Sunday, March 15, 2009

Natural herbs can help slow the aging process

By Jasmine Browne

Anti aging herbs can have a big effect on slowing down the aging process. Instead of costly chemicals, you may want to look into these readily available natural alternatives. In addition to slowing the effects of aging, anti aging herbs have a generally good effect on your overall health.

If you are having problems with short term memory loss, you will want to give gingko biloba a try. Studies have proven that gingko biloba, a very effective anti aging herb, has positive effects on short term memory loss. Gingko increases blood circulation to the brain and to the rest of the body. So while it is excellent for increasing your ability to remember in the short term, it is also good for general health and appearance.

Antioxidants are wonderful for the body and beneficial in fighting the effects of aging. Bilberry is a great antioxidant herb. It can slow down the effects of free radicals that cause the deterioration of the body experiencing the aging process. Although these effects are natural, they are nonetheless, unwanted. Bilberry is an anti aging drug that can help keep them in check.

As women age, estrogen production naturally decreases. Red clover is an anti aging herb that is a natural alternative to expensive, dangerous hormone replacement therapy. Red clover mimics estrogen and is safe and natural. By using red clover, you can combat some of the effects of loss of estrogen.

Herbs are interesting and complex. It is important that you know what you are doing when you use herbs to combat symptoms of aging. Be sure to research any anti aging herbs you plan to use before taking it, and then proceed carefully. This is also true of adding vitamins and minerals to your anti aging regimen. Use only the recommended amount. Increasing the amount you take will not necessarily increase its effectiveness and may have negative side effects.

When adding anti aging herbs to your daily routine, do so with care. Add one at a time in small amounts to begin with and wait patiently for the effect. If you are making general lifestyle changes to improve your health, understand that your body is going through an adjustment period and my show other effects as well as responses to the herbs you are adding. If you are consistent in making gradual, positive changes to your lifestyle, you will find that the aging process will slow down, and you will regain some of your youthful vigor and appearance.

Anti aging herbs are good for you in many ways. As you add them to your daily routine, be sure to stay vigilant about the other changes you are making to improve and extend your health. Eat well, exercise moderately, rest frequently. You will find that by adding these simple, effective practices to your daily routine, you will begin to look and feel more youthful very soon. - 14130

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