Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Buying colloidal silver based products

By Raymond Petros

Research has now attested to the medicinal usefulness of colloidal silver. The use of this substance is prevalent in many different ways, often combined with other ingredients to derive a diverse range of health benefits.

The market is replete with a number of different colloidal silver products. Some of the most popular silver colloidal products are as follows:

Silver colloidal based creams

This nourishing cream is developed using silver colloidal and holds immense benefits for the skin. There are silver colloidal creams that incorporate the use of UMF rated Active Manuka Honey and Avocado Oil which has an all natural replenishing effect on the skin.

In its essence this beneficial cream acts as nutritious food for your dermis. The cream is extremely nourishing and can be applied all over the body. The use of colloidal silver in particular helps to eliminate all traces of bacteria and fungi from the skin thereby giving it a natural self defense mechanism.

Colloidal silver water

Colloidal Silver Water is being marketed aggressively out there for its ability to fight off fungal infections. In reality however this product has been around for ages.

The water can also be used as a means of treatment for inflammation of the eyes, ears, nose and throat. The water gets its ability to eliminate dangerous viruses the likes of streptococcus due to the microscopic electrically charged silver particles present within.

Medical science has also shown that silver ions actually have the capability to boost bone development. They are also known for promoting good overall body health. The immune system can also become stronger as the use of the substance helps to counter silver deficiency in the body. It has also been observed that the healing of damaged tissues is achieved at a faster rate when treated with colloidal silver water.

Colloidal Silver Water has also aided in providing effective treatment to burn patients. It helps to speed up the recovery of burn wounds.

Some suggest colloidal silver water can also help turn back cancer cells back to normal. This is because silver has the ability to kill pathogens. In total silver colloidal water can kill around 650 disease organisms.

Colloidal silver water disables the oxygen metabolism enzyme thereby causing the disease to die.

The immune system then flushes out the cells destroyed by colloidal silver water. One of the most impressive things about this substance is that it only takes effect on the harmful cells. It is not a substance that goes on a blind killing spree rather it has a very targeted approach. This rids it of any side effects.

Colloidal silver based supplements

Interested individuals will be able to find colloidal silver supplements for sale a plenty. These supplements contain small silver particles with a low ppm count.

Silver colloidal is used in combination with several minerals and vitamins that work together to support the immune system.

Colloidal Silver Supplements work as an anti-microbial agent. In the past colloidal silver was used to preserve milk and water but today it is used as a dietary supplement.

When this mineral supplement is added to de-iodized water it gives a TDS reading of 20 ppm. The combination of 25% ionic silver with 75% non-ionic silver particles works together to rid the body of all harm causing one cell organisms. - 14130

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