Friday, June 19, 2009

How Can Meditation Help Your Business?

By Graeme Stuart

Running your own Online Business requires a certain strength of character.

Lets face it, the technical skills and techniques needed are easily learned. Its your mindset and strength of character that will bring you great success and set you apart from your competitors.

What about maintaining a daily state of positivity and happiness and of belief, certainty and faith? How do you stay inspired, balanced, focused, enthusiastic and energised every single day? How do you maintain your clarity, dedication and industriousness on a day to day basis?

There are many, many techniques out there to help achieve this state of personal peak performance. I have tried most of them! Courses, books, personal development programs and systems, affirmations, visualisations, programming, you name it!

Of all these techniques, I have found nothing to be as beneficial as regular, daily meditation, combined with a short period of inner reflection or character building.

There are scientific studies into areas such as brain activity, brain synchrony and neurohormone levels, which have shown incredible results from the practice of meditation. One of the most noticeable effects I've found, is the increase in neurohormones.

Planetary Peace Meditation is my preferred choice of meditation. PPM has shown increases in neurohormones, serum serotonin and plasma melatonin of up to 300%.

In layman's terms, this means that I feel much happier after meditation! I am more centred and have much more clarity about what I am doing. I feel more relaxed and more positive about the day ahead, my business and life in general. My emotions are more stable and balanced, so I can see things clearly, rather than being clouded by my emotions.

I'm also able to deal with obstacles, which might otherwise put me behind schedule or put me in a negative mental I have extra energy to handle them, and the added clarity to see them accurately and work them out practically.

So, do you think this has an effect on your Online Business and internet marketing? You bet it does! If you're familiar with the Law of Attraction, have read books by Abraham-Hicks or watched 'The Secret', you'll know what I mean.

The better we're feeling, the higher our Energy level is, the more we attract what we want towards us. So if its a constant stream of new prospects hungry to buy into your business idea that you want, thats what you'll get!

Its a smart idea to use the time immediately after mediation when you're feeling great, to do things for your business. Make a video, write an article, update your blog, write your adcopy, etc. Whatever you do will be infused with the good energy you generated during meditation. This in turn, will be picked up on by your prospects and will make them more receptive to you and your business.

For me, I prefer to meditate first thing in the morning after a shower. It's the perfect set-up for the day ahead. But any time during the day or evening is fine too. All you need is half an hour.

The meditation I recommend most highly only takes 20 minutes, is guided and can be found 24 hours a day online at Click on Planetary Meditation for Peace.

There's so much more to say on the benefits of meditation, which would take us beyond the scope of this article.

So for now, keep meditating and look out for my other articles on this topic! You will find tips on how to use meditation, and this meditation in particular (Planetary Peace Meditation) to specifically energise and accelerate any goals you may have in business and in life.

To find out more about the recommended meditation, visit

Wishing you tremendous Success and Happiness, Graeme Stuart - 14130

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