Saturday, June 27, 2009

Is Miracle Mineral Supplement Safe For Long Term Use?

By Lee Jacobs

If you want to know what the long-term effects of MMS are when you use it consistently, read on. Oftentimes, the supplement may give you nausea, but you may be surprised to know that it may also produce inflammation. When done over the short term, inflammation can be beneficial, in that it can increase blood flow to tissues and give them the nutritional support they need to heal. However, if your immune system remains on "high alert," where you are experiencing inflammation beyond just its necessary function of removing microbes and diseased tissue, inflammatory response can become detrimental to you. In fact, inflammation can damage your body if it stays in place over the long term, and is thought to be at least partially the cause behind many chronic diseases today.

Chlorine dioxide works so effectively to kill microbes because it's an oxidizer, and a powerful one at that. Substances that can oxidize within your body generally give you a strong immune response, which is why inflammation is often a nearly immediate response and can actually be necessary when the body is healing. Inflammation is the body's way to take care of the healing process and speed it up by giving additional nutritional support to the area that needs it, and it also makes it much faster and easier for the body to remove its metabolic wastes. Of course, inflammation is unpleasant in the short term, but it may very well be that short term inflammation is necessary to maintain health. Unfortunately, traditional medicine states that any inflammation is bad, and therefore this natural response is often suppressed with anti-inflammatory medications specifically designed to suppress inflammation. And that unfortunately means that the body's natural defenses against disease are thwarted before they can ever get started.

Chronic diseases across the board tend to be more common as we advance in age. Any chronic pathology will tend to strip the body of its anti oxidant supplies, and prolonged MMS use will usually exasperate this even further. So as you can probably guess, it is important to supplement with additional anti oxidant support whilst consuming MMS. The ingestion of these additional anti oxidants should be taken apart from MMS, as if they are consumed too close together, then neutralization will take place. For example, if you use MMS before breakfast and just before bedtime - then antioxidants should be taken towards the middle of the day.

It doesn't matter what form you take your antioxidants in, either, whether they be supplements like vitamin C and E, the B vitamins, or substances like polyunsaturated oils, turmeric, berries, green tea and fresh fruit. Anything antioxidant is best taken apart from MMS.

As ascorbic acid is such a powerful supplement for the protection of oxidant sensitive structures such as the brain, eyes and heart. When consuming vitamin C, make sure to consume it at least 1 - 2 hours either side of the MMS protocol, as upon contact with the chlorine dioxide molecule, neutralization will take effect.

Expanding upon what is said in the paragraph above, if for some reason an individual has overdosed on sodium chlorite, a large volume of clean potable water mixed with ascorbic acid should be consumed over the period of 2 hours, as this is the most effective way in which to neutralize the chlorine dioxide compound. If further measures are required to bring about relief, then it may be wise to induce vomiting to expel what may be left within the stomach.

Taking too much of anything, including MMS, is never a good thing; this is also true of a miracle mineral supplement. So make sure you pay attention, and know that your health is multifaceted with many parts to it. However, over time and with diligence, your body is always going to strive for its balance, its equilibrium, which will allow you to return to health naturally. - 14130

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