Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Natural Anxiety Treatments - Why The Renewed Demand?

By Bethany Jordin

Have you wondered if there are any natural anxiety treatments that could help your individual condition? There are many different forms of anxiety that affect different people in different ways. With this in mind it makes sense that there are many potential anxiety treatments that offer those who suffer from anxiety a range of options for treatment.

You now have numerous options for treating anxiety other than prescription drugs and professional therapy. Many are trying natural anxiety treatments to ease the suffering brought on by this condition. Many of these natural cures were effectively used long ago for many different types of anxiety. These are not new treatments even though their use faded for a time with the invention of modern medicine.

The natural anxiety treatments used years ago are still just as effective as they were then for treating conditions related to anxiety and anxiety problems. These remedies were handed down through the generations, which is proof in itself of their value. Companies for profit on the other hand produce prescription drugs and many of these drugs have only been around for a short time.

For natural anxiety treatments the ingredients are often kinder to the body than the harsh chemicals that are used in pharmaceutical treatments. This isn't to say that there aren't any harmful ingredients found in nature. Poison ivy is all natural but not something anyone would recommend drinking as a tea. It would be prudent to do your part and research the herbal ingredients you are considering before adding them to your list of daily supplements.

Let your health provider know about any natural anxiety treatments you intend to use. You doctor will know if a natural herb will cause drug interactions when taken with your current medication or other substances you may be using. Always be honest when talking to your doctor about what you are taking regardless of how silly it seems.

Do some research before you begin popping herbal pills for your anxiety treatment. You have to determine the proper amount to take according to the size of the dose. The herbal supplements do not have instructions on the bottle to tell you what amount to take. The brand does make a difference, some brands may not be as pure or natural as others and some may not dissolve at all after you take them which will result in them being passed out as waste instead of used by your body. Some herbs you need to research are 5-htp, chamomile, passionflower, ginkgo biloba, L-theanine, St John?s wort, kava, and valerian.

With natural anxiety treatments, you will not have to worry about the dangerous side effects associated with prescription drugs that are normally given to treat anxiety. These traditional medicines are known to have varying degrees of side effects from mild discomfort to possible death. Although there may be some side effects to consider when using a natural herb remedy, they are not as severe as what you may experience with prescription medications.

Anxiety can have a devastating effect on your quality of life. Try natural anxiety treatments to alleviate your symptoms and enjoy a happier and healthier life without depending on dangerous drugs. You can get relief from natural products without as much risk as taking prescription drugs. - 14130

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Extract of Green Mussels: the Safer Option?

By Paul J. Easton

Why choose green mussel extract over NSAID? or over fish oils?

Green mussels are grown strictly in certified marine stations in New Zealand. Green mussels are solely acquired in the New Zealand coastlines since primitive times and it was acknowledged as a super food. This is for the reason that they have been shown to hold utmost amounts of lipids, omega-3 fatty acids, and a chondroitin derivative. These components are proven to curb the agents that induce inflammation pains.

Because of its exclusivity in New Zealand, green mussel extract bear no mercury, metals, or unsafe toxic substances. This ensures you a peace of mind with your treatment because of the quality-controlled, environment-friendly environment of the marine stations in New Zealand.

The foremost characteristic of using green mussel extract as an anti-inflammatory medical treatment is that there are no connected harms in using it. This natural alternative product is effective and, moreover, provides gains for the skin, nervous system, brain function, and also mood.

Marine researchers are currently demonstrating a link between green mussel extract and the power to avert Alzheimer's disease. We are yet to wait for further conclusions with these studies. Nevertheless, researches are continually conducted to demonstrate the healthful profits derived from the lipid and omega-3-rich oil and powder extracted from New Zealand's green mussels.

Green mussel extract is establishing as the primary hope for many people suffering inflammation and pain. As a substitute to getting unsafe NSAIDs for treatment of chronic inflammation or taking fish oils which likely contaminated with mercury, green mussel extract is the safer option.

If you are currently under NSAIDs, talk with your doctor about this natural cure which may direct to relief of inflammation. In addition, consult your doctor when starting any treatment with green mussel extract as an anti inflammatory.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 14130

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Hemorrhoids in Pregnant Women

By Heather-Jane Hunter

Hemorrhoids can sometimes be a very serious problem for pregnant women. They basically are abnormally inflamed veins located in the anal canal as well as around the anus. They can cause pain and bleeding in the anus, as well as a lot of discomfort while standing or sitting. Hemorrhoids and pregnancy are closely related. In fact, pregnancy is cited as one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

Throughout pregnancy women can get hemorrhoids after becoming constipated. Constipation is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoids and women who are pregnant are at higher risk of becoming constipated.

Another factor is that during pregnancy, the uterus grows which increases the pressure on the veins in the lower part of the body. This pressure causes a decreased blood flow to the lower region of the body that causes the veins to dilate or swell.

While pregnant, women secrete the progesterone hormone from the body which causes the vein walls to relax. When the vein walls relax they swell even further. Extra straining can also be caused due to the secretion of progesterone because it slows down the intestinal tract.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be prevented. Some of the keys to prevention of hemorrhoids include not straining during bowel movement, exercising regularly (aim for 20 minutes per day), drinking plenty of water, and eating foods which are high in fiber. Foods such as fruit and vegetables are goods, as are cereals and beans. These foods help to soften stools and avoid constipation.

If you are pregnant and have a hemorrhoid, a couple of ways to limit the damage and severity of the hemorrhoid include: cleaning well after bowel movement, and sitz baths. Cleaning well is very important as it means the hemorrhoid will be less likely to be infected. Try using a soft tissue or wet toilet paper to make cleaning less aggressive. A sitz bath in warm water can help to keep the anus clean and also be very soothing for the hemorrhoid. Both of these techniques are recommended.

As hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a common illness, a lot of creams and topical ointments are available in pharmacys and drugstores. Be wary when using these as many of them only work to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Some patients report that burning sensations actually increased when using creams.

Hemorrhoids can also occur after child birth as a result of the straining required to give birth to the child. Most of the time they are not serious but it is still important to do something to cure the hemorrhoid as soon as possible because there is always a chance they will worsen.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids and are pregnant, I strongly recommend you use a natural hemorrhoid treatment plan such as H Miracle of Venapro. Links to both of these products are provided below. H Miracle and Venapro are both totally natural products and have no side effects on pregnant women. They both give fast pain relief and cure the root causes of hemorrhoids quickly and effectively. - 14130

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A Natural Anxiety Remedy - Is It The Right Choice vs. Prescription Medication?

By Bethany Jordin

If you or someone that you care about very much suffers from the specter of anxiety, you already know that this is something that can take over your entire life. The effects of anxiety are extremely pervasive, and they can strike seemingly at random. Suddenly things that you were once able to do with ease are now extremely difficult, and it is easy to feel frustrated and as if you have no recourse. The truth of the matter is that it might be time for you to take a step back and to consider a natural anxiety remedy. There are plenty of options for a natural anxiety remedy, and you'll find that you are doing yourself a great disservice if you do not consider them.

There are a number of reasons why a natural anxiety remedy might be just what you need. With today's economy being in the shape that it is in, you will find that price is an issue. How costly is your medication going to be, and what can you do to defray the costs? More and more people are under-insured or not insured at all, and unless you can pay for the medication that you are looking to use, you are going to find yourself in a very bad place indeed. Consider how a natural anxiety remedy can actually be much cheaper and more cost effective when you are looking for options.

Another area where a natural anxiety remedy can be a better choice than a prescription medication is when you are looking at side effects. Have you ever taken a medication that is simply horrible when it comes to the side effects that you might get? This is the issue with prescription medications. In many cases, they are very powerful and when they get into your system, there is a shockwave. You'll find that you are getting a number of side effects, some of which you can live with, and some of which you simply cannot! You'll find that if you can get a natural anxiety remedy that is going to be much better for you, at the end of the day you are going to be much further ahead.

Remember that you are also going to have a wide variety to choose from. There are many herbal supplements and plants out there that can help you beat your anxiety, and the question is just making sure that you can find them. Always make sure that you consult with your doctor regarding what is going to be good for you and your body, but at the end of the day, you may well find that the natural solutions are things that can benefit you a great deal. Consider what your options are and what you can do to get the results that you need. Don't turn a blind eye to things that can help you!

When you are looking around for herbal supplements, what should you look for?

St. Johns Wort - St. John's Wort has long been used to help people feel better. The ancients knew this, and now we do too, only we know that it has chemicals in it that will help you treat things ranging from anxiety to mood disorders and depression. You will find the results that you get from taking this herb are similar to those of tricyclic antidepressants and SSRI antidepressants like Paxil and Zoloft. You'll also find that there are much milder side effects for this herb than there are to the ones listed above, though you should be very careful with it if you are going to be taking other antidepressants as well. Always check with your physician first.

5-HTP - 5-HTP is also known as hydroxytryptophan, and you will find that there are people who say that it beats other traditional antidepressants out by a long shot. It has been used to treat insomnia and migraines as well as anxiety, and it is known to be very effective, and to have few side effects. Do be aware that pregnant women cannot use this supplement, and it can cause issues that include nausea and dizziness.

Passionflower - Not only is this tropical plant beautiful, it can also help you when it comes to calming down your anxiety. In many cases, researchers are still unsure as to how it can help us, but the results definite that it certainly does. It is generally believed that there are flavonoids and alkaloids in the plant that can help you regulate the neurotransmitters in your nervous system. This works to help you reduce your anxiety and to lower your blood pressure.

Take some time to think about what your options are going to be when it comes to a natural anxiety remedy. They are definitely out there, and you will find that they can help you more than you thought possible. - 14130

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Searching for Hemorrhoid Relief

By Heather-Jane Hunter

More than 4% of the population of America is in search of possible hemorrhoid relief. They are hoping to find a cure or treatment to combat the pain associated with hemorrhoids. They may choose one of the many options which include gels and creams, drugs and antibiotics, and a few effective natural cures. These products offer the sufferer many options of hemorrhoid relief.

Many of the drug stores in your neighborhoods or communities offer large amounts of gels and creams that provide you with hemorrhoid relief. With these products you will not have to get a prescription in order to buy them and they are low cost ways to get hemorrhoid relief. These products work at relieving your symptoms of swelling and pain you may experience. You will simply need to use these products several times a day to ensure that you get relief from you pain.

The most common complaint about gels and creams and hemorrhoid relief is that they can be very irritating. If you have to put this cream, 4 times a day, which can be very irritating not to mention inconvenient, if you have a job to go to every day. In addition, they may also cause you to have some skin irritation and a burning feeling which can be extremely painful.

Some pain killers are used to help people with hemorrhoid pain like Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen, which help by numbing, but will not cure the problem. In this case, they provide hemorrhoid relief but are only temporary and should not be used for an extended amount of time.

With the acceptance of natural remedies, which are now popular Chinese remedies that have been combined with westernized medications, people are finding a complete hemorrhoid relief. These natural remedies have the power to not only take away the pain but also to cure the underlying problems of hemorrhoids.

There are quite a few regular everyday foods that can offer some hemorrhoid relief; these include cereals, fruit and vegetables. Eating foods with a lot of fiber help to soften your stool and makes it easier to pass your anal canal without causing you too much pain.

Some people use vinegar as an easy way to stop the burning and itching of hemorrhoids as well. Not only does it provide some hemorrhoid relief from itching, it also stops the swelling as well.

One other natural hemorrhoid relief that you can use to reduce swelling is Aloe Vera, which can simply be rubbed with the actual leaf or Aloe Vera leaf onto the hemorrhoid.

In short, all of these tips are meant to be fast acting, over a short time span. You will only want to use them temporarily to aid in offering hemorrhoid relief. None of these particular cures are meant to actually cure your hemorrhoids, they are just for relief.

One hemorrhoid cure that also provides fast acting hemorrhoid pain relief is H Miracle. H Miracle is very effective in quickly reducing pain and also in providing a permanent cure to hemorrhoids. Being a totally natural solution, H Miracle has no harmful side effects. For more information about H Miracle, please visit the links listed below. - 14130

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Astral Project Yourself To Another Dimension

By John Pereira

The ability to astral project is an innate ability that each and every person is born with. The difference between those that astral project on a regular basis and those that do not know they are doing it is simply practice. Astral projecting is an ancient practice that should be treated with the respect that it deserves, much like meditation or yoga. There are a variety of types and names that it is known by. There are also different ways to astral project.

One type of astral projection is lucid dreaming. This occurs when you are dreaming and know it. When your conscious mind knows you are dreaming you can astral project very easily. Get into the habit of telling yourself 'I am dreaming' when you are having a lucid dream.

You can do anything you want once you wake up in your dream. This may be a little too random for beginners to be successful enough to astral project.

You need to know that astral projection is real. You should also know that you have astral projected already, you simply were not aware that is what had happened. Have you ever woken up from a dream either in the middle of the night or in the morning and remembered a dream that you had the night before really well. As if you had lived it. That was an astral projection.

The key to success in astral projection is to believe you can do it. Any doubts or fears you have will only hold you back and make it harder for you to astral project.

Learn some good meditation and relaxation techniques; these will make it easier for you to astral project. Meditation will get your mind and body ready for the experience of astral projection. Start practicing relaxation and meditation routines you like to get prepared.

All you have to do is get relaxed in your favorite chair at a time when you will have no distractions. Clear your head of everything that is flowing through it. Do not focus on any problems you are having. Center your thoughts on your breathing, breath slow and deep. Picture your problems and stresses flowing out with each breath. This is very effective in achieving the deep state of relaxation needed to astral project.

The next step is to go into an altered conscious state. Keep focusing on your breathing, your problems are gone, your mind is blank. Breathe slow and deep, in through the nose and out the mouth, becoming more relaxed with each breath. It is time now to get your body relaxed as you breathe slower and deeper.

Start with your toes, as they are the most remote part of your body. There are two ways to do this. You can simply tell each part of your body to relax or tense the muscles up first and then relax each part. Tell each part of your body to relax as you move up. Use the method that you are most comfortable with.

You will begin to feel heavy, as if all your energy and stress is going away as you relax each part of your body. You will notice when this happens. Once this occurs in your entire body, you are ready to move on to the next step in astral projection.

By now your mind and body are ready for sleep, you need to stay alert. To do this many practitioners recommend that you come up with a line that you can repeat to yourself such as I fly, I fly, I fly, you decide what you are going to say as there isnt a right or wrong thing.

The mind tends to get bored when it is not doing anything, which can mean that it will drift and find something else to focus on. You dont want that to happen. If the mind wanders then you need to quit the session. To help bring the mind back repeat your phrase.

To reach the state of altered consciousness you can use the phrase you chose or another way. The body of light method involves picturing an area of light that you will change into. Picture the light in your mind and imagine yourself going into it and becoming a part of it.

When you begin to astral project three things will happen to let you know. You will have a feeling of movement. You will notice different colors and lights in front of you. Your eyes will be closed as you are still in your chair or bed. When you see the lights this is when you are passing into the astral zone. Voices will tell you to go on and encourage you or tell you to stop now as a warning. When you hear these voices, it means you have succeeded in astral projecting. - 14130

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Searching for Hemorrhoid Relief

By Frank Vandy

It doesn?t matter if you are a long time hemorrhoid suffer or are suffering with your first case. Once you have suffered with hemorrhoids, you will definitely be looking for hemorrhoid relief. Luckily, there are several things you can do that can relieve your hemorrhoids.

First of all, several things can cause hemorrhoids, such as sitting too long, genetics, pregnancy, and constipation. One thing is for sure, no matter the reason, once the burning and itching start; you will be looking for hemorrhoid relief.

To really reduce the likelihood that your hemorrhoids will return, you need to make some changes to your lifestyle. You need to start by evaluating your habits. Do you get regular exercise? Are you active? Do you drink enough water every day? What is your caffeine intake? Do you eat a lot of processed foods or mostly natural foods?

Once you have answered these questions, you should have a better idea of what is causing your hemorrhoids. Some people will look at that list and realize they need to make changes to every area. That can be a bit overwhelming so it is best to change one area, get it right, and then change another area. This greatly increases your chances for success.

Breakfast will be a key to your success. Make sure you include foods that are high in fiber. Forget stool softeners. While they may bring you some temporary relief, they do not address the root causes of your hemorrhoids. High fiber, healthy foods will have the same effect and create many long-term health benefits for you. Best yet, many of these high fiber foods taste great. Go to your local grocery store and pick up three or four high fiber cereals and find one you like.

It also is very important to drink plenty of water. If you drink a lot of soda or coffee, slowly start substituting it with water. Water helps flush the body of toxins and will reduce your hemorrhoids. Make sure that you are getting at least 20 minutes of excising per day. A good long walk each day will increase the blood flow in your body and reduce your hemorrhoid pain.

No matter how long you have suffered with hemorrhoid pain, you know how painful it can be. Follow the steps in this article and you will begin to feel some hemorrhoid relief in a few days. - 14130

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Finding A Natural Skin Moisturizer Isn't Easy.

By Peter Albertonach

Slowly world wide people are turning towards natural products, and the skin care and anti aging industries are no exception. People are turning away from chemical products and so there are many consumers looking for a natural skin moisturizer along with many other natural anti aging products.

There really are natural skin moisturizers, quite a few of them actually, and if you could find them all and use them you could make quite a difference to your skin. But finding them won't be easy, and you could well find that it's cheaper to use a natural skin care product that includes these natural skin moisturizers.

So here's some examples of some very natural skin moisturizers which you've probably never heard of.

1. Shea butter which comes from the seed of a shea tree, and which is packed full of all sorts of ingredients good for your skin, like vitamins A and E. And it has essential fatty acids that are just about identical to those produced in the sebaceous glands of your skin to moisturize the skin.

And as well as moisturizing shea butter softens skin too, making you look younger.

2. Phytessence Wakame which is a kelp, or seaweed that is eaten both fresh and dried by the Japanese and found around the coast of Japan. Japanese women have the worlds best skin right into their older age and Phytessence Wakame is why. Science now knows why having investigated it extensively, but it isn't news to the Japanese.

Phytessence Wakame is full of a wide range of vitamins and minerals known to be good for your skin and has excellent natural moisturizing properties.

3. Sorbitol which you can get from plums and pears, grapes, berries, seaweed and algea and is a wonderful moisturizer. It helps stop the skin losing moisture and it also smooths the skin.

4. Capuacu oil from the nut of the capuacu tree. It regulates the activity of lipids on the surface of the skin, very important to protecting skin moisture.

5. Cynergy tk. Cynergy tk is derived from the wool of sheep. It is one of the best moisturizers that you can get for your skin. Along with a wide range of ingredients that have various benefits for your skin it is also very successful at helping the skin retain moisture.

And it's very important for the skin to retain it's moisture levels, this is an important part of skin moisturizing.

Theres 5 great natural skin moisturizers. And of course if you have a capuacu tree and a shea tree in the backyard, along with the berries and maybe a beach nearby with the right type of seaweed you could probably do wonders for your skin just by eating. Oh and a sheep.

But of course that really isn't practical, for most women it's far better to buy the best natural skin care products you can get that contain all these ingredients, in one product.

Proven to moisturize successfully as well as contribute to a visible overall improvement in skin health.Thats the easiest, most practical and cost effective way to get the best natural skin moisturizers that nature can provide.

You'll find out on my website where to source the worlds best skin care products that contain these 5 natural skin moisturizers, and more. - 14130

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Curing Hemorrhoids with H Miracle

By Heather-Jane Hunter

When you are in search of a hemorrhoid solution that offers a fast and permanent cure to hemorrhoids, H Miracle is the perfect solution to your problem. In this article you will get the information you need about H Miracle and how it will benefit you.

There are some interesting remedies for hemorrhoids on the market, however some have the severest forms of hemorrhoids and they do not work for them, in this case, these sufferers will look for a cure that works like this new solution H Miracle. This product is a natural cure that actually helps to rid you of hemorrhoids. It doesn't matter whether you have the internal or the external form of hemorrhoids, you will be able to cure the problem forever. H Miracle combines a mixture of proven Chinese remedies and western medicines to ensure you are able to get the benefits of a full cure of hemorrhoids.

You will also receive a guide from H Miracle that introduces you to some tips to help you rid yourself of constipation. You will also get a few diet ideas to help you ease hemorrhoid problems.

Recently, one of the biggest topics of conversation in the medical circles has been the effectiveness of the H Miracle program and its accompanying guide. Many who have used the H Miracle program say that they have experienced outstanding results in as little as 48 hours. This is a hard thing for long sufferers of hemorrhoids, however more realistic numbers would be, and an overwhelming number of people who have experienced relief from the affects of hemorrhoids in 5 days.

Secrets given to you by H Miracle are as follows:

How to stop the bleeding of hemorrhoids quickly

5 fruit and vegetables that will keep you from dealing with hemorrhoids

3 Eliminate constipation in one minute

4 Shrink hemorrhoids quickly, even if your condition is very bad.

48 hours to stop anal leakage

6 You will receive information about the 4 element diet for hemorrhoids (a diet used by the H Miracle creator Holly Hayden)

Why the 99% of creams and gels don't work as cures and the alternatives to them.

H Miracle also comes with a guide book, written by Holly Hayden after suffering from a long bout of hemorrhoids is now giving information of how natural remedies helped to cure her. Holly Hayden created this incredible product in order to cure thousands of hemorrhoid sufferers all over the world.

With H Miracle you will not just get a guide book, you will also get a complete program that includes information, audios and charts with everything you will need to know about hemorrhoids. In addition, you also get the support of Holly Hayden and the medical professionals behind her, when you buy the H Miracle Program.

With a long range of popular Chinese remedies that have been around for thousands of years, H Miracle is able to help anyone that needs a cure to hemorrhoids, even if that person is suffering from prolapsed, external and internal hemorrhoid types. Because all of these types need different treatments, H Miracle gives you the cure to each.

Many people have found that with the H Miracle guidebook, that Holly Hayden's program has given them all the information that they will need to help them cure hemorrhoids. Checking this program out is a great idea, especially when the only other option is surgery. With this program you will have a new lease on life without hemorrhoids.

H Miracle is one product that will help you to cure the problem of hemorrhoids naturally and without surgery. The H Miracle cure has helped many thousands of people and will be around to help thousands more. - 14130

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Various Astral Projection Techniques

By David Simmeon

There are a number of different astral projection techniques available for people to use to help them astral project. With every person being an individual, what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. Many people run into difficulties with various methods though, not because the method doesn't work, they are not able to relax.

Relaxation must be total, complete. It's essential for any of the seven techniques of astral projection to be successful. The inability to relax is caused by fear. It's common among those just learning these techniques. The fears are the result of false beliefs that maybe harm, or even death could come to the person who is trying astral project. To help alleviate those fears the Canterbury Institute conducted and researched a study. The Canterbury Institute is well know for their studies of the occult.

The study was performed on two thousand individuals, all of these people were involved in doing astral projection. The institute discovered was that no person was harmed following astral projection techniques. What is more interesting is that they did follow up on the people for the last 3 years. Not one have had any problems.

Now that any fears or concerns should be put to rest, it is time to take a look at a few different astral projection techniques that are fairly easy and have been successful for a lot of people. The first is what is known as the Monroe Technique. There are seven main steps to this astral projection technique:-

* Relaxing mind and body is a must. Many techniques for learning to relax are available for you to use. Deep breathing is a simple one to use and is just deep breathing, slow and calm. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply. Relax all your muscles bodily, one at a time, alternately tensing and relaxing them. You can start down at your toes and work your way up.

* Go into what is called the hynagogic state. This is where your body and mind are almost asleep. You don't desire to go to sleep. Use the gazing method to accomplish this. As you lie in bed focus on an object and remain staring until when your eyes close that you still can picture the object.

* You see the object, your eyes are closed and now you need to move to a deeper state of relaxation. Look around, with your eyes closed and try to see other images in the room. The possibility is that you may see different and varied light patterns. The room may be clothed in a purple light, ignore it. But once you have seen the purple light, you will know you have entered a deeper state of relaxation. Completely relaxed, the awareness of your physical body will no longer be there and an important technique of astral projection, according to the Monroe.

* According to Monroe, this step is the most vital. You will need to enter the state of Vibration. Many people that have been practicing astral projection techniques for awhile note that they feel these vibrations early on in the projection. It is believed by them that this is the feeling you experience when the astral body begins to leave the physical body. Do not be alarmed, just feel the vibrations.

* Control the state of vibration. To do this focus on the vibrations and make them move through your body. Do this with your mind, you want your entire body to feel the vibrations, as if waves are washing over you. Keep practicing this until you are able to bring these waves on when you want to. Once you are able to create these waves on demand you are ready to leave the body.

* The key component to astral projection and astral travel is to have control, that your mind is the one in power. To help strengthen this control Monroe recommends at this point you practice a "partial separation." Keeping your mind focused on the idea of leaving the physical body, first let a hand or a foot go of the astral body. Stretch them to an object that is near you, such as the wall, the floor or another familiar object, then push your hand or foot through that object. Once you do that, return your foot or hand back to the physical body, slow down the vibrations and end the session. Stay laying down until your body has returned to a fully awake state.

* This is when you totally leave your body. Do steps 1 -6, only instead of just releasing a foot or hand from the physical body do your whole body into the astral body. You only have to make an easy adjustment on step number 6. In place of concentrating on releasing only on body part, you are now going to concentrate on the release of the astral body, do this by imagining how light it feels, also your weightlessness as if you were light like feathers being blown in the breeze. The astral body should leave the physical body, you should have a feeling of flying or floating.

There are other methods that you can try, such as the Rope Technique, the Gazing Method, and the Anchor Technique. Spend sometime trying different techniques to see which will work best for you. There is an astral projection technique for everyone.

You will see though that not all people are able to do astral project right off the bat using the techniques listed and a lot of practice is required for some of these.

There is a shortcut luckily! Through recent sound technology developments, audio tools exist that can assist you. These recent techniques utilize special frequencies of sound call Binaural beats, which balance the brain's two hemispheres, instantly placing you into a state of meditation, required for astral projection.

You can also get into the totally relaxed state needed by listening to quality astral projection techniques hypnosis recordings. These reinforce to the subconscious mind that it is okay for your astral body to leave your physical body.

Astral projection truly is a life changing experience for everyone who tries it and by using these techniques it is possible for anyone who wishes to, to experience it. - 14130

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Aromatherapy Massage Oil

By Miranda Sterman

Aromatherapy is simply an alternative form of medicine to the mainstream medicine practice. In aromatherapy, essential oils are used to bring about the desired effects. Aromatherapy massage also incorporates the use of essential oils rubbed on the body to produce a number of effects. The massage usually has a relaxing feeling and relives stress. It also helps to reduce muscle tension thereby increasing the body's circulation.

A base oil is added the aromatherapy massage oil so that the overall mixture produces the desired therapeutic healing effects. These essential oils enter the body in either of the 2 ways. One is by being absorbed by the body during the massage process. Once in, they enter the bloodstream and are carried to the locations where they will serve the best. The other way these aromatherapy massage oils may enter the body is by being inhaled. This usually happens during the massage process too. It can thus be seen that aromatherapy has both the benefits of an average massage as well as the health benefits of the essential oils.

The use of the essential oils by aromatherapists and therapists is not new and most of them when recommending stress-relieving therapies, point out to their clients the benefits of an aromatherapy massage.

Another advantage of going for an aromatherapy treatment is the fact that you get to choose the essential oil you want applied on your body. Masseuse will usually have a number of bottles of aromatherapy massage oils; both blended and unblended giving one a wide variety of options. They may also mix a blend for you, apply it on your body and carry the remaining one home for your do-it-yourself aromatherapy massage.

Essential oils that are used in aromatherapy treatments are plant extracts. A number of ways are used to extract the oils in a pure way. The oils can be extracted either by distillation or by expression. They are then packed into their respective bottles ready to be used. The essential oils come in many flavors that range from grapefruit, eucalyptus, myrtle and other flavors.

Another benefit of aromatherapy massages is that the aromatherapy massage oil not only feels wonderful during a backrub, but also the whole experience is enhanced by the scent that the oils produce. On top of that, the essential oils have the benefit of toning and moisturizing the skin.

These massages also tend to be more effective since the oil makes the hand movements easier and much smoother and thus, hard-to-reach muscles and deep points can be kneaded resulting in a more effective and relaxing massage. Any aromatherapy massage oil used should thus be not only fun, but also help heal old wounds.

What makes the aromatherapy massages unique is the fact the essential oils used connect with both the mind and the body. The scent of these oils works on the mind even before the essential oils have penetrated the body and started working on the body. This mind body connection plus the fact that the oils can be used in other ways around distinguishes aromatherapy as a superior form of therapy available today. - 14130

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Chakra Healing Can Enhance Your Whole Life

By Jai Dahalli

Understanding Chakra

A chakra is an alignment point of the body and it can receive and relay the life force energy. The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit, it describes the continual spinning of a wheel or the aural energy sphere within the body of mankind. According to Hindu writings there are something like eighty thousand chakra points within our body. The most essential of chakra points are those that are found along the spinal column and up to the crown of the head and these are the seven chakra points.

The seven chakras involve the root, navel, stomach, the heart, throat, and brow and the crown chakras. These featured chakra points have the ability to transmit and receive energy from the general surroundings as well as those individuals in it and other influential elements of the surroundings. Chakras can influence activities of an individual that deal with emotional, spiritual, intellectual, mystical, psychological and corporeal issues.

Whether you choose a viewpoint of the Hindus mystical understanding of an individual's internal and external experience, Chinese medicine or the explanation of modern psychology of human thought processes and consciousness, however the chakras are distinct yet they all have a common thread that runs with them all concerning their explanations or definitions.

The chakras are in perpetual motion whether we are awake or asleep. Continual activity does influence the glandular processes, physical disorders, structure and appearance as well as our actions and deeds. When one or more of the chakras malfunction for different reasons this will cause an imbalance, it then continues to make it known in other areas.

This happens because all the seven major chakras correspond with the associated endocrine gland within our body. When there is any type of imbalance in the functioning of a chakra it influences our emotional and physical processes and then reveals a disorder in the normal pattern of behavior or activity by means of the endocrine gland it associates with.

Chakra Balance Maintenance We can safely assume by using the point above as a starting place that for the most part our chakras are related to any type of ailment, illness of disease we may encounter. Although, we may not recognize the appearance of an illness or imbalance there are still concerns or emotional issues that result from our youth that can and will hold bearing on our emotional, physical and spiritual senses.

One of the major causes of chakra imbalance is associated with repressed emotional baggage that develops from past trauma. These habitually buried emotional toxins of the subconscious influence the cellular level of our body. This is why we need to deal with any emotional baggage as it can help us maintain the necessary balance of the chakras. This will influence the healing of the physical being.

Chakra Healing is good for the Body. We directly influence our chakras when we take on such activities as aromatherapy, color therapy and Reiki healing by bringing balance to the chakras while using such items as gemstones, pendulums and crystals.

The physical and breathing exercises that are performed in yoga is beneficial in maintaining the balance of the charkas of the body, many individuals enjoy attending yoga exercise classes.

There is a wide variety of chakra healing methods, such as using CDs and audio guided visualization tapes to inspire techniques of relaxation and natural healing or focusing on an object, thought or awareness for a particular amount of time. These help by reducing stress and channeling relaxation and mind power.

Although, we may not be able to see or touch our chakras, the do work continually to maintain the body.

For there to be chakra balance the body must be nourished in order to enjoy optimal health. The seven major chakras benefit from specific foods that help to maintain balance.

The root chakra is nourished with foods rich in protein, spices and root type vegetables. Nuts, vanilla, cinnamon, sweet fruits and seeds such as caraway and sesame nourishes the sacral chakra that of our sexual being and creativity. Breads, cereals, pasta, yogurt, dairy products and spicy mints nourish our stomach or solar plexus chakra which enhances our sense of self love and self confidence.

Green leafy vegetables and green tea will nourish the heart chakra. The throat chakra benefits from the nourishment of consuming a lot of water and fruit juices as well as tangy fruits such as peaches and apples.

The enhancement of the sharpness of in our third eye sight and a deep sense of our psychical talents and gifts that associate with the brow or third eye chakra finds nourishment from the consumption of grape juice, wine, grapes and blueberries.

Detoxifying the body is beneficial to the crown chakra which is our emotional and spiritual center. This is done by the ritual inhalation of incense and herbs and by fasting.

When we influence our chakras by stimulation, we do influence our health. When we do so we become more responsive in our everyday and spiritual life, while we are more able to tune in completely to our surroundings and various other elements of the metaphysical and physical environment in which we live our lives. - 14130

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Your Guide to Hangover Home Remedies

By Lucille Green

Even if a hangover remedy is almost always effective, that is no reason to frequently drink too much alcohol. During the years, untold numbers of cures for a hangover have been contrived but the best one of all is to refuse a drink. Hangover cures and remedies have a tough job because a hangover has many areas that cause distress, the worst one being dehydration.

Due to the process of impurities within the drink itself, some alcoholic beverages give worse hangovers than others. How rapidly you become drunk is also often down the level of these impurities and just how bad the hangover will be. For instance the white (vodka, gin etc) spirits have less impurities than the colored ones (whisky and cognac) as they have been filtered.

The simplest thing is to not have to search for hangover cures in the first place by curbing our drinking characteristics. This occurs all too often when individuals drink a large quantity of alcohol in a very short space of time or because they haven't eaten anything, but they only have themselves to blame. When you drink slowly, the body is able to absorb and process the alcohol more efficiently and hangover curatives aren't required.

Unfortunately, we seem to be cursed to search for remedies for a hangover and this is always a good talking point at any bar in the world. While this is the case, individuals and organizations will continue to search for hangover remedies that actually live up to their name. It doesn't matter how slowly you drink, if you don't stop, alcohol will bit by bit dehydrate the body and this dehydration can lead to the hangover head ache the next day, therefore, it's important to re-hydrate your body before you go to sleep.

In order to re-hydrate your body, try downing a large glass of cold mineral water before bed and also a couple of paracetemol or equivalent, to help with the head ache you will have, then a glass of orange juice the following morning to help replace the lost vitamin C. Despite this information hangover cures are less efficient as you get older and as a bonus, the hangovers also get worse. A recent addition to the hangover curatives list is bananas which evidently contain large volumes of fructose and potassium which are 2 minerals lost when drinking.

Bananas also have 2 other constituents that help with hangovers as there is an antacid to help with the nausea and magnesium to help with the bad head ache. As hangover curatives go, some people swear by having a 'hair of the dog' which is normally a 'Bloody Mary' with a few extra constituents, however, the very thought of alcohol when they have a hangover is usually enough to put individuals off. Ultimately, your best defense is knowing when to stop and, when to resist that 'one for the road' proposition! - 14130

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How to Cure Hemorrhoids

By Heather-Jane Hunter

All over the United States there are many who are suffering from the problem of hemorrhoids, as many as 4% of the people in America are afflicted with this problem. Because this is such a widely experienced problem many are finding that there are many hemorrhoid cures that are being developed in order to eliminate this problem. The hardest part about this is finding the hemorrhoid cure that is right for you and your type of hemorrhoids. The most popular of the hemorrhoid cures include surgery, creams, diet changes, ointments and natural cures.

Out of all the different hemorrhoid cures that are available, surgery is the least popular choice. Because it is very painful and requires that a person stay in bed for up to 4 weeks, it is less likely to be the cure of choice. Many people will chose to avoid having hemorrhoid surgery, unless they have a more severe case of hemorrhoids.

In most cases, people will chose one of the many creams, lotions and ointments that are available in their pharmacies close to their homes. With these products the person will not need to go to a physician in order to get a prescription. Many people who have tried this kind of hemorrhoid cure have found that they get some good results, however these results are not long lasting. Creams usually work at helping to reduce swelling and will not cure the problem of hemorrhoids. There are also some people who complain that they experience sensations of burning and much experience more itching. Others feel that this is not the most convenient of methods as it needs to be reapplied quite a few times during the day, which in some cases is not possible.

When using the different lotions, creams and ointments as a hemorrhoid cure, a person must understand that these products are only to be used as a temporary quick fix and is not an effective cure for hemorrhoids. However, when coupled with natural cures this can be a very good remedy.

Another good hemorrhoid cure is changing what you eat. While this is a good way to go, it is also important that changing the diet is not going to completely cure you without a backup plan. However, diet is one of the more important of the roles when you are trying a hemorrhoid cure. You will find that fiber will help with making your stool softer, which will assist with allowing them to move through your anal canal easily, and with less agitation. Eating foods such as fruits and vegetables have an opposite effect and will increase the amount of suffering you experience from hemorrhoids. Using vitamins will help you not only cure the effects of hemorrhoids but it will prevent you from getting them, and help to strengthen and repair your skin. You will want to use Vitamins C, B, and A, if you suffer from Hemorrhoids.

Yet another option to use as a hemorrhoid cure, which is both easy and convenient, is the natural cure. These cures are good at helping to cure hemorrhoids and they go along way in helping to relieve pain as well. The natural cure focuses primarily on what actually caused the hemorrhoids and works at eliminating them from the source. They get rid of the underlying problems instead of only focusing on the symptoms which is what the creams and lotions do.

When you focus on what is really causing the hemorrhoids, you will find a cure that is going to last a long time rather than having a temporary quick fix. Because you will find natural cures that actually go after the cause, you will notice that when you use them you will get better, faster and longer lasting results. - 14130

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5 Essential Oils for Natural Weight Loss

By Deborah Lindholm

If you've started on a quest to take better care of your body, congratulations. You deserve a hearty hug and accolades. Losing weight can be a challenge on the best of days. Mother Nature has however, created several essential oils which make losing weight more manageable both physically and emotionally. Let's take a look at these essential oils and how they can help you lose weight.

Essential Oil of Grapefruit

Grapefruit oil, also called citrus paradise, offers many health benefits including alleviating water retention and strengthening your immune system. However one particular is that it actually dissolves fat. A Japanese study found that the primary component of grapefruit oil, limonene, enhances Lipolysis - a process whereby stored fatty acids are released into your bloodstream, broken down by your kidney and liver and used as energy sources for your heart and brain.

In addition to essentially dissolving fat, grapefruit oil is a natural weight loss suppressant, think about all those grapefruit diets!


While Grapefruit oil is helping you break down and dissolve fat, Bergamot essential oil helps you combat emotional stress - a common cause for overeating and consuming typically unhealthy foods.

In your brain your sense of smell and your emotional centers are close in proximity. Bergamot, along with some other essential oils, stimulates your emotional centers and produces a calming, stress and anxiety reducing effect. Lavender can be added to boost you sense of well being and calm.

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood is well known for its medicinal qualities including use as an astringent, a fungicide, a sedative and for treating a number of skin conditions. Yet many are unaware of Sandalwood's capability to eliminate negative cell programming. Chemistry, thoughts and behaviors all influence our cellular programming and sandalwood essential oil facilitates reprogramming when combined with changing habits and thoughts.


Peppermint has long been held as a digestive aid to soothe an upset stomach or help digestion yet it is also oil which provides unique weight loss benefits. Dr Alan Hirsch conducted a study and found peppermint can directly affect your brain's satiety center - the ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus. This powerful essential oil makes you feel full after meals. The result is the ability to eat less and still feel satisfied. You can choose to either inhale peppermint oil before a meal or drink a few drops in a glass of water or tea right before each meal.

Peace & Calming

Peace & Calming, a blend of essential oils, contains:

- Tangerine Oil. Calms the nervous system and is used as a diuretic.

- Orange Oil. Helps overcome depression and gives emotional support.

- Ylang Ylang. Used to clarify thoughts and assist in a feeling of wellness and peace.

- Patchouli. Used as sedative and relaxation aid.

- Blue Tansy Oil. Cleans the liver and essentially helps your body breakdown fat.

Commonly used to treat children with hyperactivity, Peace & Calming also helps soothe stress, maintain clarity and help your organs, specifically your liver, function optimally.

Essential oils are a terrific and natural way to suppress appetite, calm emotions as they relate to food and stress, and to actually dissolve fat. These essential oils can be dispersed or applied in a number of ways. Read the directions before applying for safety and effectiveness. When it comes to losing weight, it's nice to know there is a natural way to aid our efforts. - 14130

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Benefits of colon cleansing

By Jack williams

Colon cleansing is a process of cleaning the colon out. Many people use colon cleansing in order to gain health benefits or to lose excess weight. The process of colon cleaning is used to remove the buildup of waste products that are filling up the colon rather than being removed from the body.

Colon cleansers can be purchased in many stores, pharmacies and online. The colon cleansers are used to start the colon cleansing process. You will fast or be limited in what you can eat during the colon cleaning process. Many products must be used for at least forty-eight hours for results.

People often need colon cleansing because they have a diet of unhealthy foods. Foods high in fat, sugar and cholesterol can weigh your colon down and provide little nutritional benefit. After performing a colon cleaning, you should introduce a healthy and well-balanced diet into your life.

A colon cleanse is not recommended for children. There are, however, many colon cleansers that are labeled as being effective for children. Rather than trying a colon cleanse for your childs colon health, try to introduce a diet with sufficient levels of fiber. Avoid fatty and greasy foods when feeding your family. Encourage your children to drink several glasses of water each day.

Colon cleansing is believed to help treat and prevent a variety of illnesses. A colon cleanse several times each year can help to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and even cancer. You will have improved digestion and less tummy troubles. It is believed that colon cleaning can even help to reduce the frequency of allergies and asthma.

A colon cleanse can even be used to help you lose weight. You can have several pounds of waste that are laying around in your body. A colon cleanse can be used to help you gain better health. Losing weight is an added bonus. Look over reviews of colon cleansers to find those with the most positive reviews and ratings. - 14130

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Children - Warts in Kids

By Manu Hagen

Nearly fifty percent of children acquire warts at some time or the other. Warts, in the real sense are benign tumors which develop when keratinocytes, a kind of skin cell, is infected by the wart virus. There are many types of warts, the most common being rough bumps which appear on fingers and hands. Others are flat warts, genital warts, plantar warts, and molluscum contagiosum. The difference is based on the types, location, and painfulness of the wart. Common warts appear on fingers and hands and usually are painless. Plantar warts appear on the soles and are sometimes painful. Periungal warts show up around the finger and toe nail. Warts which appear on the face are flat warts.

A dome starts to appear after a day after infection. A popular myth is that warts have roots, but they don't. They grow on the epidermis, which is the top most layer of the skin. The black portion is because of broken veins and clotted blood.

Warts come and go at various stages of life like childhood and teenage years. They usually go away by themselves. But some can be very painful, can spread quickly and some of them wont go away for many years. Such kind of warts should definitely be treated. The most common treatment among the pediatricians is cryotherapy. They will freeze the warts using liquid nitrogen. Cantharidin can also be applied, which is a painless treatment but can result in painful blisters at the end of the day.

If the warts won't still budge they are further treated with strong salicylic acid, intralesional immune-therapy, bleomycin, or a pulsed dye laser. Aldara can also be used in worst cases. Because of some treatments the warts grow to the end of the blister, which results in a bigger wart and some might even result in a scar.

Besides other common wart treatments, the most well-known home remedy is duct tape. The affected area is covered with duct tape for about six days. If within that time period, the tape peels off, it should be reapplied. After the sixth day, the duct tape should be removed and the wart should be soaked in water and a pumice stone or emery board should be used to scrap the top skin of the wart. After this, the duct tape should be reapplied again within twenty four hours and the same procedure should be repeated until the whole wart disappears. This procedure takes at least two months to get rid of the wart completely. Some kids hesitate to put duct tape on parts which are visible, like fingers and legs. They can be encouraged by making them wear colored duct tape, other than grey. Many home wart freezing and removal kits are also available in the market whose help can be taken.

Warts spread by direct contact with the wart or any material which the infected mortal has used like a used towel which has been contaminated. It is contagious and hence it is recommended to stay away from it at the very sight of it. All the cuts, rashes and bites should be cleaned regularly and should be kept covered. Another measure for prevention is wearing closed shoes in public places. - 14130

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Beginning Aromatherapy with Essential Oil Diffusers

By Michelle Rae

Essential oils are a curiosity to many folks -- they smell nice, but they're just not sure what to do with them, never mind how to get the most from aromatherapy's science-proven benefits. So where to start?! Inhale! Breathe them in! The simplest means is through diffusion: evaporating the oils into your home, office, or other living space. By using a diffuser to accelerate the evaporation of oils in the air around you, one can both enjoy the wonderful aromas of pure essential oils, and go so far as to use them for their therapeutic, medicinal effects.

Diffusion of an essential oil means to distribute the oil in the air around you. Essential oils easily evaporate -- more easily than water -- so this is a pretty straightforward thing to do. At the same time, there are ways to get even more essential oil in the air, at a higher concentration than, say, if you just let a bottle sit open on a table. This is where an aromatherapy diffuser comes it. The diffuser evaporates the essential oil faster, using one of many possible methods (more on that in a moment). And why would you want to evaporate the oil faster? If you just left a bottle sitting open, you and your family would occasionally smell the aroma coming from the bottle; if you'd like your whole room or house to be filled with that aroma, you'd use a diffuser.

The least expensive diffusers work very well for bringing aroma into the air. They often use heat to evaporate essential oil -- others use a small fan -- and both these types often have a small replaceable pad onto which a few drops of essential oil are placed. These diffusers have the advantage of low cost and ease-of-use, though they generally are only for small spaces, like a single bedroom or small office. More advanced diffusers, called ultrasonic diffuser, are like small ultrasonic humidification units, built to diffuse essential oil along with a mist of air. They are well-liked, particularly in dry environments -- the ultrasonic diffusers are also made to fill a somewhat larger space with aroma.

There are other simple, inexpensive 'low-tech' methods of diffusing essential oils. These are as simple as candle warmers -- where a candle gently evaporates a few drops of essential oil floating on a small bowl of water above a tea-light candle (don't forget the water! So many people report these devices burn their oils, but they've put them just over the heat!). A Reed Diffuser is also common, which evaporates aromatic oils through bamboo reeds and slowly into the air. Though they do most often use a synthetic dispersion agent called DPG or dipropylene glycol, which most aromatherapists will not recommend using, as at some point the diffusion process requires one breathing in its vapors.

The high end of aromatherapy diffusers are called cold-air nebulizing diffusers. The use nothing but a pressurized stream of air to make a fine mist of essential oil, which then evaporates directly into the air. The best of these units have a variable output control so they can be properly adjusted to the size of the room and/or the desired concentration of aroma in the air. The nebulizing diffuser has the capability of both simply diffusing oils for their aromatic effects, and to go so far as to deliver true therapy in aroma medicine. The classic aroma medicine texts show images of people placed in oxygen-style tents inhaling significant quantities of essential oil vapor to cure them of very serious infectious diseases. This effect can be created in small rooms, though it is important to have the guidance of a natural health professional before including this modality in a treatment program for yourself or a loved one. At the same time, these techniques are very worthwhile investigating, and the curing of infectious illness is considered one of the most promising medical application of essential oil therapy.

The essential oil one can diffuse vary as much as the diffusers themselves. If you're just wanting to make your space smell wonderful, choose a few of your favorite aromas and just go for it! Use small amounts at first to conserve your oils, while you get an idea of how much essential oil diffusing for so long suits your tastes. Some people are more sensitive than others, so take your friends and family into consideration as well. Note that children generally need much less oil to notice and have a response to, so lower your starting volume for the younger ones of your family. Blending oils from the same family is easy to do, and generally results in a very fun scent. To simply bring great cheer to a room, woods and needle oils work especially well, as their scents are broadly loved. Balsam Fir, Pine, Spruce, Black Spruce and Juniper Berry go very well together; the Citrus oils also combine well -- you can blend virtually any combination of Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange, Tangerine and Mandarin and make a very uplifting combination. If you like floral aromas, you can try blending your favorites of those as well, though they take a little more close attention to the ratios of each oil so that one does not overwhelm another. When you start, it's not a bad idea to take notes about how many drops of each oil you've used and adjust them to make your favorite combination the next time. There are many pre-made diffuser blends of pure essential oils available as well, so consider giving them a try.

Blend recipes can often be found that are made for specific therapeutic needs -- though in many cases, a single oil is called for in a "therapy". Sleep can be helped for many people through just diffusing a high quality French Lavender essential oil; Memory and concentration can be enhanced by cold pressed Lemon oil or a steam distilled wild Rosemary. Immune system support is often provided by many of the oils from herbs, such as Melissa (Lemon Balm), Hyssop (a highly-regarded anti-viral oil), and Eucalyptus Radiata (recently shown to improve the efficacy of our white blood cells in their immune system action). Without too much work, you can find the right oils for your needs, and blending needn't be too precise for these actions from a diffuser (though you would want to take care to be more precise with other modalities, like topical application, and in extreme cases, oil ingestion with the guidance of a doctor).

So there is a primer on diffusing essential oils. To recap, first pick the diffuser style that will suit your needs, whether you'll just like to smell the aromas in a smaller space, or diffuse significant quantities for health reasons. Next, you can blend one oil at a time (diffusers usually do not require one to clean them between oils, nor are the therapeutic effects significantly altered by this), by a pre-blended formula, or create your own diffuser mixture. Just be sure not to include any fixed or carrier oils for diffuser use -- many massage formulas can be converted to diffuser use simply by removing the carrier oil. Start slowly, remembering that you'll generally need less oil than you think to produce the effect you need. And welcome yourself to a whole new world of natural medicine. - 14130

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fitness Tips - Weight Loss: Why Exercise Is Important

By Marius Hagen

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, you may be in the process of developing a weight loss plan for yourself. For many individuals, a weight loss plan is a guide that they can follow and one that may help to give them motivation. If this is your first time developing a weight loss plan for yourself, it is important that you place a focus on exercise, as exercise is important component of weight loss.

For your body to lose weight, you must see a reduction in your calorie intake. The amount of calories that you need to reduce, in order to lose weight, will all depend on your current weight and your hopeful weight loss goal. Unfortunately, this is where many individuals automatically assume that they can?t eat three meals a day and many actually just stop eating. This is not only dangerous to your health, but it can be deadly.

By exercising, you burn off calories. These are calories in which your body can use to help you lose weight. If you have a specific weight loss goal, like one that involves losing at least twenty pounds, you may want to focus on fun exercises or workouts, but also ones that burn the most calories. Adding exercise to your weight loss plan is a natural and a healthy way to lose weight.

Since it is important to incorporate to exercise into your weight loss plan, you may be wondering how you can go about doing so. In all honestly, there are an unlimited number of ways that you can go about using exercise to help you lose weight. For starters, you can buy a collection, even just a small collection, of exercise equipment. Exercise equipment can include items such as exercise balls, weights, a treadmill, a stair climber, and so forth. Even if you have limited financial resources, you should be able to find a number of exercise equipment pieces that are within your budget.

Although you should be able to find a number of exercise equipment pieces, including instructional workout DVDs, for affordable prices, you may be looking to limit your weight loss plan investments. If that is the case, you may want to take the time to examine your local gyms or fitness clubs. While some fitness clubs and gyms have relatively high membership fees, you can also find a number of them with affordable membership rates. It is also important to mention that many fitness clubs and gyms are open accommodating hours, often making it easy to exercise before work.

Despite the fact that exercise is often associated with exercise equipment, like a treadmill, that is not all that exercise is about. Exercise can also involve something simple like going for a achievement or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. If you would prefer to exercise, for free, in your spare time, you may want to consider finding an exercise buddy. This is a mortal who can workout with you, even if it just involves travel around your local shopping mall. Not only can you make a new friend or strengthen your relationship with one of your current friends, having an exercise buddy or an exercise partners often means that you are more likely to stick with your weight loss plan and achieve your weight loss goals.

As outlined above, it is extremely important that you incorporate exercise into your weight loss plan, especially if you are serious about losing weight and wish to do so in a healthy matter. With multiple ways to go about incorporating exercise into your weight loss plan. - 14130

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Exposed: Hemorrhoid Cures

By Heather-Jane Hunter

As an ex sufferer of hemorrhoids I once found myself in a situation where I felt that everything I tried failed. Nothing worked for me for a long time and I was left feeling demoralized and doomed. I was at a point where I was willing to do anything to get rid of my hemorrhoids once and for all.

When I remember back to how painful and irritating hemorrhoids were, I realize what a struggle I went through and how much I learned. In the following text I hope to share with you some of the many things I learned as well as what eventually worked for me and what didnt.

One of the main problems I found with a few major hemorrhoid cures solutions was that they came with nasty side effects. One example of this is when using creams to cure hemorrhoids. My personal experience with creams was not great " thats not to say that there are good hemorrhoid creams available " but just that the creams I tried didnt live up to their promises. Most hemorrhoid creams work by reducing swelling of the hemorrhoid. One of the major benefits of reducing the swelling is to reduce pain and discomfort. This worked well for me but it came at a cost of increased irritation and burning. After a few days using the cream I was forced to stop because the burning became more painful than what I was suffering before I started using the cream. If you are going to use a cream " I recommend you look at it as a temporary solution and make sure you get a good list of testimonials. Creams can also be used well in conjunction with other curing techniques.

Surgery (for hemorrhoid removal) is generally only used once all other options have been exhausted. The main reasons why hemorrhoid surgery is not as popular as it used to be are that it can be very expensive (US$1200 upwards) and that it can be very painful. Fortunately I managed to cure my hemorrhoids without using surgery. Many of my friends have had hemorrhoid surgery however and I have seen first hand how difficult and time consuming the recovery period can be. Some people I know have been almost unable to move for over 5 weeks after having hemorrhoidectomies. Many doctors agree that hemorrhoid surgery should be a last resort this is one of the main reasons. If you have tried everything and hemorrhoid surgery is your only option left, ensure you prepare yourself for a long painful recovery time.

The way I finally cured my hemorrhoids (after struggling for 18 months) was through using natural hemorrhoid remedies. The natural remedies worked so well for me because they work on fighting the cause of hemorrhoids instead of healing the effects of hemorrhoids. Natural hemorrhoid remedies can work very quickly to cure hemorrhoids with some people noticing results in as little as 4-5 days. Natural hemorrhoid cures are by far the cheapest option and can be done from you own home.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids or know of someone who suffers from hemorrhoids, a wealth of information is available from the pages mentioned below. - 14130

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Thyroid Problems and Operative Treatment

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

Endocrine glands are the structures in the body which secrete hormones and the thyroid gland, anatomically placed in the front of the neck, is responsible for the production of thyroxine. Thyroxine is produced and passes into the blood and its function is to control the metabolism with some control over the functioning of all the cells in the body. More thyroxine can be stored and produced by the thyroid gland than can be used by the body so if a partial thyroid removal is the necessary operation then the patient may not need to take thyroid replacement tablets.

If the whole thyroid gland is excised then the patient will need to take tablets for thyroxine replacement throughout their life. The size of four small rice grains, the minute parathyroid glands adhere to the thyroid gland and secrete a hormone called parathyroid hormone. Parathyroid hormone is closely involved in the blood regulation of calcium concentrations, which promotes good health and the maintenance of a healthy skeletal structure. During the thyroid removal operation the surgeons take care not to affect the parathyroid glands but the secretions of the glands can be altered.

The excision of the thyroid gland is called thyroidectomy and the surgeons either remove the whole gland (total), partial (sub-total) or a hemithyroidectomy or removal of a lobe of the gland (lobectomy). Thyroidectomy is performed for several reasons with hyperthyroidism being the commonest, which means overactivity of the thyroid. An enlargement of the thyroid gland, known as goitre, can cause compression of the gullet or windpipe, may look unpleasant or interfere with swallowing or breathing. Removal of goitre is a typical thyroid operation.

A general anaesthetic is used to carry out the thyroidectomy operation so the patient is unconscious during the entire procedure. The incision is made in the neck, mostly in the natural crease of the skin just above the sternum and is made on both sides at the same time. The incision heals well in these cases, gradually becoming inconspicuous and eventually almost disappears completely. A small tube may be placed in the neck to act as a drain to collect any fluid from the wound. This helps the process of healing and the drain is removed in the first day or so after operations. Two to four days in hospital is the typical stay.

Patients should refrain from eating for six hours before the operation and take clear fluids only up to two hours before the event. A venflon will be placed in the arm and through this the anaesthetic is given to last for the hour or two the operation will take. Some surgeons put stitches under the skin so removal is not necessary, others may use clips or stitches in the skin which are taken out after a few days. Two to four days is the typical hospital stay but this is dependent on how well people are, and on discharge they should be collected by a relative. The level of pain after thyroidectomy varies and typically patients have some around the neck.

There are various post-operative risks and many of them are rare. Infection can occur in the wound and if it develops redness and soreness then antibiotic treatment is prescribed. Wound reopening and exploration to remove any accumulated pus is also rarely required. Bleeding in the wound can occur, leading to a haematoma which necessitates wound exploration and washing out, with a one in fifty chance of this occurring. Patients will have some bruising and also swelling around the wound area caused by the bleeding under the wound.

A check of the vocal chords will be performed on all patients before surgery and operating very close to the larynx and the nerves which supply it is discussed with the patient. The nerves can lose partial function if they are bruised during surgery and weakness and hoarseness of the voice can be affected as the nerves control vocal chord movements. It may take months for the voice to recover and in rare, severe cases the nerve can be permanently altered. It is very rare for both nerves to be affected and a serious complication as the ability to speak is lost and a tracheotomy in the trachea is necessary to maintain breathing. - 14130

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Searching the Natural Anti Inflammatory Way

By Paul J. Easton

Many affected individuals who suffer from chronic inflammation are recommended with such medical treatments as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), even so, they may not be aware of safer medical treatments for this medical condition, such as the extract from green mussels.

The bad new is that NSAIDs are proven to have hazardous side effects and these side effects can even lead to death. This health issue drove the search for natural alternatives to NSAID. But do natural alternatives like green mussel extract really work? And is there truly a cause to turn to alternative remedies over more traditional medicines?

NSAIDs have been the hidden cause to tens of thousands of deaths from patients advised this drug in the United States exclusively. Pharmaceutical giants are averse to acknowledge it until one paper shows that almost 14,000 Americans die each year after taking NSAIDs for a long period of time.

Vioxx alone is responsible for more the deaths of more than 50,000 citizens. These statistics exclusively are quite horrible and are a cause for an alarm among people suffering from inflammatory problems.

What is the danger with NSAID medicines such as Vioxx? Vioxx has been banned in the market because it is one of the causes of internal bleeding with prolonged use. The drug erodes the stomach lining and intestines. This causes some sufferers to bleed to death from excessive damage after some time of taking the drug.

Vioxx was just taken off from the pharmaceuticals marketplace after a representative of the United States' Food and Drug Administration manifested the drug's unfavorable effects and lobbied to tag it as banned for use. Unfortunately, a lot of individuals had already died before such action was implemented.

Many patients these days are searching healthier choices to traditional medicinal treatments. Better and natural products like green mussel extract are fast becoming known to be effective. There are still many types of NSAIDs being advised but as the outcome of the Vioxx disaster, numerous patients are now attempting to look for safer options to these drugs with the natural way.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 14130

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What Can You Do To Recall Your Past Lives?

By Georgia Kirsten

In the world today, there are many more individuals who believe in reincarnation, than there are individuals who do not. For many it may be part of their religious beliefs, such as for Buddhists and Hindus, while for many others, it just makes sense to them or perhaps some may be simply curious. Whether they are searching for answers about that particular something that stands out in their minds that follows they all their lives or they are merely curious to find out, many individuals do their best to find out more concerning their past lives. There are various ways to discover the explanations, when you find yourself curious about past lives.

Keep a Journal

One of the best ways to learn about your past lives is to begin a journal. You should write down the things you experience, even those experiences that may seem insignificant. While including the way you feel about any event, since our emotions are the strongest clues we have, that may relate to a past life. Journaling your experiences creates a written record that can aid you in piecing your clues together when using it later as a reference.

Try looking at your present life for clues. Make a list of things that you like and dislike for everything from fashion, childhood and food to architecture, cultures, climates and historical time periods. Include everything you can think of like talents, occupations, times you felt dj vu, animals, personality traits, phobias, scars and birth marks.

Since dream time may include various hints and symbols concerning past lives, you should also record your dreams. Keep in mind that these symbols can be very clear, while they may also combine experiences or messages concerning this life or a past life. Upon falling asleep, you can make suggestions about what you would like to learn about from a past life and then write everything you can remember in your journal.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Visiting a professional past life regression therapist can be beneficial, since they are trained and certified to guide you through a regression and then help you to interpret the information that may come through. The International Association of Past Life Therapists and the International Association for Regression and Research and Therapies both train and certify professional therapists. There may be a local area to find a therapist in your geographical location.


There are many methods of meditation that can help you explore your past lives. While meditating on your own is a private way to find out about your past, some people may have trouble trusting the information that comes in, but you should try and trust your feelings.

At times meditation may seem like daydreaming, when the images are coming to you and then leaving again, however, you may come across some very important information. You should write these down to ponder over later. Since our minds are so very suggestible, it can retrieve the information you ask it too. Keep in mind that if you tell yourself that you cannot do it, you will not be able to do so, because of the negative thought you have planted.

Some individuals find that having a visual or audio stimulus, such as the flame of a candle or a sound is useful for meditation. You may be interested in using a pre-recorded guided meditation session from your therapist or listening to music or specific sounds such a Tibetan bells or the repeated sound of "om".

Binaural beats is an interesting type of audio technology processing that offers some recent interesting advances. You can relax instantly and reach a state of meditation, that is generally reached by experienced Zen monks, when listening to the various frequencies that play in each ear, when using binaural beats.

No matter which form of meditation technique you may use, be sure that it is somewhere peacefully comfortable while allowing no disturbances while meditating for the best results.

Lie down or sit in a comfortable position, while being in a receptive and positive frame of mind. You will focus on relaxing your muscles while quieting your mind. When undesirable concerns enter your mind, simply acknowledge them and then let then pass, however it may take some practice to do so. You should focus on your heart, while not expecting anything but relaxing. When questions arise, ask them and then let them go. The answers will come to you, when you least expect them.

The images you receive will help you resolve something in your life, and that is what is important whatever your belief in reincarnation. It may not always be possible to prove that these images really are from a previous life, although many people do get enough information to actually research and verify names, places and events.

Some people find out that the people they love now were with them in another lifetime, although their relationship with that person may have been different. For example your father may have been your brother or even your husband in one of your past lives.

No matter the initial belief of some individuals, concerning past lives or reincarnation, many individuals who do try regression may find that the information they receive can be extremely interesting and helpful. - 14130

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