Friday, March 20, 2009

Chiropractic Therapy and The Role of Massage Chairs

By James Knolan

Chiropractic care is considered an alternative form of treatment in dealing with muscle, nervous and skeletal system discomfort. The use of chiropractic medicine focuses on the health of the spine. A variety of techniques are used by Chiropractors to improve the health of the spine. Massage therapy is used to help increase flexibility, range of motion and reduce stiffness. Massage chairs have helped to automate some of the treatments.

With the increase in holistic, natural treatments, chiropractic medicine has become more popular. Typically, a visit to a chiropractor was to relieve back pain or headaches. These are still the majority of visits to chiropractic offices. The doctor must still figure out the actual causes of these symptoms in order to provide relief.

Holistic health is the view that a doctor of chiropractic medicine takes for treating patients. They are taught to believe that the body can maintain self-healing if the patient provides the right situation for their body. The doctor is merely there to help induce the body back toward self-healing.

With this in mind, doctors apply certain therapies to help the body to take back over the healing process. Therapies may include spinal adjustments, electrical muscle stimulation, and massage treatments. Massage chairs are used to provide complementary therapies in addition to just massage therapy.

Massage therapy, along with other treatments by a chiropractor requires them to be administered on a periodic basis. One cannot expect the immediately heal the body. It takes time and it takes the repetition of certain treatments until the body can take back over effectively.

Massage chairs provide an excellent means to automating the routine administration of specific massage therapies. Massage chairs can deliver consistent and reliable treatments. Patients obtain reliable, consistent and effective therapy and treatments.

There are numerous massage treatments that can be performed with todays advanced massage chairs. You can use them for a general body warm up or warm down. They can apply a specific technique to a given area of focus. The consistency of the massage and the duration can be controlled as required.

Massage chairs come equipped with automatic programs and with manual programs. The automatic programs are usually one touch and run the whole massage chair. Manual programs are used to apply specific massage techniques.

Massage chairs eliminate many of the inconsistent variables of human massage. Massage chairs can be controlled precisely. The doctor can select the area to be massaged, the duration of the massage and even the intensity. The massage chair helps to eliminate many of the variables in providing consistent massage therapy.

Massage chairs have also integrated other therapies such as heaters, traction systems and even music. Heaters are built into the chair and come with individual controls for different sections of the chair. Traction systems provide stretching of the lower body and even the arms and shoulders.

Massage chairs provide great flexibility. Massage can be applied to the lumbar while heaters warm the legs. Or warm the back while the traction is applied to the lower body. There are many new and unique options that new technology is making available with massage chairs.

The goal of a chiropractor is to get your body to take back over its healing functions. The doctor applies specific treatments on a recurring basis to get the body to respond. Massage chairs are an excellent provider of consistent and reliable massage therapy. These treatments along with others determined by your health practitioner can help to restore the body back to its prior level of functioning. - 14130

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