Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yeast Infection Symptoms - Get to Know Your Body

By Emery Jordyn

It is important that we learn to observe our bodies in order to be able to tell when something is "off". Yeast infection symptoms may differ depending on where the infection is located. Yeast infections are very widespread, yet tend to be one of the most mis-diagnosed and difficult of health problems.

It's very normal for yeast or fungi organisms to exist on nearly every part of our body. The most common form of these organisms is Candida albicans. A yeast infection or Candidiasis arises when certain conditions are met that allow for an imbalance of the good and bad bacteria in our bodies which usually keeps this yeast "in check". A yeast overgrowth or yeast infection is the adverse result of this imbalance.

Yeast infections come in many forms such as a vaginal yeast infection a baby's diaper rash or an oral yeast infection commonly known as thrush.

Vaginal yeast infection symptoms very often consist of a discharge that is thick and has a cottage cheese texture-however not everyone experiences this symptom. There is usually itching, burning and irritation around the vaginal area and surrounding tissue. There may also be discomfort during sex and a burning sensation while urinating.

Yeast infection symptoms in babies and adults may appear as an oral yeast infection or thrush. Thrush symptoms include white, thick, curd-like patches that appear on or under the tongue and palate of the mouth with redness and irritation of surrounding tissue. These patches may look like they could be washed away easily; however, if upon scraping or other attempt to remove them, bleeding occurs-you can pretty much conclude that you have thrush. Thrush can make it difficult to eat or swallow normally-and severe thrush may cause dehydration due to difficulty with swallowing food and liquids. Babies may also experience skin yeast infections that a diaper rash, but have a distinct uneven edge, as well as "satellite" patches of rash in other areas.

Individuals with compromised immune systems due to serious diseases including AIDS or cancer may also be prone to experience yeast infection symptoms that affect internal organs and often result in organ dysfunction and severe pain. AIDS patients commonly experience yeast infections of the esophagus (esophagitis) and upper gastrointestinal area. While these infections have similarities to thrush, they are more severe and tend to extend down the throat, esophagus and stomach. Resulting ulcers may affect the throat, esophagus and gastrointestinal system causing painful and difficult swallowing.

While these are some of the most common yeast infection symptoms, ongoing yeast infections may result in a broad range of long term symptoms including fatigue, foggy thinking, anxiety, bloating, migraines, sugar cravings and irritability, to name a few.

If you've never had a yeast infection before, it is most always best to talk with your doctor to confirm the diagnosis prior to self treating. The presence of severe symptoms such as fever or pelvic pain may indicate a more serious problem. - 14130

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