Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why Healthy Gut is Needed to Maintain Overall Health?

By Romy Timkin

Usually, people are not happy while talking about the fitness of their digestive system; however this is the one part of the body that is a hitch area for a colossal number of people. As a species, we are always more neurotic with our heart or lungs, often ignoring our gut both when it comes to care and cure.

The gut is an exceptionally vital component of the body. It carries out both digesting and absorbing into our body the nutrients from our food as well as shields us from external bacteria. Out ignoring our gut means that we shall end up with major ailments when this body part gets bad, and that is one big reason why we should take better care of it. Around 10-20% of the people have either diarrhoea, or a stomach ulcer, all caused by deprived maintenance of the gut and its intestinal flora.

The main problems that yield out of our gut are diarrhoea, IBS and ulcers. The gut assists watch our body by building up out resistant system and when it is alarmed it often causes problems like allergic reactions and other stomach problems.

The bacteria already there in our gut shield us from outer bacteria and when we disturb the inside intestinal flora, we put ourselves at risk of getting ill. We do not often deliberately influence these bacteria. Our bad habits like stress, not sleeping well and not eating healthy foods are the factors that affect this.

One of the biggest benefits of having a healthy gut is that it properly absorbs the food we eat and gives us support by allowing our body to absorb the nutrients from this and make energy. The bacteria in our gut help our body produce fatty acids which help in nutrient absorption.

Another thing the gut performs for us is defend us from bacteria that go into our body by means of our food. Because the gut has such a low PH level, most bacteria are killed as they pass through the intestine, protecting us from sickness. However, the foodstuff that we eat nowadays is usually loaded with antibiotics which mean that our gut is constantly being thrown into a PH imbalance.

We repeatedly propel the bacteria in our gut by eating the inaccurate food, or by using too much drugs such as antibiotics which execute both the good and the bad bacteria in our body. As a result, our gut's flora gets put in a place where it loses out on the good bacteria and the bad bacteria protract to make us ailing.

It is possible to help our gut revive its intestinal flora by eating things with Probiotics in them so as to help the healthy bacteria grow faster, and in the process kill the bad bacteria. Probiotics can be taken as a supplement or through yogurt.

To maintain a healthy gut, eat healthy foods, preferably from organic sources and without added antibiotics. As soon as you feel sick, go to a doctor so if you can prevent anything major from striking you, but be careful about antibiotics and only take them as a last resort. - 14130

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