sugar and fats. By eating too much processed food you can suffer from harder stools, constipation, and digestion trouble. Constipation and digestive trouble can lead to hemorrhoids. If you are attempting to relieve the suffering from hemorrhoids, you can start to get some relief by cutting out processed foods, sugar and excess fats, and substitute fiber and vitamins right away.

The second mistake people make is to have insufficient exercise as part of their daily routine. A sedentary lifestyle means you are adding constant pressure on your bottom, from sitting all day. This creates an ideal environment for hemorrhoids to develop, especially if this lack of activity is then combined with pressure from constipation or, for women, a pregnancy. The solution here is easy: be sure you do not stay seated for more than an hour at a time, add 30 minutes of exercise to your schedule each day, and begin doing stretches that will help promote healthy blood flow.

The third mistake that can result in hemorrhoids is using processed medication and hemorrhoid creams. As with eating processed foods, taking internal supplements can cause side effects for some people, and may not be completely effective for others. Often, they include processed or artificial ingredients as well. Taking these supplements also treats the result, and does not cure the root cause of hemorrhoids.

When using an external cream, these products really only offer short term relief, and may even cause the hemorrhoid to be worse if other steps are not taken to get rid of hemorrhoids. The symptoms are still being treated instead of the main problem.

When you can avoid these three mistakes, you'll find that you can stop contributing to making your hemorrhoids worse, as well as start to find hemorrhoid relief possibly for good. With the modern lifestyle choices we have to make, we can avoid a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, and reach a hemorrhoid cure that is available to anyone suffering from this irritating condition. - 14130

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