Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hemorrhoids in Pregnant Women

By Heather-Jane Hunter

Hemorrhoids can sometimes be a very serious problem for pregnant women. They basically are abnormally inflamed veins located in the anal canal as well as around the anus. They can cause pain and bleeding in the anus, as well as a lot of discomfort while standing or sitting. Hemorrhoids and pregnancy are closely related. In fact, pregnancy is cited as one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

Throughout pregnancy women can get hemorrhoids after becoming constipated. Constipation is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoids and women who are pregnant are at higher risk of becoming constipated.

Another factor is that during pregnancy, the uterus grows which increases the pressure on the veins in the lower part of the body. This pressure causes a decreased blood flow to the lower region of the body that causes the veins to dilate or swell.

While pregnant, women secrete the progesterone hormone from the body which causes the vein walls to relax. When the vein walls relax they swell even further. Extra straining can also be caused due to the secretion of progesterone because it slows down the intestinal tract.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be prevented. Some of the keys to prevention of hemorrhoids include not straining during bowel movement, exercising regularly (aim for 20 minutes per day), drinking plenty of water, and eating foods which are high in fiber. Foods such as fruit and vegetables are goods, as are cereals and beans. These foods help to soften stools and avoid constipation.

If you are pregnant and have a hemorrhoid, a couple of ways to limit the damage and severity of the hemorrhoid include: cleaning well after bowel movement, and sitz baths. Cleaning well is very important as it means the hemorrhoid will be less likely to be infected. Try using a soft tissue or wet toilet paper to make cleaning less aggressive. A sitz bath in warm water can help to keep the anus clean and also be very soothing for the hemorrhoid. Both of these techniques are recommended.

As hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a common illness, a lot of creams and topical ointments are available in pharmacys and drugstores. Be wary when using these as many of them only work to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Some patients report that burning sensations actually increased when using creams.

Hemorrhoids can also occur after child birth as a result of the straining required to give birth to the child. Most of the time they are not serious but it is still important to do something to cure the hemorrhoid as soon as possible because there is always a chance they will worsen.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids and are pregnant, I strongly recommend you use a natural hemorrhoid treatment plan such as H Miracle of Venapro. Links to both of these products are provided below. H Miracle and Venapro are both totally natural products and have no side effects on pregnant women. They both give fast pain relief and cure the root causes of hemorrhoids quickly and effectively. - 14130

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