Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Japanese Skin Care Secrets, Or What Can Japanese Woment Tell Us About Skin Care?

By Peter Albertonach

It may be a surprise but there is one group of women in the world that have stunning skin right into old age. Japanese women. What are the secrets of Japanese skin care?

Because if Japanese women have the best skin we assume that they have some skincare secrets that we don't. And they do.

The first thing to say about those Japanese skin care secrets is that if youre looking to try and find the best Japanese skin care products online because you think the secret is that the Japanese make the best skin care products then youre mistaken.

It's a lot more simple than their skincare products. Because the secret is all about what Japanese women eat. That's all. It's not about skin care products.

So if it's the Japanese diet what could the Japanese be eating that is so good for their skin? Seaweed. And not any old ordinary seaweed but one type in particular.

It's a seaweed called Phytessence Wakame. The Japanese eat if both fresh and dried and it has been a big part of the regular Japanese diet for a long time, centuries. And only recently it's been discovered that Phytessence Wakame is just great for your skin.

And although it is only more recently that science has found out why Phytessence Wakame is so good for your skin the Japanese have known this for a long time and for this reason Phytessence Wakame has been highly prized for it's skin health properties.

Phytessence Wakame is packed with all sorts of vitamins and minerals, all good for your skin. For example many of the B group vitamins.

And there's more, like 15 times more calcium than milk. Calcium is excellent for the skin and Phytessence Wakame is full of all sorts of good antioxidants as well.

But there is one more thing, and that's the big secret of Japanese skin care from Phytessence Wakame. Stick with me here, it gets a little complicated.

There is an acid found in your skin called hyaluronic acid, which helps keep your skin supple and elastic, and well toned. Of course if your skin is supple and elastic it resists sagging and wrinkling. And what are many Japanese women missing? Wrinkles.

And there is also an enzyme in the skin that breaks down hyaluronic acid. The enzyme is called hyaluronidase and it's deadly to hyaluronic acid. You don't want that good hyaluronic acid broken down.

So here's the secret. Phytessence Wakame helps minimize the effects of hyaluronidase, so you have more of that good hyaluronic acid in your skin. You skin is more supple and elastic and healthy, and has less wrinkles and sagging. That's the big Japanese skin care secret.

There's even more, the ingredients in Phytessence Wakame also help protect your skin against some sun damage and air pollution damage.

So can you see now why Japanese women prize Phytessence Wakame so highly? Because although they didn't know there were scientific reasons why it was so good for the skin they certainly knew that it was good for the skin. It's grown extensively in Japan.

So should you be looking for Japanese skin care products that contain Phytessence Wakame, or should you just add some seaweed to your breakfast every day?

No in both cases. Because the best skin care products already contain Phytessence Wakame and are readily available to you, through a small but fine niche skin care company.

And although they don't advertise on TV, so you'll never have heard of them, the good news is that they offer a money back guarantee so that you can try the products for yourself risk free.

Because they know that once you try their natural skin care products, with Phytessence Wakame, youll come back for more.

So, what's that Japanese skin care secret? Seaweed. - 14130

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