Monday, October 12, 2009

4 Excuses To Avoid Probiotics

By Henry Bingaman

Excuse number 1- You're the owner of a pharmaceutical company. A probiotic is the foundation of a strong immune system. The Pharmaceutical industry makes their money by selling the idea that you need their products to get healthy. But if you're immune system is healthy and fully functioning, youll only need to take prescription drugs in real emergencies.

Pharmaceutical company owners would be setting a bad example by keeping their immune systems strong. You wouldn't want the public to take a drug that there's no need for right? Then you should consider proving it by taking all of your own medicine.

Reason number 2- you live on a farm 2 centuries ago. Technology and progress are wonderful things, but we sometimes embrace them too quickly. Its true that people are living 20 years longer on average than they did 200 years ago. We're not dying in droves from things like the plague or polio. But we are ingesting dangerous toxins at an alarming rate. A good probiotic can boost your immune and help your body process these toxins better.

Excuse number 3- You eat a perfect organic diet every day with plenty of dairy. I try to eat organic food as often as possible, but its not always possible. First I cant be 100 percent sure that there wasn't a mix-up in the grocery store. But more often, I just cheat. Its a fast paced world and I cant always eat perfectly.

Sometimes it's a coffee, a french fry, a soda, or a beer. No matter what, I know cheat in some small way almost every week. These little cheats add up to a lot of unhealthy food every month. But I can rest assured that my Probiotic supplement is there to clean up my mess.

Reason number 4- you're waiting for the scientific tests on probiotics to be conclusive. You'll be waiting a long time. Its not because there haven't been hundreds of university and independent studies that have shown just how beneficial probiotics can be, but because there will always be a pharmaceutical giant out to disprove them. And the pharmaceutical companies are working with government money.

As long as such a huge percent (almost 20% by some counts) of the United States profits are coming from the ultra-powerful marketing of prescription drugs to cure diseases, the government has no interest in preventing them. Your health comes after the economy's health in their view. - 14130

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