Saturday, March 14, 2009

It Makes Sense To Use A Moisturizer With Sunscreen Deosn't It?

By Peter Albertonach

Most people know that one of the worst things you can do for your skin is to get sunburned. So should you using a moisturizer with sunscreen?

But the answer may not be quite what you thought it might be.

It's totally clear though that sunburn is really bad for your skin.

And if you want to make sure you're going to have older looking skin with sagging and wrinkles, dryness and lines, just start getting sunburned at an early age, and do it regularly.

Then there's skin cancer to consider too.

So surely it makes sense to use a facial moisturizer with sunscreen with an spf as high as you can get?

Well no, but that doesn't mean that getting sunburned is fine.

Why isnt it a good idea to use a moisturizer with an spf factor? Because there is evidence that the daily use of sunscreens can be dangerous to your health, and even some suggestion that daily use of an spf moisturizer could lead to cancer.

Now that isnt proven, however it is certainly suspected by many scientists. If you use a sunscreen occasionally, say 5 or 6 times a year when you go on the beach, the risk is very low. But if you use a moisturizer with sunscreen added you may well use it daily, and so the risk is way higher.

There's different types of sunscreens. There are sunscreens that work in 2 different ways. There are those that stay on the surface of your skin, and those that work within your skin once they soak in. Those that stay on the surface are sunscreens with either zinc or titanium.

If the sunscreen soaks in then a portion of them will get into your bloodstream. Possibly dangerous. And most skincare products with spf factors use the type that soaks in because it looks and feels better.

And of course all spf factor is produced by using synthetic chemicals, and you don't want to be getting chemicals into your bloodstream.

And that's not all. If the sun is unable to get to your face each day you may well start to find that you suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Studies have shown that up to 60% of Americans suffer from some deficiency of vitamin D in their bodies, though not all that is caused by use of sunscreen by any means.

So now you're wondering what to do?

Use the highest quality moisturizer with no sunscreen added. In fact the manufacturer of the worlds best skin care products specifically avoids using an spf factor in their products for all the reasons outlined.

And use a sunscreen with either zinc or titanium block only on days when you really think you are at risk of sunburn.And on most days you really wont need sunscreen anyway, so enjoy your extra supplies of vitamin D.

Visit my website to find out more about the best skin care products that don't have any sunscreen. - 14130

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