Saturday, October 10, 2009

ED,Sleep Apnea and Snoring

By Christian Goodman

I recently read a snippet that said over one third of the men who snore have no sex life.

One might presume that with a person who snores, this simply means that their sleeping partner is in another room, leaving little to no chance for sex.

This, however, is not the only or even the biggest reason. Would it surprise anyone to learn that between sixty and eighty percent of those who suffer from sleep apnea experience erectile dysfunction (ED) " the inability to achieve or maintain an erection.

The worse ones sleep apnea is, the percentage increases. Why is this? A couple of theories exist.

The soundest possibility is that when one suffers from sleep apnea, an obstruction that occurs when soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses and in turn blocks the airway during sleep, vital oxygen necessary to health is not properly transported by the blood.

This in turn can lead to all types of health problems including stroke, kidney disease and hypertension (which can ultimately induce heart disease).

For the purposes of ED causes, hypertension would be the culprit. In fact, the most common cause of ED is hypertension (high blood pressure).

Another belief is that if one experiences even mild sleep apnea, he stops breathing a number of times per night which, in turn, disrupts REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. It is thought that REM state erections are actually needed to produce healthy conscious erections.

Snoring can also be a concern. Thou one may not stop breathing when one snores (if you can be heard in the next room, you probably have sleep apnea), breathing is still constrained and this in turn leads to less oxygen delivery to the body.

Risk factors for suffering ED due to sleep apnea include: being overweight, over age forty and alcohol or other drug abuse which can cause a drop in respiration.

Regardless of your reason for ED, I highly recommend my Erectile Dysfunction program. Its all natural and most importantly, it works! If you know snoring or mild sleep apnea are a problem for you, I also suggest that you try my Stop Snoring program.

EL331004 - 14130

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