Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Should You Consider Chiropractic After An Auto Accident?

By Philip Vincent

Auto accidents cause many types of injuries, and many of them don't show up right away. You may think you are fine later that day, but when you wake up the next morning or a few days later, you feel like you can't move. Soft tissue injuries like whiplash often don't appear immediately. It may actually take a week or more before you find yourself with symptoms. When they do appear, they can cause stiffness, pain and stress.

Chiropractic care after an auto collision should be an automatic response. Chiropractors are trained to work with the skeleton and soft tissue. They know how the bio-mechanics of the body should work. They can detect injuries and help you get them healed.

Whiplash and many other car collision injuries usually affect the spine. A chiropractic examination will be able to find any injuries you have suffered. They are trained to deal with traumatic injuries and make you more comfortable. Seeing a chiropractor after an accident may also make sure your other medical bills are lower. They can help with many problems that stem from an accident so you won't need to see your medical doctor for additional x-rays and pain medication.

Whiplash symptoms: Neck pain Shoulder pain Headache Low back pain Blurred vision Difficulty swallowing Ringing in the ears Fatigue or weakness Nausea Dizziness Irritability Vertigo

Some Doctors of Chiropractic specialize in patients who just had auto accidents. They can show you the right exercises to help with any pain and discomfort. They understand that the injury to your neck or back can throw your muscles into a state of inflammation as they try to compensate for the injury. The gentle chiropractic manipulations to restore the spine to balance are not painful and patients may start feeling relief right away.

Some of these chiropractors are available on an emergency basis, so you can get your x-rays and examination as soon as possible. They can help you with your insurance company and with filing claims. If you need additional care, they can refer you to medical specialists. They are happy to work with your attorney, other doctors and the insurance companies involved as much as is needed to help you recover from your accident.

Some of the different therapies your chiropractor may use when you are injured in an accident include gentle spinal manipulations, trigger point therapy, hot and cold therapy and TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). They are happy to work with your other physicians in creating a treatment plan that will work best for you and your recovery. Injuries from auto accidents can be tricky. The soft tissue injuries may persist for long periods of time without the proper care and treatment. Long term problems may cause secondary issues to occur such as osteoarthritis. It is important to include chiropractic care in your recovery regimen after an auto accident to help prevent this.

While it is most common for people to worry about their car before they worry about themselves, if you are in an auto accident, please take the time to see a chiropractor. The doctor will check to see if you suffered any injuries and advise you accordingly. - 14130

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